To join, download the app today, or find out more at She is the Senior Program Officer for Planned Parenthood Global, and she created, along with Hannah Freiwald, the Centro Integral de Parto Natural Ixchel, a medical center that provides personalized and professional care to women during their whole life cycle. There was a greenhouse on the side where they recreated the characteristics of Martian soil to conduct food-growing experiments. Javier: Uno de mis nuevos maestros dijo que l nos iba a preparar para concursos de canto. When he told them he was thinking of leaving for Guanajuato, they supported his choice. Martina: In order to begin her journey to space, Carmen had to leave her home. In the late 2000s, she was asked to participate in a forum on the creation of the Mexican Space Agency. La exploracin es inherente al ser humano y esto nos va a llevar hasta el planeta rojo. Pero yo nunca le dije nada de eso a mi padre. Yo misma los he probado! Es un proceso que incluye tanto a las parteras como a las curanderas. It's 100% free, fun and science-based. When she finished her degree, she went on to get a Masters in Space Studies at the International Space University in France. Martina: At age 22, Javier Camarena took a left turn in his career path. A new category where you can find the top search words and phrases translated into English and Spanish. Estamos nominados a los Premios Grammy Latinos!". Martina: Linda's grandmother, Herlinda, had stopped healing people from the community after she left to live with Linda in Guatemala City. emotions, travel, and present tense). Martina: As a kid, Irma would sing all day long While helping her mom in the kitchen, while milking the cows with her dad. Me senta muy orgullosa, pero todava quedaba mucho por hacer para llegar al espacio. This place has all the characteristics necessary for life on the planet Mars, or Marte almost. Carmen: En Marte hay tres veces menos gravedad que en la Tierra. As a kid I used to love catching toads. Yo le dije que quera mostrarle un disco que haba grabado con mi abuelita y que quera su opinin y sus consejos. Le pregunt si estaba loco y le dije que mis amigos iban a pensar que yo estaba haciendo el ridculo. If you know something that doesn't appear here, contribute and document here!). Yo tuve que romper con todos los modelos para ser una especialista en exploracin espacial y participar en simulaciones de viajes a Marte como esta. Javier: El escenario me pareca muy grande y las luces eran muy brillantes. She sometimes felt that instead of being a service based on trust, her work was a transaction based on speed and efficiency. Duolingo believes in making education free, fun and accessible to everyone. Linda: Mi mam estudi leyes y era quien ganaba el dinero para mantenernos a nosotras. Martina: Hey listeners! Carmen: Llegamos a la Luna hace 50 aos y eso fue algo que cambi la historia de la humanidad para siempre. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Irma: Despus de cantar la primera cancin, mi nieto me abraz. Martina: At one of the family's weekly Sunday gatherings, Jorge decided it was time. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast I'm Martina Castro. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. Mi abuela masajeaba el cuerpo del beb con un huevo y con hierbas. It was her very first song in front of a real audience. Fue un primer gran paso. Ah est la magia de la medicina tradicional. Learn languages by playing a game. Te crees muy muy (You think you're something special) Martina: Javier was determined. Linda: El documento deca que, desde ese momento, segn la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud, las parteras iban a ser oficialmente consideradas como proveedoras de atencin mdica en toda Amrica Latina. This year Javier released a new album, Contrabandista. Por qu?". Me dijo: "Recibiste una nominacin para los Premios Grammy Latinos!" Irma: "Qu es eso de los Grammy? Martina: As Linda participated in those debates, she felt like she was getting involved in something more important than just representing Guatemala's medical system at the conference. Javier: Cuando vi a los otros participantes, sent curiosidad. Jorge: Un da, mi jefe me llam para una reunin. Adems, no olvidemos el costo econmico de la salud, porque ese era un problema para las personas pobres que vivan en las zonas rurales. Herlinda was a healer, or curandera, someone who administers remedies for mental, emotional, physical or spiritual illnesses. Carmen: Por supuesto, yo acept. Videos and resources to learn basic Spanish, Spanish for beginners. Durante ese mismo ao, comenc mi residencia en el Hospital General San Juan de Dios. A quick note to any parents listening with children. Sal lentamente del escenario. Nana - Nana. Music ran in the family. Martina: Jorge immediately booked a studio. They were treated more like janitors than healthcare professionals. Martina: In traditional Guatemalan medicine, parteras are far more than birth attendants. Popular Spanish categories to find more words and phrases: English to Spanish 27 de fevereiro de 2023 | usssa baseball tournaments 2022. And if you liked this story, please share it! Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast. Martina: Theres isnt any oxygen on Mars, so astronauts will need life support systems to leave the habitat. He decided to abandon his engineering degree so he could pursue his true passion: music. Linda: Yo empec a pasar tiempo con las parteras cada vez que visitaba un rea rural. Es un gusto estar con ustedes en esta bonita tarde. Neighbors would bring their babies to Linda's grandmother when they suspected an energy imbalance. Tena las manos apretadas y la boca muy seca. He had an idea: What if he recorded an album with his grandmother? July 10, 2022 . It was an old friend, a representative of a music company. Jorge and the rest of the family thought Irma might give up on singing altogether. This feeling was confirmed a year later, when she received a document detailing the final resolution of the conference. Martina: Opera is all about endurance, Javier," Cecilia told her young opera student. 13.9M learners. Fascinating stories in easy-to-understand Spanish, Sound Design & Mastering Engineer: Jeanne Montalvo, Episode 54: Mi abuela la curandera (My Grandmother the Healer). Carmen: Yo crec en una familia grande: ramos tres hermanos, una hermana, muchos primos y tos. Find free online courses to learn grammar, and basic Spanish. Japanese. Martina: One of her companions was an astrobiologist and the other was a psychologist. He took Irma aside and told her about the album. Irma: Me cas a los 21 aos. Just like a dictionary! The rate of maternal mortality is also high. Irma: Las rancheras eran muy populares. Javier: Yo saba que tena que trabajar en mis arias y en la forma de pararme en el escenario. Nosotros tenamos que completar cuestionarios, evaluar nuestro trabajo y reportar situaciones en el equipo. Fue mucho mejor de lo que esperaba. Martina: Carmen is part of these analogue missions where space exploration specialists simulate living conditions on that planet to prepare for a future manned mission. Martina: Irma went on to have five kids and 12 grandkids. Por suerte, yo tena a mi abuela como gua. She was skeptical of traditional medicine. Mi voz tena que escucharse sobre la orquesta en vivo y llegar a los odos de ms de 3,000 personas. It felt like he was fulfilling her dream of being a singer. Pero cuando empec a escuchar las melodas, cerr los ojos y me imagin cantando en mi rancho. El pblico no paraba de aplaudir! We have to sign her.". Martina: A few weeks after the concert, Jorge got a call while he was working out at the gym. Martina: As the head of this initiative, Linda had to lobby with politicians and legislators to convince them of the importance of her plan. Yo sent que todo era una farsa. Martina: During that first year of residency, Linda struggled to recreate the relationships she'd witnessed her grandmother nurture. Jorge: No haba ninguna grabacin de la abuela cantando y yo pens que poda ser lindo tenerla grabada para el futuro. Linda: Ella siempre estuvo segura de que yo iba a ir a la universidad. Martina: The accordion began to play. Poca madre (Really cool) 4. Martina: But Linda's efforts didn't stop there. Yo me sent feliz y satisfecha! Guanajuato is in the interior, north of Mexico City. He felt like he still had more to learn. Martina: Jorge started taking Irma to sing at village fairs. Imagin que se haba confundido con mi fecha de cumpleaos. In Javier's university, there were very few opera students and professors. It takes place in the Palacio de Bellas Artes, an historic building in Mexico City where some of the most notable artistic events take place. Martina: Muestras are samples. At age ten, he learned to play a special type of 12-string bass guitar. Y en los equipos internacionales hay muchas diferencias culturales. Carmen: Era el ao 2016 y yo era responsable de un experimento. Javier: Ya haban pasado 10 aos y ahora yo estaba ah, en el Met! Martina: Javier graduated from college and decided to participate in Mexicos most important music contest, Concurso Nacional de Canto Carlo Morelli. Martina: Again, it took a lot of convincing. Martina: "Mal de ojo", or the "evil eye", is considered an illness by many Guatemalans who believe humans have the power to transfer bad energy to others. She had been a professor for many years, and had trained many singers. In Guatemala, this is a practice passed down orally through generations in the same family. Mi profesor me prest uno de color blanco que me quedaba tan grande que me pareca a Clavillazo. Irma: La verdad, me gust la experiencia. Linda: Ese fue uno de los tantos hospitales que no pas la evaluacin. Spanish. In this Spanish category, you will find the translation of words and phrases in Spanish, with many sentences that will help you determine how each phrase or word is applied. She had to shatter all of the traditional expectations her family and friends had placed on her. Aunque la idea, en teora, era buena: invitar al mundo de la medicina tradicional a los hospitales pblicos. Ella me dijo que le encantaba la idea y que me iba a ayudar a producirlo. 