e. indexing. b. a. downward communication. True Phil is running late for his Saturday night shift at the factory. a. arbitrary thought. b. Move from the familiar to unfamiliar. b. Verbal communication is better suited to expressing attitudes and feelings rather than ideas. T/F? d. resonance, gatekeeping, and nearly instant speed. User: Which of the following statements is accurate? b. roles Kacie thought this meant that Taylor had had too much to drink. Do you have a suggestion to improve them? c. Her audience's attitude towards the occasion a. invention. e. topical, "I hope to give you an appreciation of important differences between social media and mass media." b. the sleeper effect. Ad hominem b. a. topical d. to heighten a speaker's credibility b. instagrams. A method of audience analysis that seeks information about specific listeners and that relates directly to the speaker's topic and purpose is The CEO of a company tells her employees that "each department will be restructuring within the next six months." a. increasing communication barriers in virtual work groups c. rituals A. mediums B. empathy C. channels e. symbolic evaluation. e. being mindful. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective informative speaking? Which of these is a guideline for choosing a speech topic? c. speaking to entertain d. Physical barrier, Katelyn needs to participate in an important conference call. All of the following are examples of mass media EXCEPT Ellen replies, "Oh yeah, he's that gay guy from our dorm, right?" Verbal communication is more believable than nonverbal communication. Also could be being ill, tired, or uncomfortable. Jay is using ________ to nonverbally communicate. ", When Jeremy begins his speech, the audience doesn't know him and has no basis for assuming he is competent. c. Capitalizing on lag time All day long, Anita was taking orders incorrectly. b. He cleans his apartment, buys scented candles, and hides all of his dirty laundry. b. moral relativism. a. a simile. What is the most accurate statement about direct claim and complaint messages? C. To be responsive to employee needs, more companies are expanding their levels or management. c. situational audience analysis. b. group. a. a reduction in global competition d. mindless listening. d. "There are concerns in the neighborhood." He is now having trouble getting a job after prospective employers view his accounts. a. Which of the following statements about listening is most accurate? d. power b. smell Which of the following is an example of a complete perception check? c. paraphrasing. b. cognitive restructuring True True or False: Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers, and sent by organizations to large audiences. Psychological Many employees today no longer need an office; they can work anytime and anywhere. d. Hasty generalization Which of the following is a difference between citing gestures and turn gestures? Many Westerners have borrowed ingredients and styles of cooking from other cultures. A. b. sarcastically thank Brittany for her support Roger's participation could be viewed as respectful based on a Most routine request and response messages should be organized using the indirect strategy. True or False. b. library c. Mass media have nearly instant speed while social media do not. C. Business letters should be sincere, to the point, and impersonal. Motivating listeners to want information e. chronemics. a. people have the ability to establish online relationships Our perceptional view of what is unique about ourselves and what makes us both similar to and different from others is known as Self-actualization. By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our ____________. C) The meaning of the communication to the receiver is always what the sender intended when the sender crafts a wonderful message. . b. haptic All answer choices are communication technologies being used by companies today. b. citing gestures d. dilution. c. symbols organize perceptions. d. Deductive reasoning c. perspective. 10 Healthcare Orgnizations, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. a. intensification. d. Appear to care about the welfare of the audience members. d. visual aids c. an example. d. Mass media are easier to manipulate than social media. However, effective communication is less about talking and more about listening. b. rite. e. Inductive reasoning, The motivated sequence step that asks listeners to imagine the results that would follow if they adopt the recommended solution is which of the following? b. c. gets listeners' attention, previews the content of the speech, uses a rhetorical question, and provides the thesis. The first statement is using emotive language and the second is using a fact. e. Engage about evenly in I language and you language. The noise, distraction and person suffering from stress may misunderstand and misinterpret the information while communicating with others. a. individualism/collectivism T or F. We manage our identities to satisfy social rules and meet our personal goals. Social philosophy more likely influences language much more than gender. Identify the underlined clause in the following sentence by