Promoting Western constitutional democracy. For more information on Xis family background and his early life experiences, see Liang Jian , New Biography of Xi Jinping [] (New York: Mirror Books, 2012), and Wu Ming , Biography of Xi Jinping [] (Hong Kong: , 2008). Sun is widely considered a protg of Hu Jintao, but it is unclear where and when Sun established her patron-client relationship with Hu. His attitude toward public intellectuals has proven similarly ambivalent. He was first elected to the Central Committee as a full member at the 16th Party Congress in 2002. Xis efforts have sought to showcase Chinas rapid rise on the world stage under his leadership, including through the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and Chinas deepening engagement in international institutions and forums, most notably his speech at the Davos World Economic Forum in 2017. (, SeeXi Jinpings Personal Secretary Suddenly Speaks Prior to Chinas Two Conferences: Some People Are Attempting An Internal Coup In the Party. [] Boxun, February 25, 2018. After that, Hu served as governor and deputy party secretary of Hebei Province (200809). Wangs father was a professor at Tsinghua University who also worked as an engineer at the Design Institute in the Ministry of Construction. Li remained on the Politburo Standing Committee after the 19th Party Congress and retained his premiership for a second term at the 13th National Peoples Congress in March 2018. Han joined the CCP in 1979. Xi Jinping was born on June 15, 1953, in Beijing. Learn more. In 2009, he was transferred to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, where he served as party secretary (200912) and chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regional Peoples Congress (201012). (, Premier of the State Council (2013present), Member of the Politburo Standing Committee (2007present), Vice-Chairman of the National Security Committee (2013present), Deputy Head of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms (2013present), Deputy Head of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Work (2013present), Vice-Chairman of the Central Military and Civilian Integration Development Committee (2017present), Chairman of the Committee on Organizational Structure of the Central Committee of the CCP (2012present), Chairman of the National Defense Mobilization Committee (2013present), Director of the State Energy Commission (2013present), Head of the National Leading Group for Climate Change and for Energy Conservation and Reduction of Pollution Discharge (2013present), Head of the State Council Leading Group for Rejuvenating the Northeast Region and Other Old Industrial Bases (2013present), Head of the State Council Leading Group for Western Regional Development (2013present), Head of the State Council Three Gorges Project Construction Committee (2008present), Head of the State Council South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee (2008present), Head of the State Council Leading Group for Deepening Medical and Health System Reform (2008present), Full member of the Central Committee of the CCP (1997present). Han continued to advance his career in Shanghai, serving as vice-mayor (19982003), deputy party secretary (200212), mayor (200312), acting party secretary (2007), and finally party secretary (201217). Opponents of one-party rule, it says, have stirred up trouble about disclosing officials assets, using the Internet to fight corruption, media controls and other sensitive topics, to provoke discontent with the party and government.. 9, that bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Xi Jinping, China's new top leader. During these visits, Xi affirmed the good work carried out under Hu Chunhuas leadership, especially in the areas of supply-side economic reform, technological innovation, and social stability4. Liu was a founder and convener of the Chinese Economists 50 Forum1. Since the document was issued, the campaign for ideological orthodoxy has prompted a torrent of commentary and articles in party-run periodicals. During the visit, Zhu lauded Hans work. Liu He is widely considered to be an adviser rather than a policymaker. The recent NPC meeting has proposed removing a clause from the countrys constitutionadded during the Deng Xiaoping erawhich limits both the presidency and vice presidency to two five-year terms. He then became vice premier of the State Council (200813), a Politburo member (200717), and a Politburo Standing Committee Member (201217). Mr. Xi will face another ideological test later in the year when the Communist Party celebrates the 120th anniversary of Maos birth. Which shows your current branch. Some political elites may stand up for their belief in the institutionalized norms of the Deng era. Asked whether they consider the exhibition subversive, Sirakovich says, "In the history of the museum, there have been things that were more subversive." And Mendelsohn adds: "I don't understand all the fuss over nudity. He then served as deputy director of the State Council Information Office, where he was in charge of e-commerce and international cooperation (200103). As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The confrontation at the newspaper and campaign demanding that officials disclose their wealth alarmed leaders and helped galvanize them into issuing Document No. But leftists, feeling emboldened, could create trouble for Mr. Xis government, some analysts said. He later taught at Renmin University as an instructor (198687). Zhang Ping, The sixth generation of leaders in the Chinese Communist Party was born out of speculations, Deutsche Welle, November 21, 2012. She received her undergraduate degree in English at the PLA Foreign Language Institute in Luoyang and her doctoral degree in literature at the Chinese Academy of Social Science. Document No. Undoing this restriction essentially lines Xi up to be President for Life. It appears that Xi has seized upon his moment at the pinnacle of accrued political capital to avoid becoming a lame duck and to cement his hold over the country for as long as he desires. Mandy Zuo, Partys number two woman Sun Chunlan named chief of Tianjin, South China Morning Post, November 22, 2012, (, Deputy Head