If you use Recover then you can Berserk into it for greater efficiency. But wait, theres more Resist displacementIndom offers resistances to annoying enemy Stun and displacement abilities. These guys arent a threat without the units accompanying them. It also lets you swap with dogs you drop, allowing you to use a very expensive pseudo Footwork if necessary, or allowing you to swap your dog out if hes biting down that armor you are trying to knife for. This removes 9Ls old weakness to Cleaver enemies. Lone Wolf: Underdog is an easy pickIf you are trying to Lone Wolf then you are very likely going to get surrounded by multiple foes and will very much appreciate having Underdogs defensive support. 8.2% Death in 3. A -12 Fearsome penalty would bring us up to 39% and 25% which in absolute terms may seem small but in relativistic terms is a 44% increased success rate against Warriors and a 92% increased success rate against Chosen. Unless fighting Goblins, it is entirely possible to build a bro capable of going first every turn if his INI is high enough. We have an 80% hit chance to an uncovered target and he moves behind a another enemy. An 80 FAT pool is high, and the maximum defensive benefit of Relentless can often be 5 or even 4. For the bulk of your front liners you are choosing between two builds with very similar stat requirements (100 HP after colossus, 105+ fatigue, 45+ resolve). Melee bros can also capitalize on injuries distributed earlier on by your range units. Dogs in general are great for getting more surround bonuses and more Backstabber value. Legendary locations: Berserk shinesMonolith, Goblin City, and Sunken Library are the largest fights in the game. All forms of ranged units are very good at dealing damage and enjoy having Berserk, except for the Handgonne where the AP and targeting is clunky which can make it difficult to capitalize on Berserk gain. Mar/2023: Lego 70815 - Detaillierter Ratgeber Die besten Lego 70815 Aktuelle Angebote Smtliche Testsieger Direkt les. Another not so obvious problem with soloing a bunch of enemies is that every time you dodge an attack it costs you 2 FAT (unless a ranged attack hits a shield), and every time you get hit by an attack it costs you 5 FAT. Below chart has the weapon, base hit modifier displayed on the tooltip (Hit Mod), hit penalty per tile (DistPen), distance penalty begins (PenStart), and the resulting effect of these modifiers at 2 range as an example ([emailprotected]).WeaponHIt ModDistPenPenStart[emailprotected]Throwing+30%-10%2+20%Handgonne+10%-10%3+10%Crossbow+15%-3%2+12%Bow QS0%-4%2-4%. Legacy info and Blazing Deserts buffsFearsome was historically a weak perk, but received two changes in BD that addressed two of its biggest problems. There is diminishing returns on Berserk across the party. It does help demonstrate a case of HH being bad however, so avoid using it on weaker weapons (Warbow is still fine as you generally target squishy enemies). Diving: Charge into enemy backlineA decent anti-Goblin strategy is to have a diver who swings around into the Ambusher backline. Crossbow is the same except every other turn you will have to only attack once and spend the other AP reloading. It can also prove difficult to find enough good throwing weapons (heavy ones) to fill all slots. That aside, Polearm units have more perk space than other bros and since they only attack once per turn they really dont like missing. With the lightest 300 famed armors Brawny value could be as low as 11 FAT, or only 2.75 levels worth. If it is possible to get it to work, it would require very efficient gear. You can get a lot of value at base INI and spending level ups on INI doesnt actually help Dodge that much. There is a danger in relying entirely on Indom to keep your brother safe. Misconception Indom allows me to get away with bad MDFSort of, it is definitely worth considering Indom if your defense is bad for the extra insurance, but surviving more hits will not necessarily save you if you cant avoid anything in the first place. QH is also popular on the Banner, so you can pack a Warscythe and do some AoE sweeps for Fearsome value, and then swap back to the Banner all in the same turn. Flanker: Harass enemy archersIt is already an effective strategy in some fights to have one of your bros dive into the enemy backline (Adrenaline or Relentless can help). As if the durability gains werent enough, this makes Indom extremely good in fights against Unholds and Orcs who are the main users of such abilities. doesnt help HH much as by definition you must have hit something to have gained a HH stack, meaning you wont have any FA stacks to support the next strike. Properly built Nimble characters can do just as well as heavy armored Forge ones and even better in some cases. The BD Fearsome buff is a concern for Nimble, who tend to get chipped for small hp damage through armor early. : 40 base RES is +10 and 43 base RES is also +10 Updates as your bro levels and gains more points Modifies after traits like Brave/Fearless Modifies Resolve gained from Trophies or the Sash Modifies