if you havent received a check-up this year, I invite you to look into @Baptisthealthsfs initiativethroughout the entire month of October, they will be offering mammograms and breast exam diagnostics at a reduced cost. Los polticos cubanoamericanos Marco Rubio y Mara Elvira Salazar criticaron la visita a Washington esta semana de una delegacin del rgimen que incluye a funcionarios de Tropas Guardafronteras, organismo involucrado en el hundimiento de una lancha al norte de la provincia de Artemisa el 28 de octubre de He stands for the hopes and dreams of the Venezuelan people. We have to work together to elect more women into office. WebMaria Elvira is one of the nations most recognized Latin American political affairs journalists for the U.S. Hispanic community. Covo ocupa el puesto vacante por el ex comisionado Ken Russel. Siempre es un placer compartir con ustedes, inspirarme con sus vivencias y aprender de nuestro pasado. We will continue to work together to reject socialism and stand for freedom across the nation! Do you have the gear to show for it? La mejor manera de agradecer por las bendiciones recibidas es dando una mano amiga a quienes ms lo necesitan. What about you? Hoy el dictador socialista Maduro, a travs de la intimidacin y la fuerza, violando la Constitucin y la institucionalidad en #Venezuela intent impedir la juramentacion del Presidente (E) @jguaido. Esta semana, Salazar fue elegida miembrodelComit de Relaciones Exteriores del Congreso de Estados Unidos. Thank you to all of our great veterans! La congresista cubanoamericana, Mara Elvira Salazar, prometi que durante su gestin ayudar a empresarios y personas desempleadas en Miami, debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. por otorgar asilo poltico a piloto cubano, Guardia Costera de Estados Unidos deporta a 41 balseros cubanos. Estas imgenes deben darle la vuelta al mundo para advertir el peligro del sociaismo. Regmenes como los de Venezuela, Cuba y Nicaragua usan la fuerza para impedir la voluntad del pueblo. Turn on push notifications and don't miss anything! For a parent, the loss of a child is the most unbearable pain imaginable. https://bit.ly/2mouVeB, LShana Tovah to everyone celebrating! US Congresswoman District 27Congresista de Distrito 27Donations mail to P.O. Se gradu en la Facultad de Periodismo (Licenciatura en Comunicacin) de la Universidad de Miami en 1983. Learn more at this link https://wapo.st/36oiQYf, I went to congratulate my friend Alex Daz de La Portilla and was happy to meet up with Mara and Martica from Little Havana, two women that have worked tirelessly for this community and who will join us once again in our campaign to bring #OurVoice to Congress Hacia all vamos! BOX 431332 Miami, FL 33243. ADN Cuba le enviar a su correo un resumen de las noticias ms importantes de la semana. https://wapo.st/2JeqxHu, El rgimen de Maduro est entre los peores violadores de Derechos Humanos en el mundo. https://bit.ly/386MZNl, With the support of Winning for Women, E-PAC, NRCCs Young Guns, and my fellow Republican women I know we are on our way to victory. WebMaria Elvira Salazar has spent a lifetime exposing the corrupt elites. Since childhood I have heard the stories about the #BayofPigs invasion as recounted by many of the participants themselves, many of them close friends of my father. Once again the socialist Dictator Maduro, through intimidation and show of force, violates the constitution and the rule of law by trying to impede the swearing in of interim President @jguaido Felicito a Alex Otaola por la valenta de iniciar esta campaa y nanse en las redes a #NOGREENCARDGDZ, Find volunteering options and help us make a difference. #BREAKING Republican Whip Steve Scalise Endorses Maria Elvira Salazar for Congress WebSalazar was born in Miami's Little Havana neighborhood, the daughter of Cuban exiles. Contact. Kathleen Salazar is an Executive Director, Loyalty Marketing at Wynn based in Las Vegas, Nevada. WebMaria Elvira Salazar has spent a lifetime exposing the corrupt elites. Please join me in praying for these children. Los cubanoamericanos retratados despectivamente en esta pelcula (incluida yo misma), nunca fueron contactados. Kathleen Salazar. Feliz de reencontrarme durante la juramentacin de mi amigo Alex Daz de La Portilla con Mara y Martica, vecinas de Little Havana y mujeres que han trabajado incansablemente por esta gran comunidad y quienes nos acompaarn nuevamente en la campaa para llevar #NuestraVoz al Congreso por el #FL27, I went to congratulate my friend Alex de La Portilla and was happy to meet up with Mara and Martica from Little Havana, two women that have worked tirelessly for this community and who will join us once again in our campaign to bring #OurVoice to Congress Our new vow for 