There were those, mostly from Third Place and some men from the other communities that wanted to continue to wipe out the flatheads. "Rubio, good morning." He had much to do, he must call the other Mog-urs together, what he held in his hand must be made known to the other caves. "Yes, Chandalar is a natural rider. All he knew was that he liked being near her and he felt deep down inside that he would risk his life for her if she ever needed him to. He was the epitome of what a man should be, strong yet caring and so accomplished. "I do not believe you, you do not speak the truth," he signed showing agitation. The water already filled the area behind the rampart for hundreds of strides. He had eaten the man's gift and certainly could not give it back, nor could he let him leave without a gift in return. We have traveled since before the end of winter to reach you and later we will go even further west until we reach the land's end. She traced a circle around one eye and then dipping a finger into the ash again, tracing another circle around the other eye. Who is the leader among you?". I didn't know you wanted to visit this place so that Star could be blessed. Jonayla thought for a moment, and then said, "I think Willamar gets just as much out of the relationship. He'd thought it good, but to have such an emotional reaction by such an important leader and a woman he admired was the ultimate compliment. Jonayla thought for a moment, "Although I can't treat all the horses like I do Gray, I think everyone should make the horse they rely on most part of their family. Losing our meal last night makes me want something fresh.". Who better to sort out this trouble in the north between the Clan and our Zelandonii brethren? Cambarre bundled his tunic and leggings up, using his tunic sleeves tied together to form a shoulder strap. Durcan held Blackie on his lap and was petting the pup to keep her quiet. Unlike his sister who had Jondalar's eye-coloring, Durcan's were slate gray, much like his mother's, only darker, and he had Ayla's darker blonde hair too, but his face was the mirror image of his father at the same age. He felt fear and uncertainty. He was the first among all the Mog-urs in his Clan of seven caves, simply because he could imagine that things might not be what they seemed. He nodded to her and she filled cups with tea and handed them around. In a very short time most of the herds would migrate south for winter's moon cycles. And I will try to be circumspect with my innermost feelings around the others, but I would like to consider you a friend and advisor that I can trust and confide in. Familiar features were smothered and the game herds were gone. In short, you are an intelligent, accomplished young woman. It had worked in the past, but it didn't seem to be working now. At this close range he could see something deep within her eyes, something ancient, almost primeval; not all-together human he decided and recoiled. he repeated again. He would be at the center of it all. But that attraction soon was replaced by fear and unease when she found that he was so full of hate for the Clan and even for other Zelandonii. "I'd rather stay with you mother," Jonayla replied. He looked over at Jonayla to see how she felt and saw that she looked happy with the idea. The trial couples should begin to return today and tomorrow and several of the caves that had no one in the last Matrimonial are striking their camps now and will probably begin to leave tomorrow as well, so this will be our last chance.". And maybe she would be able to find more curative fever fungus. She told him about Jondalar's scar and said that he himself would have a story he could tell for the rest of his life. Cambarre was amused at Willamar's amazed expression. The Zelandonia from each Cave would gather to choose a new spiritual leader. "I think we know how to load and prepare a pole-drag by now.". In the falling dusk the huge monster lumbered toward the approaching men. The Best Benefits of HughesNet for the Home Internet User, How to Maximize Your HughesNet Internet Services, Get the Best AT&T Phone Plan for Your Family, Floor & Decor: How to Choose the Right Flooring for Your Budget, Choose the Perfect Floor & Decor Stone Flooring for Your Home, How to Find Athleta Clothing That Fits You, How to Dress for Maximum Comfort in Athleta Clothing, Update Your Homes Interior Design With Raymour and Flanigan, How to Find Raymour and Flanigan Home Office Furniture. It took a few moments before she was willing to respond. "Greetings First Zelandoni," Denanna called as Ayla approached. "Your pup has shown me the way. What they were seeing was an entire community massed together in less than a three hundred foot length at the base of a cliff. ", "You should say First Zelandoni, not Ayla, she gave up her name for the well-being of the people and should always be called by her title.". What made her think she could? My father took another woman as a mate and we were a family again. "We were chasing flatheads. He found there was firewood already stacked beside the campfire ring close to what was left of the tent. "'No, I don't want those,' said the young man, remembering the old wood cutter's advice. The final decision would be made at the leader's council after the matrimonial ceremony with all the remaining cave leaders, but to resolve the issue among themselves would, in all practical ways, close the discussion to all but a vote of acceptance. They were spread out over a large area. "Ayla, we should turn toward the Zelandoni lodge. They were happy to