Secure Socket Layer Certificate (SSL)


Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates are an important component of security that prevent attackers from impersonating a secure website or other server, ensure strong and reliable email encryption, and even provide signing and verification of code and applications so that your customers know they’re safe when downloading or accessing your products and services.

Black Box helps you protect your web services and ensure that confidential data sent via the internet is encrypted and secure. Through globally verified certificate authorities, we provide our Secure Socket Layer Certificate (SSL) service to businesses and organizations in need of identifying, purchasing, installing, and configuring the SSL server certificates.

Why It’s Valuable and How It’s Beneficial

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates provide you with the security and peace of mind that comes with SHA-2 enhanced server security encryption. Black Box also works closely with your teams to guarantee that the most effective, affordable, and appropriate SSL certificate is selected and professionally installed.

What You Purchase and Receive

Black Box ensures that our Secure Socket Layer Certificate (SSL) service provides the expertise and effort necessary to perform the following work and generate the following report:

  1. DevOps for the installation and configuration of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates within organization’s infrastructure
  2. Software Verification and Validation Report (SVVR): A report containing the results of the verification and validation testing, which provides a full breakdown of the verified correctness and completion of all core requirements within corresponding specification and design documentation.

How Much It Will Cost

The cost of our Secure Socket Layer Certificate (SSL) service is determined based on your deadlines and expectations, and the amount of time and effort necessary to provide the deliverables guaranteed by our service level expectations.

How We Will Work Together

All research materials, information, and documentation will be maintained, compiled, and stored by Programming and Application Services, and directly accessible over secure channels or through Black Box secure systems. Private Black Box accounts are created and assigned to our clients as soon as work begins, providing them with limited access to information and documentation related to ongoing design and development requiring client feedback or input.