2020 is to keep up with the rhythm and the energy of these grandparents of our community. We honor the victims and survivors of this sad and tragic chapter of our history. Website: https://salazar.house.gov. https://bit.ly/2mouVeB, We are quickly approaching our campaign FIRST fundraising deadline at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! In the month of October alone we added over 125,000 jobs! This is what hospitals in America will look like if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Squad get their way. BOX 431332 Miami, FL 33243. I stand with Venezuelans at home and abroad. Contact. recuerdo su elegancia, modales y patriotismo. MIAMI, Estados Unidos. Today we had the opportunity to support a local shelter in Downtown Miami with their beautiful initiative to feed the homeless. Solo en octubre sumamos ms de 125.000 empleos! Como su Congresista, luchar para defender nuestros valores y ayudar a mantener nuestra economa en crecimiento. Antes de regresar al fro Washington, un da de sol, calorcito y playa en Key Biscayne con mi hija Martina. recuerdo vvidamente su espritu de ventas y sus fuertes convicciones. Show your appreciation for the men and women who bravely served our country this Veterans Day. We must work together to ensure the human rights crisis in Venezuela and Cuba finally comes to an end. I hope you will join us in this fight. Feliz lunes! Always ready to serve our community and every initiative that promotes values like solidarity. I hope that construction delays are kept to the minimum so our local businesses can remain fully operational. Todo un privilegio escuchar sus experiencias y compartir opiniones sobre el futuro de nuestro pas con estos valientes hombres y mujeres de uniforme. The Castro regime is still a brutal dictatorship that causes immeasurable suffering to the Cuban people, including my family which was forced into exile 60 years ago. Debemos trabajar juntos para asegurar el fin definitivo de la crisis de DD. What a privilege to hear their experiences and share thoughts on our country s future with these brave men and women in uniform. Yesterday, 16 countries agreed that action must be taken to end the brutal dictatorship in Venezuela. https://hrld.us/30eYBg7, Gracias a Ernesto Cuesta de @BHAMiami y a la Presidenta de la Asociacin de Propietarios de Brickell Bay, Chelin Durn, por su respaldo y apoyo. That is why it is so scary that we have members of Congress like the Squad advocating for socialism. Feliz, Estoy consternada con la visita de Guardafronteras cubanos a EU. Email: info@cubaenmiami.com. #Miami #Fl27, Christmas is a season of sharing, and yesterday we had the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful time with our seniors of Miami Beach, who presented us with an evening of laughter, dancing and much love, three things that must not lack in this holiday season. Thankful for all the blessings of 2019! MIAMI, Estados Unidos. Como hija, madre y sobre todo como mujer, entiendo la importancia de hacernos todos los aos nuestros exmenes porque la deteccin temprana de esta enfermedad, sin duda marca la diferencia. There are several ways to contact our office. Tienes el KIT OFICIAL para apoyar nuestra campaa? Hoy honramos al lder ms importante del Movimiento de los Derechos Civiles, Martin Luther King Jr. Un verdadero lder y activista, cuyas lecciones sobre el amor y la unidad siguen vigentes hoy en da. Last Update. You may cancel or unsubscribe at any time. Y obviamente no dejamos escapar la oportunidad de comer un buen pollo frito con tajadas al mejor estilo Hondureo! Se gradu en la Facultad de Periodismo (Licenciatura en Comunicacin) de la Universidad de Miami en 1983. #FL27 #CulturaLatina, Cerca de 86,700 personas han sido infectadas por el virus del dengue en Honduras y ayer pudimos compartir con la comunidad hondurea en Miami que acudi al #CurtisPark para recaudar fondos en la batalla contra el dengue en su pas. Con diecisis aos, ingres en el Colegio Deerborne de Coral Gables y finaliz su graduacin en el Miami Dade College. From my family and me: Happy Holidays! She spent three years covering a war zone in El Salvador. BOX 431332 Miami, FL 33243. CubaenMiami.com es propiedad de Miami Web Marketing,Inc con sede en: 1101 Brickell Ave South Tower #8,Miami,FL 33131 Telfono: (305) 563-6746. #VargasLlosa #FL27. What a privilege to hear their experiences and share thoughts on our country s future with these brave man and women in uniform. https://www.elnuevoherald.com/noticias/mundo/america-latina/cuba-es/article235627497.html, The allegations made by these Cuban doctors at todays State Department press conference demonstrate the falsity of a myth of the Cuban regime: health. Born and raised in Miami-Dade County, David has covered