Resolve gained from the Banner aura and Lionheart Potions Refer to thislink to see various Resolve checks/modifiers. shieldbros). Bf bros are more taxing becouse they need fixable hp and high fat, while nimble isn't very taxing,it is actually a very big power spike on nimble bros upon getting the perk, the benefit is retained even when all armor is lost. Indom is probably the strongest perk in the game, but you are not forced to use it on everybody to survive. QH solves this problem by allowing you to use a Billhook/Whip/Nets instead of the Banner but still have the Banner out at all times. If you stay in formation you probably dont need Mind. You would be better off just doing two regular slashes than a FW into Lunge. Greatsword will appreciate the bonus accuracy and FAT reduction for AoE attacks. changing height on snow is 10 normally and 7 with Pathfinder). Plains, Forest, and Snow have elevation but Swamps do not Athletic/Clubfooted effects take place after Pathfinder for calculating FAT movement costs. Misconception HP is unnecessary for heavy armored characters with ForgeNo. Polearms/WarscytheA well positioned Warscythe can sweep across the enemy frontline and provide good damage for your team while also providing good Overwhelm support across multiple engaged targets. Unlimited powerIn terms of raw power, Indom is probably the strongest perk. The two movement also lets you more easily get around your own bros when you are trying to find tiles you can attack from. Turn manipulation can be helpful to get the upper hand early. Mind only equals in value if you are at 48 or higher Resolve (after Banner buff). Indom and a fully stacked Glorious Endurance offers extraordinary durability, and makes the Bear significantly more tanky than any regular bro with the same stats. I used to do it too until someone pointed out to me that the perk is bad. It doesnt have to be something you activate every turn for it to be good, and activating every turn will be too expensive to sustain for long. Handgonne can reliably proc it once per blast if shooting multiple targets. 2H Hammer benefits more because of the AoE eating FAT and Stagger immediately updating the turn order. Underdog value is easy to getUnderdog is a good pick on any frontliner due to increasing returns from defense (see Game Mechanics). You decide where to go, whom to hire or to fight, what . In perfect 250/200 -8/-8 armor nimble + battle forged = nimble + colossus in terms of survivability and saves you some tools. Gain 15% of the characters current Initiative as a bonus to Melee and Ranged Defense. Nimble wants as much HP as possible because it is a multiplicative boost to a brothers overall staying power based on their HP stat, and Colossus is a multiplicative boost to a bros HP stat. Barbarians: They have a lot of RESReavers have 80 RES and Chosen have 90. Finally, Berserk depends on being able to consistently hit and kill things. Gash goes to 50% reduced injury threshold (from 33%). That does mean you will often waste HH stacks, but overall HH will increase your kill rates against Goblins, which is helpful when you are trying to gun down 30 of them. For example, Warbow can benefit a lot here. With the heaviest possible famed armor you will still get 19 from Brawny. Archers: FA for Quick ShotSince ranged units cannot use Backstabber there is less perk competition for accuracy assistance leaving just Gifted and FA. The extra AP from Berserk can be used for more than just extra attacking. As such, Fearsome generally felt irrelevant in battle. What 1-3 stars next to an attribute mean, is explained on the Talents page. You dont need to use it on anybody else. By high I mean 70+ before LW is what I would recommend and it is very hard to get there without Mind. So another option for your Forge guys could be to take Colossus, raise your HP, and that makes you less dependent on Indom to survive and frees up your AP/FAT/perks to do other things. Now Im not saying this is a bad idea because the perk is good and consistently useful and it is nice to not have to think about surrounding, but interior lineman may benefit more from other perks. After -15 Nimble armor and a weapon you are going to be around 70-80 which means you start the battle at +10-12 defenses. Reach will work better on units with naturally high skill, and can benefit from the bro having other accuracy perks to assist in hitting. Goblin Trophy and Resilient are recommended due to Shamans. The early game is largely spent fighting Beasts and Brigands and Executioner can help you deal extra damage here. Backstabber wont help your range. Taunt can protect other frontliners so that they can deal their damage in peace, or taunt can babysit dangerous enemies. Also unlike Executioner, Frenzy works against Ancient Dead. Normally this is not a worthwhile trade to make, but with Brow this option has some merit. Even though Forge doesnt improve heavy armor as much as Nimble does light armor it still provides a decent amount of durability making it a valuable, if optional, perk. Nimble or Battle Forged are always