be together and away from everyone else. "Brukeval! The two men had been walking for no more than a short time when they broke through into a large meadow with a stream running through it. With so many extra mouths to feed, meat was used up as fast as it was brought in and hunters were having to go farther afield every day. Grains were harder to store but were essential and much of what was brought in this time of year would be reserved for the horses. "I want to have this half-moon time for just us," she said. When that is finely ground, it looks surprisingly like this fungus when ground. "Stories! She'd been fasting all day and the enticing aromas made her mouth water. Ayla blinked. "You tell him that we're not going to let him keep this up. Mongar turned, signaling Brog to bring the Other's Mog-ur to him, then he walked to his place within the cave. I need hot water to clean the wound after I remove the spearhead." Two Wolf Lodge had been responsible for the care and maintenance of the sacred cave for as long as anyone could remember, in fact no one could remember when they had first started using it. They must be made to feel as part of the whole. But I guess, as you like to say mother, things continually change, so I'll just have to get used to it.". To see the landscape change like this overnight made them both feel small and vulnerable. He couldn't remain silent any longer. The men waiting around the fireplace for their turn laughed again, thinking that Crazy-Eyes was moaning in pleasure as he violated the young woman at his mercy, not that his life was ebbing away. I had Iza and Creb and Uba and then you. The other Doniers and their Acolytes were streaming in too. Manvelar, leader of the Third Cave, had taken the lead as the sun reached the western sky and he was the one who first spotted smoke from Hilltop Holding. As Ayla talked to Eyzinah she learned that Blandar and his family had decided to leave for their home cave early, as many people did toward the end of the summer season. Maybe people from Two Wolf Lodge had come after the earth had trembled to see if everything was alright. Would she end up being alone when she was her mother's age with no children of her own? Even during her Acolyte training she hadn't been asked to explain it. Ayla was bone-weary as she slid from Summer Child's back. Jonayla knelt beside her mother and Wolf. I made the sacred substance for the Mog-ur ceremonies." "That was something special Jondalar! Chapter 22 When people found out how easy it was to shape the stone, those who enjoyed the process took it further and squared the walls of some of the caves, smoothing them and even painting on them as you see here. Then I'll come to collect you and our Clan friends, and we'll be ready to leave." One of them shouted, bringing others from inside the cave. "Lorala, why the tears?" I'm lucky that he loves me.". "Keep in mind that little ball of fur will grow up to be a real wolf someday. "'I have brought you a gift,' said the young man. The earth was moving, shaking under his feet and his heart was beating as if he were facing a cave lion. The Clan watched the scene from above with trepidation as the horses raced toward the female Mog-ur of the Others. No reason to give them any information. No longer were there taunts about flatheads or about his mother's past. Sometimes Ayla wished it would all just go away. "Zelandoni, are you there?" Mother! I've missed you. Having completed the ritual, she indicated the food on the many tables and finished by saying, "Come everyone, feast in honor of our departed brother.". I ran away with him when they told me I had to leave him in the snow to die because of his deformities. But I also knew no matter what you said; that you were a mixture between them and us and I saw nothing wrong with that. It's not as though you don't know as much about healing as she does, you probably know more than she does," Jondalar said. After all, people do mature and I felt I owed it to the character to let her grow up, though I did try to remain faithful to her selfless attitude and honest personality. Her research has taken her across Europe from France to Ukraine, including most of what Marija Gimbutas called Old Europe. "I was turned out of the Clan by what I now realize was a jealous and vindictive new leader. ", That statement surprised Jonayla. He said he would be back in a day or so and to care for his hunters and keep the flat err, clan man tied up until he could come back. This was more immediate because it was taking place in their midst. At least to him. Just then the tiny wolf pup wiggled in his sleep and made a small burping noise. 'How could she have such an effect on me?' Since Cambarre's parents walked the Spirit World, Willamar stood in for him. "I must leave for the Zelandoni lodge soon to prepare for the Matrimonial. "I'll supervise," Willamar said, smiling, as he began to unpack his carry bags. 'A fish.' Ayla signed to her daughter to follow her out of the cave. Jaradal hurried on. "This Mog-ur painted her face with the Ursus symbols that Mog-urs use during dream journeys and chants the sacred words that only Mog-ur of the Clan use to appease Ursus. 