of the Central Leading Group for Belt and Road Initiative Construction (2018present), Full member of the Central Committee of the CCP (2007present). Some analysts have viewed Hus Politburo membership as a reflection of Deng Xiaopings political design for a grandpa-designated successor (). In July 2001, Hu returned to Tibet, where he served as secretary-general (chief of staff) of the CCP Committee of Tibet (200103) and deputy party secretary and executive vice-governor of Tibet (200306). Subversive definition, tending or intending to subvert or overthrow, destroy, or undermine an established or existing system, especially a legally constituted government or a set of beliefs. After that, Liu worked as a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council (198788). Back-draught of a wave. subversive organizations Plato wrote that the potentially subversive qualities of music were such that it would not be permitted in the perfect state. (Of a ship) being moved by a tug. He joined the CCP in 1974. She also took over Ling Jihuas post when Ling was under investigation in 2014. New Routes ~ Asia-to-Europe Translogistics. Mr. Xis edicts have been disseminated in a series of compulsory study sessions across the country, like one in the southern province of Hunan that was recounted on a local government Web site. Theres no doubt then it had direct endorsement from Xi Jinping, Mr. Li said. 3. Deep-ocean currents contain water with high oxygen concentrations. In particular, his management of the SARS epidemic in the spring of 2003 has been taken as evidence of his efficacy in crisis.4 Wangs experience handling crises and other challenges includes his appointment as executive vice-governor of Guangdong in 1998 to manage the bankruptcy of a major financial institution in the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis; his appointment as party secretary of Hainan Province in 2002 to address the decade-long real estate bubble on the island; and his role as mayor of Beijing during the 2008 Olympics.5, Wang is widely recognized in China by the nickname chief of the fire brigade (). In Chinas tight but often contentious political circles, proponents of deeper Western-style economic changes are often allied with those pushing for rule of law and a more open political system, while traditionalists favor greater state control of both economic and political life. Western anti-China forces led by the United States have joined in one after the other, and colluded with dissidents within the country to make slanderous attacks on us in the name of so-called press freedom and constitutional democracy, said Zhang Guangdong, a propaganda official in Lianyungang, citing the conclusions from the meeting of central propaganda officials. As vice premier in charge of Chinas finance and economic structural reforms, Liu plays a key role in implementing Xis economic agenda, including that of innovation-driven and environment-sensitive urbanization, prevention of financial crisis, and poverty alleviation. The warnings were not idle. Power could escape their grip, they have . Its certainly had his approval and reflects his general views.. He was first elected to the Central Committee as a full member at the 15th Party Congress in 1997. He was a sent-down youth at a collective farm in Chongming County, Shanghai, during the Cultural Revolution (197275)1. Wang was a staff member at the Shaanxi Museum (197173 and 197379) before he joined the CCP in 1983. However, Lius career path, especially over the past two decades, has closely mirrored that of former vice-premier and Politburo member Zeng Peiyan6. Given his age, Liu will most likely serve only a single term in the Politburo. A government memo from April identified seven "subversive currents" that are not to be spoken of, including "universal values" like human rights, press freedom, judicial independence, economic neoliberalism, and historic mistakes of the Communist Party. Anyone can read what you share. He was first elected to the Central Committee as a full member at the 18th Party Congress in 2012. Read all the Order from Chaos content, 7 things you need to know about lifting term limits for Xi Jinping, USMCA Forward 2023: Building more integrated, resilient, and secure supply chains in North America, USMCA Forward 2023 Chapter 1: National Security, Strategic partner of choice: Canadas role in enhancing North American supply chain resiliency. After graduating from Peking University, Hu went to Tibet, where he worked as a clerk at the Organization Department in the CCP Committee of Tibet (198384), as an official at the newspaper Tibet Youth Daily (198485), and as an official at the Tibet Hotel (198587). Cheng Li, Chinese Politics in the Xi Jinping Era: Reassessing Collective Leadership (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution Press, 2016), p. 324. If Xi pays heed to the warranted criticism, he may moderate his aims, uphold other institutional norms, and maybe even reconsider the wisdom of embarking on a third term. Hu Chunhua was born in April 1963 in Wufeng County, Hubei Province. These proposed constitutional revisions are the latestand most historically consequentialpower grab by the self-assured Chinese president. As an undergraduate majoring in law, Li studied under Professor Gong Xiangrui, a well-known, British-educated expert on Western political and administrative systems. By Herb Kirchhoff. Of the 66 military members of the 19th Central Committee, 60 (91 percent) were newcomers.4. Xi is a princeling; he is the son of Xi Zhongxun, a former Politburo member and vice-premier who was one of the architects of Chinas Special Economic Zones in the early 1980s2. Subsequently, Xi served as deputy secretary and then secretary of Zhengding County, Hebei Province (198285), and thereafter in Fujian Province as executive vice-mayor of Xiamen City (198588), party secretary of Ningde County (198890), party secretary of Fuzhou City (199096), deputy party secretary of Fujian Province (199699), governor of Fujian Province (19992002). He received an MBA from the School of Business Administration at Seton Hall University (199293) and an MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University (199495), where he was a