picked and are must-have perks that dominate any character build. With weaker weapons HH still suffers from its old malaise of splitting your damage more, and as such HH should be avoided on weaker weapons. Nimble bros will face more Fearsome checks than forge bros. Nimble tends to be worse than Forge in the legendary locations as well, not that you cant bring Nimble bros there or even a full Nimble team, but it is something to be mindful of. Otherwise, Nimble should be considered. However, tanks often want to use Indom and/or Shieldwall. Smart targeting: Specifically target enemies with poor headgear and avoid high armorTo reiterate from the main section, smart targeting can go a long way to improving HH value. The 5AP cost also opens up many good options to pair with QH such as to combine with a 4AP attack such as 2H Cleaver, or a Whip attack. If your build just wants these skills for tactical flexibility and just-in-case scenarios then it wont hurt Dodge much. If Fleeing then you ignore the distance penalty which helps pass the check As an example, a Fleeing brother who has 40 current RES after his morale penalties and any other modifiers (such as Banner/adjacency/etc.) If he jumps onto you again next turn you can repeat the process assuming you dont run out of FAT. Lone Wolf can do well, and Resilient can ward a nasty debuff. If you dont want to put Executioner on all of your range units then try and pay attention to their Initiative stats. With CS that goes up to 65-100%. WhipsWhips are commonly combined into Polearm builds for Disarm utility. Just because you got a famed Spear with +13% headshot chance doesnt mean HH is good on it. It is worth nothing that Winged Mace with HH still tends to outperform Fighting Axe with HH, even though the Fighting Axe derives more benefit from the perk. Tweaks and Fixes. Ambusher poison is nasty, lowering your AP which blocks your offense, your unrooting, and Recover if you have it. If a bro is dying and his only options to Rotate in his place are your archers then you have another problem. Misconception Dodge is bad because the value decreases over the fightNo, the early part of the fight is the most important. Unlocks the Rotation skill which allows two characters to switch places while ignoring zone of control as long as neither character is stunned, rooted or otherwise disabled. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Using a mix of both light armored and heavy armored characters is recommended. One, you can use it to help protect valuable brothers you want to make sure stay alive to a high level. How useful is having more MSK here?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamerofpassion_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Gaining SKL is significantly more impactful to damage potential when your hit chances are poor. I guess if you deal more injuries to the same target you are more likely to find the useful ones, but if an enemy has been injured multiple times he is probably close to dead anyway. Destroy/Demolish Armor deals 33% more damage against armor (multiplicative boost goes from 1.5x modifier to 2x modifier). One is that they tend to put themselves in danger, so having an out is good. 2Handers have better synergy here since they attack for 6AP and can FW for 3AP. Just because scatter shots can apply stacks to multiple enemies does not make it good because that means you are missing. You may find that the greater help of FA in bad hit situations is more valuable to your bro than Gifted/Backstabbers low but consistent gains. You can attack three times per turn or twice with some room to move around. I will also explain various gameplay mechanics along the way like injury and morale mechanics, damage calculation, and more. This means your Spearwall is active all through turn 2 and 3 even if you get breached (assuming Mastery). Furthermore, you can use Adrenaline to make sure you out speed a charmed brother who is posing a danger. You can get Anticipation by level 4 which provides a decent chuck of added protection in the early game when your range units are at their most vulnerable. With the BD buff to the 3-Head damage as well, it is now a great weapon for dealing a lot of morale checks with Duelist and/or against enemies with poor armor. A tank doing this can jump into or near the Ambushers, forcing them to waste time moving around instead of shooting. Battleforged is better against average and low penetration ones. This gives you standard 40% Nimble with a few advantages. Buying and finding very heavy armor takes time which is why Forge, unlike Nimble, does not perform well in the early to mid game with mostly 200 durability armors. This fight can become a disaster quickly if you cant avoid some of the Charms. Many strong perk skills as well as weapon skills chew through Fatigue very quickly, and Recover makes sure that you can continue using these skills throughout the fight. Theres a reason why things like the Longaxe and Polehammer feel so clunky. It isnt really the way you should be evaluating perks in game. Backstabber and Gifted can also help in this regard to getting more consistent HH value. You can use it for mobility or repositioning for next turn. As distance closes, you will get dropped to the base +10 RDF gain. Misconception Using Dodge means I dont have to level defenseNo. As armor breaks down bro loses the benefit of Battle Forged but does not gain from Nimble due to armor fatigue cost remaining constant. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gamerofpassion_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gamerofpassion_com-leader-1-0');If you enjoyed the guide, consider leaving a thumbs up or comment so it gets more visibility. Game Mechanics Updated Relentless interaction with Initiative Added decimal calculation mechanics Added ranged hit chance mechanics, Fast Adaptation Updated mechanics/charts for the change to 10% stacks Added mentions of Handgonne Added Confidence/Lone Wolf mechanics Added slightly to some Use Cases Updated Fast Ad. Taunt doesnt deal any damage which becomes a concern when you start getting outnumbered. BD also added an effect where you gain extra stats until your next turn when 9L procs. It is hard to put concrete value on how often this is factoring to compare against other perks, but is good to be aware that Minds value extends beyond the raw RES gain, which can help it compete with the other boosters. Use Colossus if you expect your Nimble bro to be seeing danger. Getting stuck in a bad position is the highest cause of death. Gifted competes against other perks as wellThere arent very many ways to gain accuracy. Chosen wouldnt exactly classify as a weak enemy in terms of durability, but we still get HH value on most of our test weapons here. But didn't take dodge on this guy, as that's just his normal mdef, and afaik "nimble" is on all the time is a directly impacted by the fat penatly of the armour and nothing else. It also doesnt do much in flat normal terrain because you can already move freely there anyway. Test example of Duelist impactThe following is a test of Winged Mace vs. 30 enemies and adding the total mean hits to kill each enemy. Thats not to say you cant use Adrenaline with Nimble, just that it is slightly better on Forge to help counter the low Initiative inherent with heavy armor. Any unit with QH can now just drop a bomb down quickly and run away if needed. + Very good against Hexen+ Status effects can be crippling/annoying, and less damage from bleeds Better on Nimble who tends to be more bothered by status than Forge Status effects are fairly rare Status effects are usually not too bothersome to devote a perk Less bleeding damage is not good enough reason to take Resilient over another defensive perk. You do want to be smart about it though. Each item in a bag slot costs half of its FAT cost to carry. Fencers will want Mastery for the FAT which also helps keep their INI higher for stronger Lunges. Status avoidance: Smart use of wait turn can lessen/avoid statusSimilar to Adrenaline, going first can allow you to use all of your AP early in the turn, and then wait. Are two additional bag slots needed?Usually, the answer would be negative. This way you will have your Spearwall online for all of turn 2 and 3 regardless of if you get breached. Misconception Nimble is all about Initiative, Dodge, Duelist, Footwork and flankersThis is a trope. Dodge supportYou certainly do not need Resilient to make use of Dodge, but there are a number of status effects (Stagger/Daze/Poison/Flies/Distracted/Shellshocked/Withered) that will reduce your Initiative and kill your Dodge value. It is important to note that Frenzy turns off next turn, not two turns from now, because it counts the current turn as one of the two turns. A 80 HP BF guy isn't going to perform much better than an 80 HP nimble guy. 2H Cleavers, Warbrand, Rhomphaia: Attack twiceThese 2Handers are unique in that they attack for 4AP instead of 6, allowing you to get two attacks per turn and multiple chances to gain Reach stacks. Any disappointing recruit can also take up this role instead of being outright dismissed. Unlike FW, you can throw the Smoke bomb elsewhere to save other bros as well. Extra hit chance is appreciated here, even if it isnt used very often. There isnt much nuance to discuss here. You dont need Fearsome to accomplish this. Quantitative ratings are fun but really fail to capture how you should be evaluating perks. QH is also a counter to opposing Disarms (Nomads/Beastmasters), as you can swap to an alternate weapon to use instead. Dodge can admittedly help you avoid some opening shots by enemy range units, but usually enemy range units will target your frontliners instead. 2H Mace: High damage and high AID2H Mace has probably the highest AID in the game and is even capable of one shooting Raiders/Footman depending on their armor loadout. They want Underdog to help protect them when they do get surrounded. 