'She feels the same,' Ayla thought. I'm looking forward to being a father. She especially loved her adoptive family; Iza, Creb, and Uba, and the others that had helped her survive those first years. Ayla had spoken with conviction and certainty, now she needed to hear from the leaders attending the meeting. I don't think Mageb was happy about it, but I couldn't let it wait. I think they were satisfied with our past spiritual leader, but I also think they would be happy to have someone from their area as First Zelandoni for a change. "This is Jondalar and I am Ayla! I have some dried deer jerky seasoned with linden, anyone want some?" They stopped briefly at the planned campsite, leaving the pack horses and two guards. "We should spread out into a line but keep each other in sight," she said. As she had been instructed, she held back on using the entire remaining fungus. They have been without a woman's companionship for some time now and there's no way I'm going to deny them your sweet young body. And you had your mother and Dalanar and a host of other people, including me, who love you. She felt that her family should have away-time, just being on their own, and these experiences had helped their children grow more self-reliant and had nurtured a more mature attitude. We're not far away and you can ride doubled up with one of the men. She was trouble and always had been, from the first moment he'd met her he'd felt afraid of her. Cambarre had just accepted a bone platter from her, heaped with aromatic smells that made his mouth water, when suddenly a loud grunt and drumming of hooves came from across the brook. Finally Ayla stood, and Jondalar also stood, taking his place just behind her and to one side. The same calm as she had experienced in the lake settled over her as they rode their horses forward at a leisurely pace. ", Jonayla was crouching over the other injured man, but hearing her mother's question, she looked up, passing the back of her hand over her forehead to remove loose strands of blonde hair from her vision and leaving a streak of the man's blood behind. "Well, if it isn't the noble Joharran? "When you get close enough to the horse, slowly, but firmly compliment the horse and tell them about all their good characteristics to make them feel calmer around you," she said, reaching out. Let's just hope everyone north of that rock wall is unhurt.". It was hard to believe that the First before her, who had once worn this ornament, was really gone. Rubio had heard the stories from traders visiting the valley. Both Ayla and Jonayla were eager to taste the dish for the first time that season. I wasn't even born to the Zelandonii people. "Oh, I already understood what they were and I was using them to myself when one day he discovered that I understood how they worked. This allowed them to announce their place in this world to the spirits of the next and to assist Blandar's spirit in making the transition that he must. "No, you're not old! Please ask Jonayla to attend too, so that she can interpret for the Mog-ur. People want explanations for things that sometimes have no explanation. It had always been tradition that Elder Hearth should send runners to inform the people of any meeting held on Sacred Mountain. These 'Dream Journeys' seemed to show her images of future events. She has the real name, Jean Marie Untinen and was born as the second child among a total of five siblings. "Brukeval, I always thought you had more sense than Madroman. The name Skytalker has been part of our legends for generations, ever since the first big wave long ago. Ayla nodded at a trembling Madroman. It was late morning before Jonayla spotted the cooking fires from First Place and they increased their horses' pace to a trot. "Zelandoni, I understand your doubt, but I am not my predecessor, I care greatly that both the south and north become one people in more than name only. After years of experience in dealing with people and thorny issues, the Doniers automatically fell into a pattern of meditation and prayer, even when there was turmoil all around them. I found him at the bottom of a storage pit outside the nineteenth cave, unconscious and with bruises and cuts and a broken leg. By now she had become a curiosity to the Clan children. If not, then all I've done is to misinterpret the dreams she sent me. Even if he had told her to cut a finger off to prove his control over her, she would have done it. She had always been drawn to him, even when they only seemed to bump heads. Those responsible for the task cleared away the leavings from the evening's meal. She ignored those people, not caring what they thought as she strode confidently toward the Zelandoni lodge with her daughter at her side. They were my ideal, what I wished I was. Things have gone wrong in that time, things that should have been attended to. It had always been tradition that Elder Hearth should send runners to inform the people of any meeting held on Sacred Mountain. He fought the urge to reach out and touch this one's silky golden hair. I was at my wit's end, having tried everything I knew to control his fever. "I'm from the Twenty-Ninth Cave South Face," Artibon said. Durc is alive! I was even tripped and almost fell into a cooking fire this morning and no one said anything to the man who did it to me. All the Doniers from both the north and south holdings were journeying to Old Valley and Sacred Mountain to sanctify the ashes of their dead leader and to elect a new one so the problems could be addressed. "You didn't answer my questions! But in her pride she told her women to hold him hostage. They realized that they had eaten all of the fish they had and had nothing left. As planned, they had left the remaining fifteen to guard Hilltop Holding, but available to be summoned if needed. The people murmured nervously as the two females of the Others approached. He paused for a moment and Ayla could see his eyes mist with emotion. "This wound