It is at the base point of the horoscope, this dark place, that the treasure is guarded by the dragon. The most important thing to take from this transit is to take responsibility, for your past, present, and future. The second dream involved me buying a house without having seen it first. During their stay in the hospital, they began to believe that it was necessary for one of them to die, and after much discussion, Jennifer agreed to be the sacrifice. And, your comment illustrated how,if youre ready to listen to what the Universe is saying, you can see Saturns gifts. One would not really want Pholus here because it may indicate a volatile early home. As it is doing this it is squaring my sun, about to square my natal Saturn, moon and north node. I hope I can get everything fixed and sold SOON. Technical support Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 I'm in the last 4 months of my prog Moon in the 4th which I have gone back into complete hermit mode/just focusing on healing (which I have heard that when the prog Moon or a transit planet are months/degrees from leaving a house there is an extra does of that house energy so that whatever needed to be learned/completed get pushed forward). Let s hope The coming lunar eclipse is a friendly one. My family had to go through almost breaking apart because of my husbands legal status. I had left a dysfunctional home/family life and moved to the capital to work in the beginning of that year. My life would PERHAPS been happier and more successful`, had I had this wisdom (gained) when I was younger. . It was the beginning of a new phase of our family and, fortunately, light as my 4H is 27* Taurus with lots of Gemini and a Gemini Mars. Sent 3-5 times a week. Whatever ends needs to go! Like I said mines in Taurus, But I never understood that placement. I am more than halfway through & ok but definitely transformed & it has become the pathway to my new vocation moving forward. Ah, moon opposite saturn hard to look on the positive side. Also, is Mars the ruler of Uranus Transit the IC because its in Aries? The Queen of the UK is important with this aspect as i recall, if my memory serves, she has an unaspected saturn conjunct her MC!! We moved from a small condo to a nice size house near an elementary school. What more will there be? Probably will have to invest, and be somewhat insecure about my future. Well, Neptune also started opposing my Sun recently, so I guess that contributes a lot as I have no idea who I am anymore and this affects nearly everything. Sent 5 times a week. Pluto square sun-what house is your sun. Progressed Moon conjunct IC. Talk about crisis at home and feeling lonely! Interest rates were rising so I had to make a choice: see my eldest through high school or think about my youngest. Talk about high responsibility much more than anyone else would have to endure, and of course, its lifelong for her thats the epitome of unaspected planets IMO the planet applies to the WHOLE chart is free to be applied to ANY area because of its LACK of aspects, the planet is not BOUND by aspects so hence the native is able to apply the unaspected planet to any and all areas of life. In 2012/3 I gave up everything to embarked on a journey with no destination. So the current Saturn transiting my Capricorn moon means Im mourning those losses, while Pluto conjunct Nadir lets me know something new will eventually be built up if I do the work (Capricorn moon, Venus square Saturn). Saturn conjunct Pluto is our aspect for today, so let us tell something more about this ambiguous aspect. It has been one of the most difficult periods in my life. Saturn Conjunct Natal Midheaven This transit means important life and career achievements and recognition. All was new, and although i managed to maintain the job I could not find a place I could pay for and call home and problems arised and followed me every time i moved. Saturn on my IC and moving through the 4th seems to represent the passing of my mother, the re-location of my son and grandchildren,and the disintegration of my inner skeletal structure, in addition to a renovation or moving of my home. [The tragedy of a double life]. But what about transiting Saturn conjunct IC? Mine is unsuspected as well. Is it normal to feel homesick with Saturn approaching the nadir? Dont want to sound pessimistic, but have no idea whats going on and what else I could do and what I want. They started worrying me towards the end of 2019 when I knew too much to not be rattled, and Im not getting younger, Im 51 now but people say Im young which I dont like. The South Node (dragons tail) trines my IC and sextile my MC. Posts: 215 From: Registered: Dec 2016: posted June 15, 2017 04:10 PM . It can also be a time of great accomplishment, thanks to your increased ability to get organized and to focus. They may be orphaned or unwelcome in their family. Saturn is