writing above it ADJ for adjective clause or ADV for adverb clause. Which of the following does NOT apply to persuasive speaking? He then says to his old friends, I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw (II.ii.33031). It will probably get easier from here." T or F True Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences. a. perception. b. Adaptation is the process of. She lets much of their communication just come in one ear and out the other without her ever listening. c. comparative e. All of these are correct. ________ How does the magician make Shana float? d. cultures are static and resistant to change. a. word usage Which of the following statements most accurately expresses the relative strengths of verbal versus nonverbal communication? Regardless of your role, I suspect each of you knows a child under the age of 10." c. You should videotape your practice and watch the tapes. The following are statements are correct about speech context except. d. a maintenance group. David's selection is an example of which piece of advice about choosing a topic? T or F. The person you believe yourself to be in the private moments of honest self- examination is your ______ self. Listening to enrich our lives so that we can enjoy conversations and music while not concentrating on organizing and remembering is what type of listening? e. Create a mind map to narrow your topic in relation to your broad area of interest. answer choices . a. This makes it hard to concentrate. b. liking Question options: A) a. Communicators consider the eyes to be the most accurate predictor of a speaker's true feelings and attitudes. More communication is better. b. Symbols are powerful. A. b. Grandstanding b. a specific purpose False, The perception of time and the way time is used are culturally learned. e. a quotation. b. vocal distractors In the e-mail, Lindsay writes, "YOU BETTER BE THERE!" Fill each blank with the word from the list below that best fits the context. Women are more likely than men to disclose vulnerabilities to others. c. proxemics All of the following are true about symbolic abilities EXCEPT D. Communication always requires complete understanding. Which of the following is (are) a simile(s)? The statement, "Life is a grand adventure" is an example of Nonverbal communication does not impact verbal communication. You don't know if you need to get off the bus to the next stop. If they make one _____remark, they may risk death. a. dual perspective. c. Appear to know about what you (as the speaker) are talking about. e. to inspire listeners to give time or money to a worthy cause. a. conservative c. social climbing. Installing a new hard drive on a computer A culture in which communicators tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented; messages are explicit; Swiss, German, and American cultures are considered _____-__________. Proofread each sentence to correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Which of the following statements about the communication process is most accurate? T/F? e. individualism, Dejon is very connected to his family and values harmony and group interdependence. c. positive visualization e. spatial, The presentation that has the goal of increasing others' knowledge, understanding, or abilities is referred to as what type of public message? Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective persuasive speeches? a. When she came out of her room, her mom asked her what she had been doing. Emblems are nonverbal behaviors that have precise meanings known to everyone within a cultural group. e. Communication is not simple. b. content trappers. d. comparative "We must stop! c. Ignore diversity to the extent it is possible. T or F False. a. fire Stephen for insubordination. "Knowing how to create a Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Kit could save your life one day" is an example of what? Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) 1. a. temporal d. egocentric Erin's preoccupation with her personal problem is an example of. a. the time required and excessive cohesion. Few people actually experience communication apprehension. d. interviews It is SLIGHTLY biological but it's mostly social. a. Assuming an attentive posture, holding eye contact, and nodding to show you understand what another person is saying are nonverbal behaviors that convey which dimension of relational level meanings? What do you notice about the language used in the letters? What statement best explains why? d. preoccupational distraction c. define her cultural standpoint. Undercover detectives must be exceptionally _____. b. An oversimplified behavioral pattern applied to entire group. a. temporal Our ability to manage how we appear is referred to as Which Barrier is this? d. keeping an open mind, establishing a receptive mind-set, and listening between the lines. d. ritual. Which of the following types of statements reflects the highest amount of speaker responsibility? c. cultures may contain multiple social communities within them. d. personal construct. Which Barrier is this? Mass communication is the correct answer. The ability to recognize another person's perspective as well as your own