Funded by the National Science Foundation, Coweeta LTER has evolved from a site-based to a site- and region-based project centering on the effects of disturbance and environmental gradients on biogeochemical cycling, and the underlying watershed ecosystem processes that regulate and respond to those ecological cycles. Our current research program, entitled "Southern Appalachia on the Edge" focuses on the impacts that ex-urbanization and climate change are having on water quality, water quantity, and other ecosystem services. Our signature scientific publications page provides a general oversight for major findings generated from NSF research funding over the past 40 years.

Services Requested 

Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research, or Coweeta LTER existing as, contained a variety of applications and custom code that comprised the previous version of Coweeta's Infrastructure. The infrastructure required upgrading, and all of the infrastructure's applications needed to be configured to authenticate against a newly installed and configured LDAP server and database accordingly.