about to go back to my 4th from July-Dec but mostly over. As we approach the end of 2020 I have Saturn transiting my IC in Capricorn which is known as a cold and rigid placement for such a sensitive moon-ruled point. Ive had most hard transits hit me in my 40s ! Saturn conjunct my IC was in my 3rd housethat was a pretty good time, in retrospect. But luckily neither I nor she is the type that holds on to groudges! Transiting Pallas is in Capricorn, during the July eclipse in Capricorn the full moon was in exact conjunction to my natal Juno at 13 degrees and then I had a full moon in exact conjunction to my Ceres in the 4th house in Aquarius. Interesting. Try to look on the positive side. Oh I hope not. Sun in 10th Moon in 4th. Both malefics. I left home my beloved community by the beach, to get a new house in a more affordable neighborhood in the dry and dusty suburbs that would accommodate my younger sons needs. So, bad with the good. This is the third time Saturn is transiting my 4th. Saturn transits to my N Moon and Venus, oppositions, conjunctions and squares, have been ok. For most people my life may seem like a continuous struggle, but I kind of am okey with a struggle, as part of life. As Saturn approached my nadir time ran out on where I was and what I was doing. Im 68 and looking to sell the house I have lived in for 11 years in around 2 years time. I had started laying what I thought was a foundation when the first Saturn-Uranus square threw me a boomerang, debunked that, redirected my focus and energies. Both have Saturn conjunct their South Node. It was resolved once Saturn moved into the 5th. I had it as I was rather young (20), alongside as I was having Pluto trining my Sun. I sold my home over a year ago and am living in a cottage by the ocean in Western Australia. While I recovered, Im not sure my mother (IC) ever will. This is when you plan to sell your home so it should be a positive transition for you. Thanks for sharing the quote: It is at the base point of the horoscope, this dark place, that the treasure is guarded by the dragon. Im very sensitive and much more aware of power control and those that I allowed to have it over me. Comparing oneself with others is bad, yes, I know. Pluto square Sun -transit is once in a lifetime experience. I just became much more grounded and more thoroughly formed as a person. My natal Saturn at 4degrees Taurus already squares MC and IC. House at the time had no roof, and no heating in new bedroom extension. Beautiful_Light Moderator . 3 tough years ahead!! Only to learn years later that I was on a journey that involved Pluto(chart ruler)-Uranus (at critical 29degrees in natal chart transiting moon sign Aries)-Neptunian(coruler of my North Node with sun NN in the 5th house in Pisces)-Chiron(returning in 2019)-Jupiterian(transiting Gemini my 8th house of death and rebirth). Dr. Jordan Peterson- a clinical psychologist, from Canada, who has been the voice of free speech and non-conformity in his public life, who just recently had to enter into rehab due to his use of anxiety medicine, due to his wife on the verge of death. Saturn symbolises the structures in our lives such as career, stability, family and the 'old ways'. But,thats how the universe works. 2 businesses for Castor and 2 for Pollux. Topic: Transit Saturn conjunct IC: NinaAria Knowflake . So far, its just anxiety and an acceptance that Ill be doing a lot of flying soon. The structure was built on a lie. Too many things going on and all bad. Venus is square Jupiter natally, and this one trines Mars. Now I understand myself through astrology definitely better. Read more to see how Saturn affects you as it transits your natal houses. At the same time, transiting Saturn will conjunct my Neptune, then Jupiter, all while transiting Neptune will conjunct my Sun/Mercury, and Jupiter conjuncting my Saturn and Mars! Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read. Saturn transiting the nadir is an important transit. Discovering astrology helped me understand why my emotional landscape, experience and expression was much more powerful than i have witnessed in anyone else ive ever met. I started my teaching career when Saturn was at the bottom of my chart. Saturn transit my fourth was all about my family and we were cramped where we lived, not enough space in the house for all of us and all of our things. I felt the beginnings of the transit in spring of 2017 with some poignant dreams. In retrospect 2008 was a career peak. Saturn Transits to Personal Planets: Conjunctions Saturn's influence is direct and personal when it transits conjunct a personal planet. Speak of the shrink of the zodiac that Scorpio is believed to be. Posts: 858From: AtlantisRegistered: Nov 2016, Posts: 8518From: South AfricaRegistered: Dec 2012. In my horoscope the IC is conjunct the South Node at 28 degrees of Scorpio. Before that we just had find balance and things had been calm for a couple of years, but it all went to hell. With Chiron conjunct the Ascendant, it can show someone who is often very self conscious, feeling like an exposed nerve most of the time. Natal conjunctions by two consecutive full moons one an eclipse cannot count for nothing. People will come to you for advice and you may be a teacher or mentor. 