South Florida sports since 2007. You can sign the petition here: https://bit.ly/2lCDnXu. Dos miembros de la misin de Cuba ante la O.N.U. Feliz Da de Accin de Gracias! BOX 431332 Miami, FL 33243. In Congress, shes fighting to stop socialism from ever coming and ruining America. WebMaria Elvira is one of the nations most recognized Latin American political affairs journalists for the U.S. Hispanic community. Our message of fighting for our community and being a voice for freedom is resonating since its the reason so many of us came to this country! https://bit.ly/2Q5jhU2, No se puede estar con el exilio y el rgimen a la misma vez. Today, as we gathered at the Bay of Pigs Museum, we paid our respects to these veterans, and in the process became better acquainted with the men all of us in the exile community consider both our #heroes and our family. Compartir en: Compartir. Mis condolencias a la familia Ferr. Los polticos cubanoamericanos Marco Rubio y Mara Elvira Salazar criticaron la visita a Washington esta semana de una delegacin del rgimen que incluye a funcionarios de Tropas Guardafronteras, organismo involucrado en el hundimiento de una lancha al norte de la provincia de Artemisa el 28 de octubre de La Congresista cubanoamericana Mara Elvira Salazar ofreci cafe cubano y su oficina a los soldados de la Guardia Nacional tras la polmica causada cuando fueron enviados a los parqueos sin apenas condiciones. WebMIAMI (AP) More than half of the residents in the slice of Miami that includes Little Havana were born abroad. https://politi.co/2AFxzQL, Las denuncias de los mdicos cubanos realizadas hoy en el Departamento de Estado demuestran la falsedad de un mito del rgimen cubano : la salud. k***@wynnlasvegas.com. https://bapth.lt/32r689u Haz tu aporte ahora para que tu donacin de noviembre cuente! MIAMI, Estados Unidos. US Congresswoman District 27Congresista de Distrito 27Donations mail to P.O. Maria Elvira eres la mejor dios te d larga vida para que sigas defendiendo nuestros valores tradicionales . Debemos mantener el gran trabajo que venimos haciendo y asegurarnos de alcanzar nuestra meta de recaudacin de fondos para octubre, y as mantener la presin sobre Donna Shalala. #Venezuela #Venezuelalibre #Cubafree #Cuba #MariaElviraSalazar #MariaElvira2020 #SalazarforCongress WebContact. We have so many incredible people in District 27 who have real stories to tell. En un programa de AmericaTev, la poltica republicana explic su proyecto llamado "Centro de prosperidad", que albergar en su oficina ubicada en la #September11 revealed heroism in ordinary people who may otherwise never received the call to demonstrate their courage in the face of evil. Covo ocupa el puesto vacante por el ex comisionado Ken Russel. Aydanos a rechazar el socialismo y nete hoy a esta iniciativa que crece ms cada da! Ver en. #BreastCancerAwareness #PrevenciondelacancerdeMama #PinkOctober #BreastCancer #October, Estamos trabajando para difundir nuestro mensaje de defender la libertad en contra de las polticas socialistas de las que muchos en nuestra comunidad lograron escapar. Part of your donation will go DIRECTLY to Elise to help her fight back. Nuestro mensaje de luchar por la comunidad y ser su voz de libertad en el Congreso contina resonando, ya que es precisamente la razn por la que tantos de nosotros vinimos a este pas. "Quiero que todo el mundo vaya y busque trabajo o ayudarlos a resolver otros problemas que tengan", concluy la reconocida periodista. Feliz #MesdelaHerenciaHispana! #2020 here we go! El rgimen de Castro sigue siendo una dictadura brutal, que causa sufrimientos inconmensurables al pueblo cubano, incluida mi familia que fue forzada al exilio hace 60 aos. Do you want to stay up to date of all the news about Life & Style? She spent three years covering a war zone in El Salvador. Lucas had such a bright future ahead of him and there is no question that he touched many lives . 2162 Rayburn House Office Building. Do you want to stay up to date of all the news about Life & Style? Kathleen Salazar's Phone Number and Email. Tras esa situacin el gobernador de Florida retiro a los soldados de la Guardia Nacional del estado que se encontraban en Washington. The Honorable Maria Elvira Salazar. Executive Director, Loyalty Marketing at Wynn. Washington, DC, 20515-0927. This early support will help us continue our strong momentum as we work to replace Donna Shalala. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article239954363.html#storylink=cpy. 10,025 talking about this. PS. 3 cosas que no pueden faltar en estas fechas. Mi solidaridad y respaldo para #JuanGuaido y los hermanos venezolanos. Tiene algn asunto pendiente ante el gobierno federal?Puede llamar a mi oficina (305) 668-2285 y mi equipo de trabajo le va a atender con una atencin de primera! WebMaria Elvira Salazar has spent a lifetime exposing the corrupt elites. In the midst of laughter and hugs, we continue to celebrate the spirit of these festive days with our Seniors of Weschester in the Miami Youth Fair Center. Frankly, I give her a failing grade as our representative for FL-27. David Dwork joined the WPLG Local 10 News team in August 2019. Cunta hipocresa! In 2017, a Bernie supporter opened fire on Congressmen as they were preparing for the Congressional Baseball Game. Y esta semana viene bastante cargada en el Congreso. Phone: (202) 225-3931. WASHINGTON, D.C. -Los representantes Mara Elvira Salazar (FL-27), Maro Daz-Balart (FL-26), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-25), Carlos A. WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, Rep. Mara Elvira Salazar (R-FL) and other members of the South Florida delegation secured $500,000 in funding for critical flooding studies in Miami-Dade County and the Village of Key Biscayne. Happy 244th birthday to the United States Marine Corps! As your Congresswoman, I will fight to defend our freedom and help keep our economy growing. Donna Shalala no nos representa! Together, as a community, we can find solutions to problems like these at home and abroad. Que en este da tan especial no falte en tus recetas amor, dedicacin y agradecimiento. Yesterday I had the opportunity to participate in fundraising activities with the Honduran community in Miami at #CurtisPark. Me enorgullece estar entre estas 11 mujeres del GOP que lucharn por una agenda en pro de la libertad y en pro de Amrica en 2020! Me gusta conversar con mi gente del Distrito 27, para escuchar sus preocupaciones y ser su voz en Washington! En otras palabras, con Dios y con el Diablo. I vividly recall his salesmanship and strong convictions. Es un alivio ante el aumento de alquileres para los ancianos. I congratulate Alex Otaola for his courage and support his movement. Regstrese para votar o actualice su registro aqu https://registertovoteflorida.gov, Today is National Voter Registration Day. Felicito a Alex Otaola por la valenta de iniciar esta campaa y nanse en las redes a #NOGREENCARDGDZ. Copyright 2023 by WPLG Local10.com - All rights reserved. . Desde pequea he escuchado las historias de Baha de Cochinos en la voz de sus protagonistas, veteranos, amigos cercanos de mi padre que siempre nos cuentan sus ancdotas sobre aquel gesto patritico que le cost la vida a ms de 100 jvenes cubanos soando por la libertad de Cuba. https://www.elnuevoherald.com/noticias/finanzas/acceso-miami/article233706937.html, The renovation of Flagler Street in Downtown is excellent news to revitalize our community. While the Venezuelan regime travels to Russia and North Korea, Venezuelans are starving and suffering from disease. US Congresswoman District 27Congresista de Distrito 27Donations mail to P.O. #2020election Covo ocupa el puesto vacante por el ex comisionado Ken Russel. Steve Scalisefue herido gravemente. Every message reaffirms my commitment and my wish to become your voice in Congress to work towards a better #FL27. As a journalist, she went toe-to-toe with Fidel Castro and called out Nicols Maduro. I applaud Secretary Pompeo's decision to restrict Ral Castro and his familys ability to travel to the United States. Help us reject socialism and join our growing list of endorsers today! El rgimen de Castro contina haciendo caso omiso de los derechos humanos bsicos y sigue apuntalando a su ttere, Nicols Maduro, en Venezuela. Russel tuvo que renunciar a la comisin antes del final de su mandato de cuatro aos porque se postul para el Congreso en las elecciones del ao pasado. My wish is that during this holiday season we get to share with family and friends the values of unity and solidarity. Email. We say with our Jewish brothers and sisters: Never again will we allow such unspeakable evil to befall the Jewish people! Acompaamos a toda nuestra comunidad juda del distrito #FL27 en el marco del 75 aniversario de la liberacin del campo de Auschwitz. 8.670 personas estn hablando de esto. WebView Luis Salazar results in Las Vegas, NV including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. Executive Director, Loyalty Marketing at Wynn. Las actuaciones de estos diplomticos cubanos solo puede ser calificadas de vulgares. WebMaria Elvira Salazar: State: Florida: Party: Republican Birth Date: November 1, 1961: Entered Office: January 12, 2021: Address: 3961 Northwest 7th Street, Miami, FL 33126 Phone Number: (202) 225-3931: Website: Official Website https://hrld.us/2naCk1y, A new program has been approved by the Miami government introducing rental subsidies for elderly residents living in public housing. 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