Mason Research Fellow. Therefore, Chinese public expectations in the lead-up to the 19th Party Congress were that Hu Chunhua would ascend to the 19th Politburo Standing Committee, which presented a serious challenge for Xi. Power could escape their grip, they have been told, unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents coursing through Chinese society. Peng is a famous Chinese folksinger who, until recently, served in the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) at the rank of major general. The New York Times . In a disappointing turn for those who have upheld more optimistic prognoses for Xiand for Chinahe opted to revert the country back to the era of strongman politics and the personality cult. How the relationship between these two strongmen in China, Xi and Wang, will unfold in the years to come remains to be seen. 9, that bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Xi Jinping, Chinas new top leader. Iyesa Express ~ Sizwe Nzima's Rx Cycle Delivery; Tomorrow's Cities ~ BBC on Smart Urban Living. His parents were farmers in a poor and remote village within an ethnic minority autonomous county in Hubei Province. He served as vice-minister and deputy party secretary of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) (201318). Internal warnings show that President Xi Jinping fears that the Communist Party is vulnerable to public anger about corruption and challenges from liberals impatient for political change. As a result, he squanders a precious opportunity to institutionalize the peaceful transfer of power in the PRC, undermining the example set by Jiang in 2002 and by Hu in 2012. Their perceptions of Xi as a Mao-like figure may now be crystallized. However, several Chinese sources reveal that Wang and Xi became close friends over forty years ago, when both were sent-down youths in two neighboring counties in Yanan.3, Wang Qishan is viewed by the Chinese public as capable in crisis situations. 2, Wall Street Journal, December 20, 2013. Another proposed change would enshrine Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the constitutions preamble, following Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, and Deng Xiaoping Theory. Convection is different from conduction, which is a transfer of heat between . Given her age, Sun will likely retire in the next leadership transition in 2022-23. This left him with two potential paths for succession. Wang is married to Yao Mingshan. Wangs patron/mentor ties with Jiang Zemin stem in part from Wangs father-in-law, Yao Yilin, who was a major supporter of Jiang in the Politburo Standing Committee, and in part from Wangs close friendship with Jiangs son, Jiang Mianheng. She joined the CCP in 1973. The mission of the Forum is to provide policy recommendations to the government on major economic issues. At the peak of the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) crisis, Wang was appointed mayor of Beijing (200407). The couple has one daughter. Not much information is available regarding Hu Chunhuas family. According to the current CCP regulations and norms, Han will most likely serve only a single term in the Politburo Standing Committee and then retire in 202223. Sun also completed a masters program in management at Liaoning University in Shenyang (via part-time studies, 199295) and a masters program in politics at the Central Party School (via part-time studies, 200003). The two met in 1969 in Yanan, where both were sent-down youths. Current below the surface. Deep-ocean currents are important regulators of global climate. Birdsourcing ~ Citizen Scientist Ornithology! Hu advanced his political career largely through the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL). In conjunction with his frequent meetings with foreign leaders in Guangdong, these trips abroad have helped to broaden Hus international experience. Vice president of the Peoples Republic of China (2018present). To some extent, the overriding objective of his anti-corruption campaign has been to restore the Chinese publics faith in its ruling party, which lost public trust in the wake of the Bo Xilai scandal and the Ling Jihua incident.3, Military Reform Xi achieved a milestone victory in restructuring the PLA, through efforts which have been officially referred to as military reform (). These seven perils were enumerated in a memo, referred to as Document No. He was a sent-down youth at an agricultural commune in Fengyang County, Anhui (197476)1. Having served for two decades as a top administrator of Chinas pacesetting city, Shanghai, Han Zheng emerged from the 19th Party Congress as a top economic decision-maker in national leadership. : a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working from within also : the crime of committing acts in furtherance of such an attempt subversionary -zh-ner- adjective subversive -vr-siv adjective or noun subversively adverb subversiveness noun More from Merriam-Webster on subversion He also served as a soldier in the 38th Group Army of the PLA (197073). The political establishment, while certainly composed of some yes-men willing to do the presidents bidding, is by no means monolithic. The heat transfer function of convection currents drives the earth's ocean currents, atmospheric weather and geology. Executive Vice Premier of the State Council (2018present), Member of the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) (2017present), Deputy Head of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms (2018present), Head of the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee (2018present), Head of the South-North Water Diversion Construction Project Committee (2018present), Head of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Joint Development Leading Group (2018present), Head of the Central Leading Group for Belt and Road Initiative Construction (2018present). You have to commemorate him, and because hes already passed away, you can only speak well of him, not ill, Professor Xiao, the historian, said of Maos anniversary. Power could escape their grip, they have been told, unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents coursi. Behavioral Perspective. 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