is called Even though he has lived in the United States for the last 15 years of his 20-year life, David is very passionate about helping address the economic hardships in the Philippines and chooses to speak on this for his class. False. b. to entertain. T or F, Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences. b. procedural Which pattern of organization should she use? d. feminine A warrant Motivating listeners to want information d. Intimate zone, Which of the following is not a dimension of culture? e. All of these choices are examples of how mass and social media differ. b. power over e. lack of leadership and excessive cohesion. a. cultural relativism. a. delivery gestures These letters have been translated from Middle English into Modern English, but care was taken to preserve features of their original style. Olivia says to Ellen, "Do you know Adam?" d. communication team networks. Distractors caused by nonverbal communication should be avoided during verbal communication. Annie is listening to her teacher's lecture. a. speaking to inform Ray happened to see his friend Darren after a long time. b. cultures vary along five dimensions. Because this is a written communication, I will not need to worry about "noise" entering my message and there will be no feedback. b. critical listening Communication may be classified into different types based on the number of participants. Major trends in today's dynamic world of work include increased emphasis on self-directed work groups and virtual teams, heightened global competition, innovative communication technologies, new work environments, and focus on c. stereotyping Bill responds to the interruption by saying, "You don't care about anything I have to say!" c. cultivation theory When he spoke to her, he found that she was just catching up on her jogging and had free time after all. e. owning your own feelings. His mother calls, and during the conversation, he answers by saying, "ummm hmmm," "yeah," "sure," "ummm hmmm," all because he is really focused on the websites. One way to improve tolerance is by __________. David is engaged in e. All of these answers are guidelines for effective persuasive speeches. You can improve your listening skills if you follow tips for active listening, including Michael and Brooke's behavior best exemplifies _______. d. flow consultants. Identify the italicized verb. c. survey research Adapt to the listeners. e. topical. e. Up to 95% of Americans have some speaking anxiety. Question 3 options: Cultural generalizations apply to every member of a cultural group. b. to correct listeners' misconceptions. c. ritualistic rule. Collaborate in team-based written and oral presentations. d. chronic cues do not function online Nonverbal distraction Interaction adaptation theory suggests that: Which of the following is true of nonverbal communication? b. artifacts a. T/F? d. follow up important messages in writing. b. punctuation. Physical barriers Lawyers are orchestra conductors. e. Symbols have multiple interpretations. c. Respect what others say about their feelings and ideas. Feelings of confusion, disenchantment, loneliness, and homesickness following entrance into a new culture are collectively known as intergroup as intergroup anxiety. Persuasive speaking is usually less controversial than informative speaking. b. check the accuracy of ideas. a. vocalics Social zone 15 Questions Show answers. b. Which statement about the fact of social media and communication technology on culture is most accurate Because of social media communications can now reach out to larger and more varied audiences than in the past Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low context culture Placing emphasis on written information b. mediated communication e. kinesics, ________________ refers not to what a person says but to how a person says it. T/F? Instead of focusing solely on Cynthia, John was thinking about the game he was missing. a. e. All of these are accurate. a. High-context Cultures When a speaker attempts to change listeners' attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors or attempts to motivate them to take some action, the purpose of this speech is User: Studying how people get along with one another Weegy: Studying how people get along with one another can improve a person's personal life. d. Building credibility with listeners d. masculinity/femininity Businesses today generate a wide range of messages using a variety of media. d. organizational rituals. a. c. selective listening. e. kinesics, Charles likes to study in a particular spot in the library. Which statement best describes how women communicate differently than men? D. More employees are working interdependently using many communications technologies. d. egocentric In this case, Zoe is from a (n) _______________ culture. Describe in clear words what you want the reader to do or know. Keeping an open mind e. All of these answers are similes. e. cohesive. d. build credibility with listeners. Resist cultural relativism. Multiple Choice The type of speaking that involves preparation and practice resulting in a conversational and interactive manner with the audience is c. organizational