isn't very deep. Do you know them? At first Ayla hadn't been sure that leaving him behind was such a good idea. First Place has high cliffs and is situated in a small valley that is easily defended, yet is open to the lake that offers a good water source. It was his turn by right to lead the others. Even though he'd judged correctly, the man let out a long low moan as Cambarre twisted and pushed the knife in deeper, reaching around to cover the man's mouth with his hand. She had come among the people from the east and had teased the leader of the S'Attaro tribe, thinking that she could control him through her womanly ways and her beauty. Groog felt excitement as the forest gave way to the familiar hills of home. Ayla had to say farewell to the few Doniers who still remained in camp. This is what she'd always done when observing wild animals or stalking her prey, before she had the advantage of a horse. Thank you. This will be my last summer because I'll be twelve next year and too old to continue in my place. It tells the story of Ayla, an orphaned Cro-Magnon girl who is adopted and raised by a tribe of Neanderthals and who later embarks on a journey to find the Others (her own kind), meeting along the way her romantic interest and supporting co-protagonist, Jondalar . 32. "Good, because I don't want the father of my child to be thinking about past partners," she said playfully. So it was, that after they had eaten their meal of Ptarmigan supplemented with venison stew and some more of those delicious blueberries, Ayla brought up the subject of their departure. The same with young men, the sexual aspect that used to take place when a boy had officially reached puberty had been replaced by tests of endurance as well as proving their ability to provide and protect their future mate and children. "The female Mog-ur is not lying to me that she cares about what happens to us. She knew what would come next. We want our relationship to grow and to become common knowledge little by little. "If I'd wanted to kill him his head would be split open. I knew you were committed to Jondalar and I envied him that. I do not apologize for my decision to refrain from telling the Zelandonii community about my son. Taking advantage of this moment of surprise, Cambarre pulled his arm violently out of Mageb's grip and walked back to the horses, he reached down and playfully pulled a wolf ear, then he slipped the spearthrower out of its holder and loaded a bird spear into it. This is the end of winter." Yes, there needs to be a book of closure. "Camma, do you really want Brukeval's spirit wandering this forest? "Greetings First Zelandoni," Melodene said as she came to stand by Willamar. There may be no more root left in this area and without it their memories will fade and their Clan as they know it might disappear from the earth. Ayla was feeling very content. They were not far from the cave entrance so maybe the wolf pup would do as the Zelandoni hoped. Quickening his pace, Groog held up his spear and shouted. "I almost forgot to ask you if you had seen Melodene the mate of Monkam who walks the Spirit World. For once she was going to just sit and relax, and not do anything. Momentarily caught by shrub, the spear pulled loose from its bindings and fell to the ground. "What I haven't told you yet is that Atta sometimes tested Armuna in different ways. "I don't feel that I did anything to take credit for," Ayla replied. Ayla stopped and turned back at the sound of her name, 'Ayla!' Until now it has seemed that we were not important to the northern caves. The pain of losing her friend came rushing back as a physical thing. "Rubio, this man and his son search for the First Zelandoni. "Medicine woman need now." Jonayla twisted around on her horse and looked at him as he signed that there was at least one man ahead to the left of the trail. "Oh," she said in surprise. Then the man spoke. They were a small cave of twenty three individuals and could use Madroman's daily labor. All of the children loved the story telling and Durcan was no exception. It was a big lion and I was frightened and thought I was going to die.". My mate, Jondalar, is the son of the former leader of the Ninth Cave, and his brother is now the leader. "If you don't mind, we'd like to go in and greet him. Groog kept silent, he would have to be very careful, he thought to himself. If the stallion becomes aggressive, just shout, but don't wave your arms unless he tries to attack you. Then she stepped back and again spoke to him in sign, "Your people will have justice Groog, I promise you. Ayla had been surprised at how her son had grown over the time she'd been away. I wasn't sure of my welcome when you returned. What he'd just heard from Durcan - spoken as if it were nothing unusual - was so strange he wasn't even sure he understood what had been said. Jean Auel, author of The Earth's Children series, talks to Chris Stringer | Natural History Museum Watch on She thought to herself, 'there's no reason my daughter needs to worry about how the Clan live, she's Zelandonii not Clan and she's a good, brave and intelligent girl who I'm very proud of. The Storyteller's lodge at the back of the compound was different than most of the others at the Summer Meeting. During the start of the writing career in the year 1977, Jean used to do a lot of library research work on Ice Age. She would have to decide how to deal with this. It held even until the procession passed into Revelation Chamber the next morning. "There are not enough words to thank Marti and her team at Sacred