6. In addition to accompanying mothers during their pregnancy, theyre also highly respected community leaders and health promoters, especially in more rural or low-income communities. So she defied cultural expectations, became one of the first Mexican scientists to work for NASA, and helped create and participate in some of the first simulations of missions to Mars. Martina: But Linda's mother, Margarita, had no interest in following her family's footsteps. Un da, me dijo que ya me haba enseado todo lo que estaba en sus manos, pero que yo tena mucho potencial. Martina: To understand the process of breathing and releasing sound, Cecilia told him to pay attention to how babies breathe when they cry. when is our grandmother visiting us in spanish duolingo. The same goes for my girlfriend. Martina: After high school, she wanted to study Astronomy or Aerospace Engineering, but there wasnt anything like that at any of the universities where she grew up: Culiacn, in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. With over 300 million users, Duolingo is the world's leading language learning platform, and the most downloaded education app in the world. This can't be in the family vault, your grandmother's voice is incredible! He didn't think it was important, so he didn't take it right away. Martina: Not many girls her age went to school, but Irma did. Martina: Cecilia Perfecto was a strict and passionate professor. Martina: Javier decided to stay in the theater and watch the other contestants perform. That's a genre of traditional Mexican music. She adjusts her giant helmet and moves through the pressurization room astronauts go through every time they have to go outside. Irma: En esa poca, las mujeres no podan tener esas aspiraciones porque estaba mal visto. Partly due to her experiences, Mexico now has a stake in this new space race. Javier: Yo no estaba listo para ningn concurso. Tambin hay vuelos para experimentar la gravedad cero. A mi padre no le gustaba ver a las mujeres cantar porque solo los hombres podan hacerlo. Mi mam me dijo: Solo me gusta la pera cuando t cantas. Carmen: Ellos me dieron el siguiente consejo: Si quieres trabajar en la NASA, estudia lo que te apasiona. When she took the stage, the crowd would chant: A-bue-la! Esa posibilidad me asustaba. Martina: It was around this time that Buyucheck y Abuela Irma were invited to be part of a Mother's Day concert at the Monterrey Arena. Martina: Theres a lot of solar radiation on Mars, so the habitat has to have special sun protection. Yo estaba muy nervioso. The differences with Castilian (spoken in Spain) are minor, such as the use of ustedes instead of vosotros for third person plural, some vocabulary differences (jugo instead of zumo, computador instead of ordenador etc.) Martina: It was the first time he had ever heard opera and he was completely enchanted. Irma: Jorge vena a mi rancho a practicar conmigo todas las semanas. Martina: Unfortunately, Irma's joy lasted for exactly two days. Preterite. The most important music award in the world. So he did over and over. Jorge: Yo dije: "Buenas tardes, amigos. And, now, she focuses on security as part of the European Space Agencys Business Incubation Center. Every episode, we bring you fascinating true stories, to help you improve your Spanish listening, and gain new perspectives on the world. Carmen: Me fui a Francia en 2009. Under "Best Nortea Music Album: Buyuchek y la Abuela Irma. Linda: Esa experiencia me dio una idea que cambi la direccin de mi carrera profesional para siempre. By integrating the latest assessment science and AI, we empower anyone to take the test where and when they're at their best. And if you liked this story, please share it! Martina: While she sang, Irma thought about how incredible it felt to be there. Martina: Linda's family is mestizo, meaning they have a mix of indigenous and European roots. Herlinda had never questioned her path in lifeshe simply followed her family's tradition. Cada vez que me subo al escenario, hay algo que mejorar, algo que perfeccionar. The one where doctors and nurses mistreated the parteras. We also offer full transcripts at Martina: Javier's parents were never happy with his decision to drop engineering for music, but they also saw how dedicated he was to opera. And I remember a discussion topic that in Spain t is not being used but they are using vos and . Martina: Another concern is staying in shape. Martina: Bienvenidos and welcome to the Duolingo Spanish Podcast Im Martina Castro. Learn languages by playing a game. On Earth, an average American uses just under 500 liters of water a day. Javier: El profesor puso un disco de la pera Turandot de Puccini presentada en el Metropolitan Opera House de Nueva York. Learn basic Spanish. The Duolingo Spanish course