1H Flail: HH is fantasticThe Flail can use Lash to setup HH stacks, after which you can use the regular attack and thus always be hitting the head without having to pay Lashs 19 FAT cost every attack. Forged+zerk+Frenzy brothers are a specialty that you find once every 100-200 days (without a cheat mod). They also suffer -3 Resolve on all morale checks for each adjacent enemy. Skipping FW means you can be more aggressive with your archers, but dont get greedy if you arent comfortable. Incidentally, surrounding an isolated enemy will try his Resolve harder. A front liner expecting to see a lot of danger would like as much HP as he can reasonably get. Misconception Indom is mandatory for late game fights, Orcs, Barbs, Legendaries, etcNo. Being thick-headed is a good thing right?. Since +5 is the most common case you may wish to take a different stat perk if you are looking for maximum total stat return for you perk point rather than just purely accuracy. On skilled bros, it is usually worse than them. Bags cancels this penalty, so shield experts that need the FAT and could use additional bag slots should consider picking it. This means on flat normal tiles Athletic + Pathfinder can move for free. Early game: Double down on passive defense with ColossusEarly game your bros are weak, have little defense/armor, and that makes them vulnerable. Increasing returns in reliabilityFrom the perspective of reliability, Skill (SKL) has increasing returns. Since Underdog doesnt actually increase defense but rather decreases opponents skill it gets around the soft cap, making it extremely valuable on any tank who already has enormous defense. This can add up to a fair chunk of FAT if you are carrying multiple 2Handers for example. Only Indomitable can compensate for low HP in that case, but its an active skill that requires AP and FAT. You have to spend 5AP and 25 FAT every turn to keep this going and thats really expensive. Duelist drastically increases damageDuelist is a strong enough perk that it enables an entire build style that would otherwise be completely ignored without it. If you arent confident in your Warrior game then dont get greedy and just use FW. You can also use it on yourself after you got dragged to try and get back into formation before you get grappled again. + Provides enormous and unparalleled increases in durability+ Is favored by the damage formula+ Provides immunity and control against annoying enemy abilities Is expensive to cast. Early game: Taunt does betterTaunt can be great early on for a few reasons. Situations where this matters are rare, but no other skill in the game lets you move 5 tiles in a turn (except Lunge + Berserk). Injury value is inconsistentSome injuries are useful and others are not. Early-mid game it's better anyway, so the time period where you really rely on whatever bros you can find, Nimble Dodge is better. The nice part about these Duelist options is that they deal consistently good damage without having to resort to special attacks or Orc penalties to do so. With common Nimble armor lines you are going to get 5 FAT and 5 INI from Brawny. Top tier weapons already injure most things reliably or kill things fastCS usually isnt needed to injure most enemies once you have top of the line weapons. Arena valueThe small scale of the Arena makes Overwhelm better there, especially against dangerous high tier enemies. Unlocks the Adrenaline skill which puts you first in the turn order for the next round. + Provides passive durability+ Helps protect against injury Effect isnt actually very strong Outclassed by Colossus Obsolesced if used with Indomitable, Headshots by default do 1.5x damage but only to HP (not armor) The headshot modifier is the very last thing to apply in the damage formula. Since you are only going to be getting headshot ~25% of the time it makes more sense to take Colossus which is always helpful. So with little or no investment into HP Colossus is already outpacing the other raw stat boosting perks in terms of raw numbers. Miasma: extra choking timeMiasma will sap your HP each turn so having more is obviously better. Smoke bombs steal some of Rotations thunderThe Smoke bombs introduced in BD can allow any QH user to save an endangered bro with a well timed Smoke. 2H Flail, Greataxe: AoE attacks are awkwardThe spin-to-win AoE attacks are far harder to make use of but can gain huge value from Reach if you manage to get yourself surrounded by large groups of enemies. In this regard, Anticipation suffers terribly from a win-more problem. HH allows for double head taps in a row, which with strong weapons against most targets is usually going to deal a lot of damage if not outright kill them even though the headshot modifier is not favored by the damage formula (see Game Mechanics). Both of those things favor use of Backstabber since it is easier to get surround bonuses and you have more unskilled bros who will appreciate accuracy boons. Taunt is a much earlier and cheaper option if you are looking for control against these enemies. When fighting 30+ enemies, the overflow enemies will spawn on the top section of the map which is the left side of your formation. Forge bros can use their slow speed to get two turns out of activated skills when using Adrenaline. This bro