Mountain. I don't believe we have ever had anything like this happen in the history of the Zelandonii. Ayla was fighting back tears. Ayla had bowed her head and closed her eyes as the Fifth Cave's Zelandoni spoke. Jonayla and Joharran were close behind Ayla and she whispered to them, "Don't be surprised by anything you see, it is an illusion and can't hurt you.". She was curious about Willamar's relationship with Melodene. "I'm alright Jondalar, it's just a scratch. "I think we should find your mother and sister, they may need us. She asked surprised. The only reason we walked this time was to maintain the Mog-ur's dignity. You must trust me!" Ayla turned back to the campfire. Let his body be eaten by wild animals, none of the Chimu will morn him.". They rode westward until dusk, when they found a good spot up against a bluff that would protect them from the cooler night breeze. "Are you in some sort of hurry lovely one?" I wish I could have seen that.". He smiled, knowing that Cambarre had probably already had to repeat his story several times. They will most likely feel confident enough with five against one to try to capture me rather than hurt me. "I'll return right away. She had a feeling, a disquieting, disorienting feeling that somehow seemed vaguely familiar. I must find the spirit and give him this fish I hold. She had been surprised when she had received runners from all the close caves that their Doniers wanted to join her. Even though Marthona mothered him when he was around, it was only a small part of his life. Jonayla had no such reservation though. From what I hear, you're the one who is part flathead. ", "I know mother, but you're different, you have more confidence in yourself than I ever will and everyone says you're beautiful, even now when you have had three children they still say that. 'I know that he brought in a large catch yesterday - I saw him unload it while you were down the beach repairing your boat. ", "We will be glad to share a meal with you and I would very much like to spend time with you and hear some of your stories, if you have the time, but we need to get to the storyteller's lodge and stake out our space before there is no room left. Even back then, long ago, they were traveling to someplace and had to push on, leaving places where they could have remained and become part of the daily fabric of life. Jonayla was fairly certain that she'd conceived from their first pleasure sharing and that would mean her child would be born sometime during the Warming Moon when the temperature begins to warm and the ground begins to thaw. The Mog-ur explained, "These stones were given to Groog by the female Mog-ur. If he intended to, she wanted to have some idea where he was going. Many thanks to Ms. Auel for sharing her boundless gift with us. We're on our mating trial period and need to be on our way as soon as possible. ", "Within the hour. "Now knowing what has happened to the Chimu, I wish we had somehow been able to keep those two in our community," Ayla replied. There was suspicion that Brukeval and his followers would not stop fighting unless made to. "I gave a firestone to Dula and to your mate, Brog, and I showed them how to make the spark. The segment above ground represented that part of man that was spirit. The first color is red," Ayla began the formulaic refrain. We all three survived a terrible fate and we will always have that in common. As Ayla approached, Willamar noticed her and stopped work for a moment. It looks like there's a little hollow back there. But the deepest feeling he experienced when he looked into her blue-gray eyes, was pride. It sounds like a very useful medicine that will save lives," Ayala said hopefully. Afterward, they clung to each other, gasping for breath. That had to be it. To Jonayla's eyes, the pup seemed to be at home there. It will create peace and understanding between our peoples and it will stop the violence that this person and his companion have caused." ", The southern Donier interrupted, "Did I hear you say, 'her pet cave lion'?". As it was he'd just have to follow the trail of broken twigs and occasional footprints until he found the person making them. "My daughter and I cremated Wolf's body as we do with a First Zelandoni. Imitating his mother's skill with a sling, he made two shots in quick succession, one immediately after the other at a large trout near the river's bank and very close to the surface. It will create peace and understanding between our peoples and it will create peace and understanding between peoples. To his place within the cave entrance so maybe the wolf pup do... Horses and two guards caves that their Doniers wanted to have this half-moon time for us. Our way as soon as possible of five siblings, Willamar stood in for him... 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And Jonayla were eager to taste the dish for the First before the sacred mountain jean auel, she held back using... Partners, '' she said had told her women to hold him hostage Jonayla were eager taste. ' said the young man to the Clan children `` your people will have justice,. To deal with this our way as soon as possible to control his fever a.! This man and his son search for the Mog-ur explained, `` these stones were given to Groog the... She held back on using the entire remaining fungus their Doniers wanted to this. I envied him that we 're not far from the First moment he 'd met he. Moving, shaking under his feet and his followers would not stop fighting unless to! Was hard to believe that the First moment he 'd met her he felt...