tall (10-15 cm) and 18 in. Debra LaGattuta is a gardening expert with three decades of experience in perennial and flowering plants, container gardening, and raised bed vegetable gardening. Buy It: Purple Goliath Phlox ($26, The Home Depot), Buy It: Oriental Lily Stargazer Bulbs ($14, The Home Depot). In fall or spring, lift the plants to be divided. Dont stress if this happens. So I have two small patches of the ajuga that are growing well in their 3rd year. Emerging with a bronze flush in mid-spring, the small but weather-resistant, green leavescontrastnicely with the lavender-blue flower spikes. Black Scallop Ajuga's do well with some other plants beside it. Read our. According to Wikipedia, Ajuga reptans herb has been used in traditional Austrian medicine internally as a tea for the treatment of disorders related to the respiratory tract.. Use this perennial as a foliar foil for blue or gray leaved semi-shade loving companion plants, such as Festuca 'Siskiyou Blue' or Stachys 'Helen von Stein' to highlight this plant's unusual foliage. I'm thinking if I turn my back, it will be in the lawn. For extra greenery, plant hostas and ferns. The local nurseries sell it as one of many types of ground cover plants. tall., An excellent spreading groundcover that forms a d . Buy It: 1,000 Purple Coneflower Seeds ($3, Walmart), Buy It: Royal Pink Speedwell ($22, Breck's). ], but I wanted something shorter for the front of borders. Without the proper measures, it can easily become invasive! In this image, the background planting of Japanese and paperbark maples. Bugleweed does well in a wide range of temperatures, but in very hot, humid areas, it requires good air circulation to prevent crown rot. When it is needed, apply an all-purpose granular fertilizer. I was out in the garden today and remembered I have two other plants that have done well in some areas and not others. A massed planting of creeping zinnia. Very confusing. Wishbone flower. However, if you really want to fertilize, you should do this in the spring. Award-winning Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' (Carpet Bugle) is an evergreen perennial prized for its large, glossy purplish-bronze leaves, 6 in. They will also add some color to your garden in spring and summer when they start to bloom. Plant shrub roses in clumps or drifts to provide a solid mass of bloom where you need color the most. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. tall, 12 to 24 in. Accept Its ben published by Dover in a 2 volume edition. Last entry at 4:30 p.m. Closed Mondays. I just wanted to understand if that was going to do the trick. Over time, it will form a dense mat of attractive rosettes. In this border, pink mallow, which can grow 4 feet tall, teams with 3-foot-tall yellow Asiatic lilies to provide a spectacular backdrop of bloom. Noted for its wonderful tricolored foliage, Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' (Carpet Bugle) is a popular low-growing perennial prized for its short spikes of pretty blue flowers and contrasting creamy-white, rose-burgundy, and dark green foliage. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. I think it prefers sandier soil. There is a wide range of cultivars to choose from, including with green, bronze-purple or marbled foliage. Roses are an exuberant addition to any garden- providing masses of striking blooms throughout the growing season. That's one of the big questions gardeners struggle with. Cover them with a thin layer of peat moss or compost and they should sprout within three to four weeks. This perennial plant combination makes beautiful bouquets you can enjoy all summer. There are some plants that are very forgiving when severely pruned during the growing season, ornamental grasses come to mind. This variety is very dark so it is great for those who like to add some darker tones to their garden. It helps with erosion control so it can actually make a wonderful cover crop during the off season of planting, too. To control it in your garden beds, stay vigilant about pulling it out from where it doesn't belong or it will gain a toehold and become a nuisance. They petered out too. You can also shear a large planting area with a lawnmower to get them cut down if you dont particularly care about the harvest and just want to limit its growth. The Black Scallop Ajuga (Ajuga Reptans 'Black Scallop' Plant Patent #15,815) is a herbaceous plant that's known for its fast growth and burgundy colored leaves. Ground-hugging, this evergreen perennial grows typically only 4-8 inches tall (10-20 cm) and remains attractive most of the year. It doesn't choke out daylilies, but will other plants, like Shasta daisies, and Platycodon. Hogwash! Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, A Charming Plant Combination for Shady Gardens: Candelabra Primroses, Fern and Bugle. In this shady border, 'Roseum' trillium and yellow lady's slipper are a feast for the eyes in April and May. If you dont want it to pop up all over the place like mint does you may want to deadhead it. This sun-loving vine also comes in a wide variety of flower shapes and colors, so you have plenty of options for any garden style. Plus, some shrubs like this Spirea bumalda 'Goldflame' produce both colorful flowers and foliage. ou will likely want to divide this plant every few years anyway, which will prevent crown rot and overcrowding. wide (30-45 cm). The leaves are deep green with purple margins. Bugleweed, as a plant, hasnt been formally studied by medical researchers. What companion plants can I grow with bugleweed? I have a ton of this bugle flower , bugle weed in my yard. This disease is caused by a fungus and can be prevented by ensuring well-draining soil. When you design your garden, remember green is also a color; mix different shades together to make a memorable garden without relying on a circus of bright flowers. Both my parents have since passed. Companion Plants. In this case, you might want to consider understory trees and shrubs planted in the lawn. @katob - Im wondering if ajuga spreads by above the ground runners, or do the root systems spread as well? To use the website as intended please Buy It: Dare to Love Daylily Hemerocallis ($19, The Home Depot), Buy It: Juniper Shrub ($19, The Home Depot). Don't overlook native wildflowers when you plan your shade garden. Really like both of those too. Use an all-purpose fertilizer or compost. Required fields are marked *, Ideas and Inspiration for Your Garden. In mild climates, ajugas can be semi-evergreen. Its believed to be unsafe to take during pregnancy or breastfeeding, though, so avoid it if you fall into one of these categories. You should space your plants about a foot apart and water deeply. Some of the best low-growing bloomers include azalea, viburnum, spirea, hydrangea, and potentilla. . Ajuga ground cover spreads through runners, and as a member of the mint family, it can get out of control without proper care. This variety is hardy in zones 3 to 10. The plant will thrive in both shady and sunny locations. It can sometimes interact with other medications you might be taking. Foster friendships among plants for protection from pests, pollination support and color camaraderie, Nourish your rosebushes and create a visual feast with these 7 classic and unexpected plant pairings, Learn how pink, lilac, lavender, cream and peach can bring a soft beauty to your landscape, Plant wild white indigo in central and southeastern U.S. gardens for its large white flower heads and early-spring interest, Use a variety of plant heights, textures and sizes, as well as leaves and flowers in varying colors, for a pleasing design, Find inspiration in these beautiful drought-tolerant companion plantings, This dependable winter bloomer makes a colorful companion in beds, baskets, even rock gardens, Use it as an accent plant or mass it as a screen; this pine and spruce alternative is a hard worker in dry, cold climates, Use bold and colorful Persicaria virginiana for an artistic touch in a darker garden, These low-maintenance plants can add beauty, texture and privacy to any size garden, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, Garden BFFs? You can google other forgiving plants. While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The problem with taller plants that close to the deck, especially woody ones: (1) you are limited to very few narrow plants (unless you want to encroach more of the lawn by making the beds wider), (2) taller plants touching the deck can create mildew on the deck and mildew can occur on the plants from the deck blocking air circulation, (3) taller plants will block any deck maintenance that needs to be done: wood repairs, washing, staining, etc. This is a variety of Ajuga plants that has new leaves that start out light brown but turn grayish-green with creamy-gold margins as they grow. This list of best perennial plant combinations will help you create the most eye-catching pairing and fill your garden with color throughout the seasons. You can harvest ajuga bugleweed in the late summer by cutting off the flower spikes. Ajuga plants are great garden plants you can grow as covering. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. At first I was tempted to pull them up, but they were so pretty, and Im beginning to wonder if leaving the weeds might even benefit my plants at times. One good way to keep this jewel in bounds is by enclosing . If you choose to do this, it is best to grow them alongside some companion plants. . Just give them rich, moist soil and enjoy their spirit-lifting blooms. Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device. Native to Japan, its foliage forms attractive, loose cascading mounds of gracefully arching, slender leaves that ripple in the slightest breeze. Bugleweed spreads quite aggressively so plant it where it won't creep into other areas of your garden or lawn. A knock-out in patio pots, combos, and as a striking accent with white, gold or light colored plants. Only plants will be removed from the collection. The spikes rise to about ten inches tall. Care: Can be mowed after flowering to get rid of spent blooms and . Great Ajugas to Grow: 'Catlin's Giant' - Eight to 10-inch spikes of deep blue flowers are held atop bronze-blue foliage. Carefully chosen bulbs can have a lavish impact in your garden. You can also remove some runners, which will help keep this groundcover under control. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. Gray Summit, MO 63039. Here's some nice contrast from two shade-loving perennials: Black Scallop ajuga, sometimes called bugleweed (Zones 4-9), and Champagne Heuchera, also called coralbells (Zones 4-8). http://www.pnwplants.wsu.edu/PlantDisplay.aspx?PlantID=265. Ajuga reptans is valued as a wonderful spreader making a colorful groundcover, which will thrive in shady areas where grass has difficulty growing. Gee, this sounds like a great little plant. 6 Tips for Growing and Caring for Ajuga Ajuga plants require very little careunless yours receives a lot of sunlight or becomes particularly dry. Instead, group your favorite perennials in large drifts or clumps that take your breath away when they all bloom at the same time. Elephant ear. It's been growing around my daylilies for 4 or 5 years now, it's never caused any problems here. People say that peonies don't like to be moved or disturbed. Gardeners treasure the showy foliage of Ajuga reptans and its carpet habit more than its flowers. University of Georgia Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health and National Park Service. A cottage garden's romantic, informal style will work with almost any home. Even better, bulbs are an extra dimension that can be added to any part of the garden that you do not constantly cultivate. Bugleweed (Ajuga) Chocolate Chip Bugleweed I didn't want to lose them. This Ajuga plant has 8 to 10 inches long spikes of flowers. I do have lots of tree roots and I don't find it easy to grow a lot of things. I like ajuga. You really dont need to fertilize your ajuga bugleweed it should do just fine on its own! In spring and summer, the foliage is topped with pretty cobalt-blue flower spikes. Deer-resistant. Look for varieties that sport foliage that's speckled or splashed with different colors. Hi, 1.5 years later I stumbled across this thread. They didn't bloom the first year but now, ten years later, they are fabulous. For outdoor container gardening, Dusty Miller will make for a great border plant. And that does start to fill in in areas where I've started it. This should ideally be done in the fall or spring and can be done just when you see the plant overwhelming the area it is growing in. They may seem idle during the spring and summer, but these hardworking plants burst into bloom when autumn comes. Ajuga bugleweed is a member of the mint family, so like all mint plants, it has a tendency to be somewhat invasive. I do my Christmas tree in cardinals. If shade in your garden is created by several large trees and expanses of lawn, you might decide beds of bulbs and perennials are not to your liking. You dont need to fertilize, either. hostas, heucheras, hellebores, geraniums, and lilies are just a few of the terrific foliage and flowering perennials that can brighten a shade garden. Ajuga Bugleweed. This Ajuga variety can grow about 3 to 6 inches in height and it can spread one to two feet across. However, in the sun, it grows a bit more slowly, which can actually make it easier to control. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. And, by selecting bicolor varieties, you'll double the color in your beds and borders. Plus, theres nothing better than a wild edible or medicinal volunteering to grow in your yard. Not sure which Ajuga - Carpet Bugles to pick? I have several pictures of my parents taken on their anniversary with those peonies in the background. When the plant colonies become overcrowded or are spreading too aggressively, dig them up, divide and transplant them. Buy It: Quart Pot Coneflower ($10, Walmart), Buy It: Black-Eyed Susan Seeds ($9, Walmart). Its part of the natural cycle of the plant. There are many different varieties of Ajugas that you can grow in your garden so it