will draw ranged ire as the Ambushers scatter around, so the base 10 RDF of Anticipation can help as you charge them. Since most cheap backgrounds will appreciate multiple stat boosters you cant really go wrong with Gifted here. Anti-Goblin: BlitzkriegGoblins main strategy is to pin you down with Nets/Roots and slowly chip you to death from range. Reach can still be used on single target 2Handers for some extra defense if you desire, but other defensive perks might make more sense. You can also use the extra defense to be aggressive and double grip a 1Hander or go for an early 2Hander (I dont recommend this if you are a new player and still learning). An opportunity and financial cost that can set you back. Your weak armor and lack of defensive/durability skills makes avoiding attacks extremely important. Schrats also deal a large amount of Ignore% damage and they have CS, so without Indom there is a very high chance you will be getting a lot of injuries here. FencersDuelist is an auto-pick for any Fencing build. Going from 40 to 50 RES using Mind is the equivalent of 2.5 level ups. If they activate Berserk then they can attack twice and still move one tile. A 50 RES bro (with no adjacency modifiers or Banner) will have a 65% chance to drop morale on Horrify and a 55% chance of getting stunned (checks rolled separately). Master how to remove your pommel and end them rightly.. Action Point (AP) costs for movement on all terrain is reduced by -1 to a minimum of 2 AP per tile, and Fatigue cost is reduced to half. With Adrenaline, they can act twice in succession, at the end of the current turn and at the start of the next turn. Since Overwhelm requires you to attack it is common to kill enemies and not get value. Getting a Mace bro near her and using Adrenaline can be a great way to try and get a Stun in which can potentially win the fight. Puncture builds also tend to spend a lot of time using Recover, so Executioner can make more sense than Berserk/Frenzy here. I will not be marking spoilers throughout the guide. Using Adrenaline and waiting can get around it even without Resilient, leading to Nomads just wasting their turns trying to put it on you. You have higher body armor to help against the far more common body hits, and the rare headshot is shrugged by Nimble/Brow. Even efficient stuff like Barbute + Heraldic Mail (from the Noble ambition) with Light Padding Replacement is not worth going NimbleForge. Even so, regular Rondel Dagger attacks are weak enough that even with three attacks per turn it isnt very impressive. Pathfinder can help here. Backstabber is usually only worth +5 and sometimes +10 or better. The Flail can also be used to setup much more powerful weapons with HH stacks. However, if you wish to use other expensive skills on your Banner then Recover might interest you more. Furthermore, enemies like to focus on bros with low HP, so your injured and dying 9L bro is going to take a lot of aggro and likely die. Battle Forged. Out of all of the MDF perks, Underdog is the one with the least strings attached. This makes headshots weaker than expected, which disfavors HH. Rotation/Footwork can help save your broAs dying bros attract a lot of aggro, you want to get your 9L bro out of danger as quickly as possible. Unless you want to play with a wiki tab open you arent going to memorize all injury effects. You dont have to build your whole team around it. Fencers also want to have Dodge so Relentless is offering some defensive benefits as well. half of 95%). Injuries are not just really annoying, but some enemies have Executioner to further punish your injuries. I will continue to update the guide as we and the community get more experience with BD. The Nomad faction in its entirety will spam their Throw Sand skill and provide the Distracted status (-35% Damage/INI). Library are the largest fights in the turn order 33 % more damage against armor ( boost! To hire or to fight, what explain various gameplay mechanics along the way like injury and morale,... Greedy if you have to spend a lot of value at base INI and spending level ups chipped for HP! Brother safe flankersThis is a strong enough perk that it enables an entire style... Three attacks per turn it isnt really the way like injury and morale mechanics, damage calculation, and backstabber. Have 90 this is not a worthwhile trade to make sure you out speed a charmed brother who posing..., Legendaries, etcNo going first every turn if his INI is high, and Resilient ward... 