hierarchy. e. understanding. What is the fifth step in the communication proccess? Speak loudly to improve receiver comprehension. Chris is preparing to cook dinner at home for a date. Which of the following statements would be classified as being the most powerfully expressed? c. Anxiety strong enough to hinder our ability to interact with others is communication apprehension. Q. Sydney will be meeting with clients who do not speak English as their first language. d. Use multiple communication channels. He is also surprised when his teachers are irritated if he joins class several minutes after class has started. d. Hearing disabilities. c. uncertainty avoidance e. technology, books, and institutions. a. According to "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent," at what point in Milton's life does blindness begin to affect him and his work? c. the halo effect. c. territorial markers d. proxemics b. Classify the following sentence by purpose. Technology has forever altered verbal communication, but nonverbal communication remains unaffected. d. proxemics Which Barrier is this? ______ seriously threatens effective listening because it encourages the mind to engage in flights of unchecked fancy. d. defensive listening. What is the content level of meaning of this statement? Is the following statement accurate? b. A person or group that decides which messages pass through the media and which do not are called a. kinesics e. All of these answers are guidelines for choosing topics. d. demonstrate warmth. b. "One day I won't have to worry about money. Every other civilized country has stopped! e. corporate expectation. c. mainstreaming d. conformity pressures and lack of leadership. d. Strive for accuracy and clarity. b. c. Controlling his surroundings The increase in Jeremy's credibility during the speech is due to which of the following? b. using simple English What is the best advice for Alicia right now? The theory that claims that television promotes a worldview that is inaccurate but that viewers nonetheless assume reflects real life is the b. d. emphasizing nonverbal differences, You can improve your oral communication effectiveness with people who do not speak English as their first language by__________. e. 100%. False, The United States is an example of a high-context culture. c. to make listeners aware of a problem. Dejon comes from a culture that would be considered? Reflected appraisal refers to judging the personal qualities of another attaching meaning to behavior. a. people generally expect structure and they expect ideas to be orderly This made it difficult for her to listen to the speaker's message. Ethnocentrism The belief in the superiority of one's own cluture; judging others by one's own values. "I share a concern about the neighborhood." ____________ is the transmission of messages without considering consequences, while ____________ is the impulsive transmission of angry and hostile messages. False, The best way to manage a diverse workplace is to do everything possible to minimize or eliminate differences. Diego and his supervisor have coffee together every Monday. e. Using a single communication channel. Which of the following is a suggestion for enhancing effectiveness in verbal communication? We are the only one left who is still doing this." False, While your physical appearance delivers an important nonverbal message to others, the physical appearance of your documents delivers an important nonverbal message as well. D. Business letters should be sincere to the point and impersonal. b. abstraction to place blame for your feelings. a. coherence You are being defensive listener when you turn the topic of conversation toward yourself rather than show interest in the other person. c. When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, receivers put more faith in the verbal messages. d. ethnocentrism. b. personal stories. b. 10 percent a. body characterization It is motivational and artistic. The Fundamentals of Communications Exam 2, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. c. Incorporate jargon and regional dialects to encourage her audience to adopt American communication styles. - To improve tolerance, one must practice empathy. Which of the following is a difference between delivery gestures and seeking gestures? c. Public zone c. chronemics d. Both seek the same responses from listeners. d. resources a. body artifacts Identify an accurate statement about selective listening. if it is past progressive. e. None of these answers are correct. T/F? Which Barrier is this? During dinner John made consistent eye contact with Cynthia and nodded his head as she was talking. b. between 25% and 35% Groupthink An absnce of critical thinking sometimes found in homogeneous groups. c. end the meeting d. Meanings are in words. c. a. rite. When your parents see your grades, your mother says to you, "You're going to need to take some classes this summer." c. Symbols are ambiguous. if it is present progressive, and past prog. Zach's belief is an example of __________. And turn gestures mass and social media and mass media are easier to manipulate than social and! 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