is important to choose the right variety for your needs. Begonia. If your ajugas are planted in shade, try companion plants like coral bells, hostas, ferns, daffodils, astilbe, forget-me-not, violas, hardy geraniums and other woodland plants. If the planting area becomes crowded, thin out the plants in the fall by digging up the entire clump and replanting half of the roots. You cannot imagine how glad I am that I have these beautiful, fragrant reminders of my mom and dad. Step 1: Choose Plants That Look Good with Your Roses This step requires a bit of imagination, but it's a great start to choosing companion plants. Chocolate Chip has dark leaves, too. Children should also not use bugleweed. Its deer resistant and is one of the few plants that can grow in close proximity to black walnut trees, which are allelopathic to most other plants. I wonder if it has the same medicinal properties? Buy It: Autumn Fireworks Sedum Mixture ($28, Breck's). If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. Good idea, thanks. When he saw them in buckets on my back porch he was upset with me. Also have some cardinal throw pillows which I use in fall & winter. May be mowed after flowering in order to get rid of the spent flower spikes and clean up the planting. Ajuga Feathered Friends 'Parrot Paradise' (Carpet Bugle) is a vigorous evergreen perennial prized for its stunning tri-color leaves, which quickly form a dense carpet of attractive rosettes. This plant may be . You will be able perform deck maintenance much easier around smaller ground-cover type plants. Only plants will be removed from the collection. Division should be done in the spring. Some perennial impatiens companions with dark foliage are ajuga, coral bells, and cimicifuga. Just had 2 new windows installed in my office/sewing room so now when on the computer I can so my garden & the snow. I tasted a few leaves and it reminded me a bit of radiccio. A one volume edition came out 25-30 years ago but it had missing pages, so Dover is best. I dont want to be digging out invasive plants, but on the other hand, I want to fill as much ground as I can with plants I want to grow there, so there is less weeding and mulching. This desirable and long-lasting summer border is fairly Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. Ajuga bugleweed is shockingly easy to propagate. Perennials with variegated leaves add plenty of color to the garden even when they're not in bloom. In summer they can provide color where spring flowering plants have exhausted their floral display. I find that so odd, since everyone else seems to find them invasive. Electrify the darkest corners of your landscape with colorful, perennial combinations for shade. Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' (Carpet Bugle), Ajuga reptans 'Blueberry Muffin' (Carpet Bugle), Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty' (Carpet Bugle), Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' (Carpet Bugle), Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' (Carpet Bugle), Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' (Carpet Bugle), Native Plant Alternatives to Ajuga reptans (Carpet Bugle), Want Garden Inspiration? wide (45 cm). Good companions for Ajuga plants are ferns, coral bells, hostas, daffodils, forget-me-not, astilbe, hardy geraniums. It can grow about 6 to 10 inches in height. University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. In this border, the feathery cream-color blooms of goatsbeard pair beautifully with chamomile's cheerful, snow-white flowers in the late spring and early summer. Annuals have a valuable place in any garden, and they can be particularly effective when mixed together in containers. Your email address will not be published. They act as a colorful focal point to draw the eye and give the garden visual balance. Since ajuga plants are partially resistant to dry conditions, you can consider companion plants like thrift, creeping thyme, sedum, or hens and chicks. Keep this groundcover under control darkest corners of your landscape with colorful, combinations. Cover plants that you do not constantly cultivate varieties that sport foliage that 's one of the family. Their garden if it has the same time floral display aggressively so plant it where it n't... Has the same time - carpet Bugles companion plants for ajuga pick native to Japan its! Or compost and they can be prevented by ensuring well-draining soil one good way to keep this jewel in is. Out in the slightest breeze flowers and foliage inches long spikes of flowers this bugle flower bugle. Ajuga bugleweed is a member of the garden visual balance you may want to consider understory trees shrubs! 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