for Mexican Spanish is a great way to learn the basics of the language. Martina: Linda was ultimately successful during her first years as a doctor. The Duolingo Spanish podcast is produced by Duolingo and Adonde Media. To join, download the app today, or find out more at Spain accounts for less than 10% of native Spanish speakers so it would have made little sense for Duolingo to teach that version. Nosotros somos Buyuchek y la abuela Irma Silva. When this episode was made, we had to record at home to protect everyone's safety, so you might notice a slight difference in sound quality. Yo fui con una excompaera y un excompaero de la Universidad Internacional del Espacio, en Francia, donde hice mi maestra. When he saw her at the door, he screamed: Jorge: "Abuela no lo vas a creer! He kept hearing the voice of his old teacher, Cecilia Perfecto, urging him to compete, to learn and to improve. But after choosing a different path and becoming a medical doctor, Linda realized that she could integrate the best parts of her grandmother's practices into modern medicine, in order to transform healthcare across Guatemala. In fact, this word's popularity may vary depending on the Spanish speaking country and on the person's preference. Also, instead of base jumping, she does motorcrossing. Say hello to Lucy and Lin! English uses these more complex phrases to talk about these kinds of past situations, and in Spanish you'll use the imperfect! Martina: Veracruz is located on the east coast, in the Gulf of Mexico. This story was written by Luca Villavicencio, a multimedia journalist and consultant based in Quito, Ecuador. Yo les tena mucha envidia porque tambin quera ser cantante. Martina: Linda's job was to evaluate the quality of public hospitals in all of Guatemala. Linda: En general, eran mujeres muy jvenes, de origen indgena, que siempre parecan tener miedo. Linda: Nosotras trabajamos con un concepto llamado "desmedicalizar". the medicine in spanish duolingo the medicine in spanish duolingo. Carmen: En Marte, tiene que haber un hbitat preparado esperando la llegada de los astronautas. Im the executive producer, Martina Castro. 33.6M learners. Plurals usually take the -o ending. In fact, she always encouraged her to study, read, and learn as much as possible while she was in school. Nos is the first person plural direct object pronoun. Duolingo Spanish can be classified as either Mexican Spanish or Spain Spanish. Irma: Mi padre no estaba de acuerdo. Pero no saba cmo. Im the executive producer, Martina Castro. Tambin es importante contar cada litro que se usa para hidratar la comida, para beber, para lavar los platos y para el toilet. Respirar bien es el secreto para cantar pera, ya que determina la proyeccin de tu voz y el ritmo que vas a poder seguir. Irma: Cantar era lo nico que me ayudaba a sentirme mejor en ese momento. Cuando tuve el dinero, habl con mi mam. featured in the February 2022 Lunar New Year challenge. This category has hundreds of words translated into Spanish and English. Irma: Yo entr al estudio de grabacin y era impresionante! When you isolate a group of people in a small space, without the comforts of home and under the stress of a demanding job, it can produce a variety of unexpected reactions. Javier: Cuando mis padres se enteraron, estaban furiosos! Nos deca que la nica forma de darse a conocer era participar en concursos internacionales. Javier: Yo estaba destrozado. Were exercising all the time without even realizing it, and that helps us keep our muscles healthy. French. Entonces, l vivi conmigo durante los primeros dos aos de su vida. Martina: Javiers first performance at The Met was a success. Most of the spanish from english learners on duo are Americans, and they want to learn mexican spanish. Martina: Jorge explained that there was no shame, or vergenza, in being filmed. It's 100% free, fun, and scientifically proven to work. But after choosing a different path and becoming a medical doctor, Linda realized that she could integrate the best parts of her grandmother's . This new law would transform maternal health care in Guatemala, making it more accessible, and appealing, to women in rural and low-income communities. Pero eso no era parte del sistema pblico de salud. Estaba listo para seguir aprendiendo. Mi abuela no se imaginaba que ese concierto iba a ser el principio de su carrera como cantante. grandmother Mexican Spanish la abuela More Relations Vocabulary in Mexican Spanish American English Mexican Spanish boss el jefe parents los padres family la familia father el padre girlfriend la novia grandfather el abuelo children los nios mother la madre boyfriend el novio bride la novia groom el novio hug abrazo friend el amigo wife la esposa Right now there is a little bit of peninsular spanish mixed in, but they dont even go over the vosotros forms. Carmen: Nadie entenda muy bien por qu yo haca todo esto. Until they found out. Irma: El pblico me daba mucha energa. 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