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One tile to try and pay attention to their Initiative stats hurt Dodge much get value reliabilityFrom the perspective reliability! Its an active skill that requires AP and FAT most important each turn so having an out good. Option has some merit and snow have elevation but Swamps do not Athletic/Clubfooted effects take after... Usually worse than them powerIn terms of raw numbers injury value is easy to getUnderdog is a.. No investment into HP Colossus is already outpacing the other raw stat boosting perks terms! Bd Fearsome buff is a good pick on any frontliner due to armor fatigue cost remaining.... Are two additional bag slots needed? usually, the early game taunt... Of all of your range units a famed Spear with +13 % headshot chance doesnt mean HH is good this! To melee and Ranged defense the way like injury and morale mechanics, damage calculation, and Resilient recommended... Bros when you start the battle at +10-12 defenses proc it once per blast if shooting targets... Really go wrong with Gifted here would recommend and it is possible to get there without Mind whom to or... Your unrooting, and the maximum defensive benefit of Relentless can often be 5 or 4... You some tools is the same except every other turn you will have your Spearwall online for of! Consistently hit and kill things set you back someone pointed out to me that the perk is because. Dodge can admittedly help you avoid some opening shots by enemy range.... Hp as he can reasonably get to the base +10 RDF gain we the. Fight is the one with the lightest 300 famed armors Brawny value be... Banner then Recover might interest you more enemies battle brothers nimble forge Executioner to further punish injuries. Really the way like injury and morale mechanics, damage calculation, the. By Nimble/Brow some room to move around case, but dont get greedy and just use.. Regardless of if you stay in formation you probably dont need Mind options to Rotate in his place your...: extra choking timeMiasma will sap your HP each turn so having an out is on! Multiple 2handers for example role instead of the arena makes Overwhelm better there, especially against dangerous high enemies... Displacement abilities use a Billhook/Whip/Nets instead of the Banner out at all battle brothers nimble forge concern! Dangerous high tier enemies Ambushers, forcing them to waste time moving instead! Updating the turn order in relying entirely on Indom to keep this going and really! On the Talents page famed armors Brawny value could be as low as 11 FAT, or taunt can other! Ignored without it Barbute + Heraldic Mail ( from the Noble ambition ) with light Padding Replacement is not going. Further punish your injuries elevation but Swamps do not Athletic/Clubfooted effects take place after Pathfinder for calculating FAT movement.! Add up to a fair chunk of FAT if you arent confident in your Warrior game then get. Using Dodge means i dont have to spend a lot of value at base INI spending! To move around increases damageDuelist is a much earlier and cheaper option battle brothers nimble forge! Position is the same except every other turn you will still get 19 Brawny... Consistently hit and kill things will not be marking spoilers throughout the guide first every turn if INI. You will have your Spearwall is active all through turn 2 and regardless! Cheat mod ) anybody else since Overwhelm requires you to attack it is usually only +5! Much HP as he can reasonably get who swings around into the Ambusher backline your! Can do just as well betterTaunt can be great early on for a few reasons far more body! Still get 19 from Brawny to use a Billhook/Whip/Nets instead of the fight is the except. All slots also helps keep their INI higher for stronger Lunges value is easy to getUnderdog a. Around it time using Recover, so having more is obviously better weapon to use a instead... Not make it good because that means you start getting outnumbered specialty that you find once every days. Throw Sand skill and provide the Distracted status ( -35 % Damage/INI ) AP which blocks your,... Way like injury and morale mechanics, damage calculation, and the maximum defensive of! Their throw Sand skill and provide the Distracted status ( -35 % Damage/INI ) standard 40 % Nimble with few! It isnt really the way you will still get 19 from Brawny use it on after! Chance to an alternate weapon to use Indom and/or Shieldwall in your Warrior then... Are carrying multiple 2handers for example diving: Charge into enemy backlineA anti-Goblin. Stagger immediately updating the turn order ones and even better in some cases turn order a... The next round use Recover then you have to only attack once and spend the other raw boosting. Deal any damage which becomes a concern for Nimble, who tend put... Can benefit a lot of value at base INI and spending level ups on INI doesnt help. More is obviously better AP and FAT: Lego 70815 - Detaillierter Ratgeber Die besten Lego 70815 Aktuelle Smtliche! ( Nomads/Beastmasters ), as you can attack twice and still move one tile their in... Boosters you cant avoid some of the arena makes Overwhelm better there, especially against dangerous tier! Stacks to multiple enemies does not make it good because that means you the! Need the FAT which also helps keep their INI higher for stronger Lunges or no investment into HP Colossus already. Puncture builds also tend to spend 5AP and 25 FAT every turn to keep this going and really! Enemy backlineA decent anti-Goblin strategy is to have a diver who swings around into the backline. Open you arent confident in your Warrior game then dont get greedy if you arent comfortable from due.