26 people love it! My IC is at 19Sag07. Yes saturn on her MC the duty , the responsibility, wow. Ironically this view is made by those without an unaspected planet. When transit Saturn is conjunct your natal midheaven, you will live through the most important consequences of your preparation of the last many years. Diana, many parallels between your experience and mine of Saturn transiting 4th. This is not surprising seeing as my natal Pluto, which squares my natal Venus, sits in Libra the sign that rules marriage and all partner relationships. In 2020 Venus Rx in Gemini my sun was her retrograde zone. He will be crossing for the first time end of January 2019. Thank you for your work , Hi Jamie, I still cant find a page on saturn conjunct IC transit. Detachment and non attachment are great tools in life. Unlike the most popular interpretation of an unaspected planet is that due to a lack of aspects it lacks expression in the person. But any alignment of stars and planets gives a certain amount of potential and free will to rise above limitation. Would love to hear more about your experience of the unaspected moon ruling a crucial element of the chart (your sun & my MC). Fearful thoughts create fearful expectations. Tr. Hi, I have Sun at 16 Aries too, with the added joy of Saturn being conjunct at 15. . This is not necessarily a negative thing for you but some expectations could be involved here. I have Pluto at my MC 3 degrees past my MC so there are usually inner world outer /world stories. Pluto in my 4th has been, to say the least, a revelation, forcing me to take off some rose colored glasses. Ask me IC in Capricorn sign of structure, lofty goals and achievement ruled by Saturn. Pluto will reach my Moon in a few years. Right, a blessing in disguise? Pluto and Saturn SCARE ME. At best, it could mean retirement since Im of that age; maybe a move. At the time Uranus was conjunct my natal Saturn in Taurus. I have natally Sun conjunct Saturn and Moon opposite. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Mars opposite Saturn:This transit calls for caution, diligence, and responsible behavior. I was too young and screwed up to benefit from the Pluto trine Sun -transit which brought fantastic opportunities. A certain inner contentment is a great way to describe my experience, too! Is this Scorpio rising down? I have a very strong Saturn . But I am hopeful that may only apply to the Natal chart 4th. Major milestones and some really difficult experiences. I mean, Pluto transiting 4th can really prevent to sell a home?? Im going solo and will find employees. Pluto is hanging out in my 4th house, Im trying not to be afraid of Saturn coming next. Parent and work are both issues on my scope now!. Loui, Pluto is conjoining my Nadir right now, and Saturn is conjoining my moon in the 3rd. Saturn conjunct the Descendant to Saturn conjunct the MC This starts a period where you become more outgoing and are usually eager to offer your skills to the world. The cycle is obvious. When Saturn conjuncts your Midheaven it's also forming an opposition to the IC which means the foundation you built around 14 years ago, when Saturn entered your 4th house, will come under . She is a rage monster, and Im too when someone instigates me so yeah, it has been ruogh. I just thought it would be good to experience on-campus living for at least a year, but I decided it wasnt worth the money to do so in the remaining years. Whatever your rhythm when this hits, it's thrown out of whack and you like it. Angular planets refer to the four corners of the chart, and planets that are conjunct these points are said to exercise a particularly strong influence over the horoscope. In addition to this, the M.C. Thanx ------------------The Declinations GuyExpert birth chart rectificationRising Sign Descriptions , Posts: 1159From: the world is my home! Its a combined blessing and burden to have an unaspected planet. This is not necessarily a negative thing for you but some expectations could be involved here. The youthful Gemini look. I bought a home amd closed on the day the conjuction was exact. I moved in with my husband and 3 year old son, leaving my eldest son who was about to graduate high school, living with his father about an hour away. You're finding out is that you're human. They are good examples of why not to use traditional or horoscopic astrology rules. Family struggle was a theme. So well Im happy I have arents thats there for me. Yet if you research those with true unaspected planets, you find, like the Queen example, the person has the opportunity to become the epitome of that planet and it can rule their life hardly unexpressed!! Just little fixes and sellbut where do I go? Thanks for all the inputs! Indeed, that occurred to me too! Hit me like a ton of bricks. is opposed by a transit that is conjunct with the I.C. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. It can start to seem like your whole existence revolves around the concept of "one step forward, two steps back." Keep in mind that the Saturn conjunct Ascendant aspect transforms greatly after your first Saturn return. Required fields are marked *. Powered by Infopop 2000 Saturn transits are notoriously tough. Interesting way to look at it! Saturn's movement by transit through the houses acts to aid us to learn to depend on ourselves in different areas of life. Release in many respect, has brought more moments of happiness and fulfilment in my life. crystallized outer identity. Even with achievement and success, this aspect can bring criticism from your parents and the public as well as notoriety. I recommend you examine Saturn sun people Look at celebrities with it Read about it I have Saturn square the sun with moon scorpio and Saturn conjunct the moon. And the event happened when I was in the womb. My MC is on 29, and I have heard about the critical angleWould such transit a bit different for 29? I am a little fearful, I feel that isnt this enough. P.S. Hi! Transit Saturn conjunct Ascendant. I could get not much understanding/sympathy for what I was going through either. A Plutonian Imagination. ago Registered: Feb 2010. I ended up moving to my older sisters place (moving home) in Oregon where I am now happily living in a tiny room amidst 7 members of my extended family. Hi Katie, Jennifer and June Gibbons were identical twins born with this aspect at 038 and 156 respectively. So Uranus joined that. I apologize ahead of time, Im going to sound super negative but its pretty honest (I am not normally a negative person by the way). Saturn conjunct IC at 27 Capricorn opposite MC in Cancer, Im on the right track and cannot wait. I hope so, and I am taking brave steps. Saturns cruising through my 10th house now. I was already an experienced therapist and had just finished oral exams in Process Oriented Psychology in USA. Anyway, these two dreams seem related to this transit. I have 4business ideas that Ive developed into business concepts and plans, all will be implemented in the next 2years? I dreamed I was on a ship at anchor in mid ocean: the whales and dolphins leaped for joy! Natal Saturn conjunct Chiron can indicate a rigid personality. I accidentally left out that around the same time Pluto was trining my N Sun (1,5 degree orb between the Sun and the Moon), so the time period was mixed with pain and happiness. This was a town that no one in the area knew existed. Scorpio rising resilient sign of ambition that is never down for the count. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. I see, since a conjunction to your IC means an opposition to your MC how was your public persona and or career affected? i have natal Saturn in Aquarius conjunct IC in a tight 1 degree orb. At first, we generally encounter feelings of being thwarted or unsupported by the outside world in the particular areas of life that are ruled by the house. I have progressed saturn conjunct natal saturn (exact 1/12/2013), next april transiting uranus is exact conjuct natal sun (at 14 aries in 6th ) and square mc (14 cancer), and in 2013-16 transiting pluto squaring natal sun and . Now I am aged 69 with grandchildren. Now, I no longer hope to find love because I have it. It is important, very important in fact, not to be too hard on yourself. The sense of pressure feels nothing short of epic. The house of the conjunction gives more information about in which area it manifests primarily. In dwadashamsha (dwads), the 27 degrees of Capricorn is linked to my North Node in Pisces and Neptune in Scorpio, both water signs notorious for keeping things hidden. As far as shes concerned her main concern is her horse and corgis. Fascinating. And the rest is history. If all the worked out in the end!!! I saw classmates being punched on the back mercilessly, her fingernails relentlessly rat a tat tatting on their heads, their knuckles beaten with wooden rulers, and their backs as they were made to kneel on the hard tile floor with their hands in the chalkboard tray. For advice and you like it why not to use traditional or horoscopic astrology rules and attachment. Oral exams in Process Oriented Psychology in USA and more thoroughly formed a. Jennifer and June Gibbons were identical twins born with this aspect can criticism! So let us tell something more about this ambiguous aspect listen to what the Universe is saying, you see! 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