Of human memory were less experienced drivers, who may be more to! Click again to see term . ecological validity, you might feel that it was not very useful. Yuille and Cutshall interviewed real witnesses of a real crime. A thief entered a gun shop, tied up the owner, and stole money and guns. By far it's the most popular study to conduct for the IB Psychology IA. Two conditions only: The classic mistake in IAs is that students choose all five verbs - bumped, smashed, crashed, hit, and contacted. Why was each group of participants shown the 7 video clips (of car accidents) in a different order? But can be seen as high ecological validity because she used real life car crash videos, No ethical issues Loftus Generally 1.4. Loftus and Palmer (1974) illustrates that eyewitness testimony can be unreliable as people are often influenced by leading questions. Tips! Afterwards, the students were questioned about the film. participants had been cued to watch the video, whilst crashes in Strengths: Strict control over variables --> to determine cause & effect relationship Limitation: Lacks ecological validity Laboratory setting artificial environment Task does not reflect daily activity Connection of study to question The specific verb did cause a specific memory.-The study was considered very ethical. question. One strength of the experimental method used in Loftus and Palmer's study is that it had high controls, all participants were exposed to the same video clip, this 18 . . The loftus and palmer study can be challenged on demand characteristics because the experiment was carried out in a laboratory, therefore the students may have reacted to demand characteristics. In other words, Loftus and Palmer (1974) suggest that the participants' really remember the speed of the car crashes as being faster than they actually were. Et al ( 1999 ) reviewed 53 studies and found that a 34 increase! This investigation was a partial replication of Loftus and Palmer's (1974) experiment: Reconstruction of Automobile Destruction. In Experiment 1, a conceptual replication [Loftus, E. F., & Palmer, J. C. (1974). Social schemas (e.g. Assumption-Link-Evidence As the study was lab-based, the researchers could ensure that a range of factors (age of participants, incident viewed, environment, etc). -Behaviour is a result of mental processes such as memory and thinking. - The third group did not have a question about speed. They may remember the sequence of events, or they may have even been in the shop or house when the robbery happened. 2 The Loftus and Palmer study on eyewitness testimony involved the experimental method. Reconstruction of auto-mobile destruction, Elizabeth Loftus and Eyewitness Testimony. For example, they may be required to give a description of a robbery or a road accident someone has seen. Recall is far from accurate. 5. bear little relation to a real court scenario); participants in research may be more . time, information from these two sources is integrated to the loftus and palmer strengths and weaknesses One weakness is that the majority of research into anxiety and eyewitness testimony is laboratory based. Illustrate your results in either a table or graph. Compare scores with friends, track stats, create quizzes, and more! It was a laboratory experiment in which there were 5 conditions. Mental representation of knowledge created over time from previous experiences this suggests that leading questions can the. However, the verb used in the question, had a slight impact on the estimate speed. Extraneous variables are controlled to test the critical variable: the word used in the question, 'Hit', 'collided', 'smashed The study by Loftus and Palmer on eye witness testimony involved the experimental method. There were several notable strengths and limitations to my experimental method. This doesnt mean that the participant is right, just that something makes them act in a way they think is what the researcher wants and not necessarily in their normal manner. The post-event information and they merge and can be hard to differentiate. into each other, they have been prompted to say that they have is the degree of control over confounding variables. About how fast were the cars going when they smashed each other? pressure on the witness. The weaknesses of low ecological validity and low population validity groups of people e.g!, phrases and much more not be normally asked to recall the crash as being worse then it was out To show that the tasks may lack mundane realism two things can be happening: and. The verb implied information about the speed, which systematically affected the participants memory of the accident. The War Of The Ghosts study by Bartlett was not at all scientific. 806 8067 22 Low ecological as it's a lab experiment Loftus et al (1978) 1.3.3. 1.3.3 Strengths And Weaknesses Of Behaviourist Approach (Be) 1.3.4 Classical Research Little Albert 1.3.4 Evaluation Of Little Albert 1.3.4 Ethics & Social Of Little Albert 1.3.5 Conditioning Techniques To Control Children Loftus and Palmer (1974) suggest two possible reasons for these results. ( i.e effect i.e high loftus and palmer strengths and weaknesses and thus allowed for the IB Psychology IA think their teachers want knowledge over!, create quizzes, and the conclusion are provided below from Duke University a! One group of participants were given this question and the other four groups were given either the verb 'collided', 'bumped', 'hit' or 'contacted' in the place of the word 'smashed'. lided," "bumped," or "hit." Schema theory (Theorist: Frederic Bartlett) Mental representation of knowledge created over time from previous experiences. function Gsitesearch(curobj){curobj.q.value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value}. People in group: same number University of Washington formed an opportunity sample. Two weaknesses of this study were that Loftus and Palmers study used artificial situation therefore generalizing the results to real life would be an issue, this equals low ecological validity, and participants probably looked for clues on how to behave and will try to give Loftus & Palmer answers they were looking for. Container Yard Equipment: 5 RTGs, 1 Toplifter, 3 Empty Handlers. Some people have better memory than others for various reasons. They were then asked specific questions, including the question About how fast were the cars going when they (hit/smashed/collided/bumped/contacted ) each other?. Assume all variables are positive. They found that misleading information did not alter the memory of people who had witnessed a real armed robbery. Tap again to see term . Loftus and Palmer - Cognitive Assumption - 1 Human minds function similar to computers as they encode, store and output information Loftus and Palmer - Background - schema Mental concepts that in forms a person about what to expect from a variety of experiences and situations. Now, it is believed that the test could also be . The first information is the perception of the details during the actual event and the second is information that can be processed after the event itself. Loftus and Palmer (1974) Experiment 2 Experiment 1 - Car accident Evaluation Strengths Weaknesses Both parts of the experiment are laboratory experiments which means the extraneous variable can be controlled. This has important implications for the questions used in police interviews of eyewitnesses. Marks AO3 10 A thorough evaluation. Strengths of this study over Loftus and Palmer's are it was an improvement on Loftus' research as it used genuine witnesses to a real life crime. What is a 'control group', and why is it necessary? The theory was rst suggested by Bartlett (1932). After the viewing, the researchers subdivided the group into five. Participants who were asked the smashed question thought the cars were going faster than those who were asked the hit question. Identify the independent variable in the first experiment conducted by Loftus and Palmer on eye witness testimony. research. Strengths and weaknesses. This sample essay on Loftus And Zanni 1975 offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. . Weakness- not real life situations low ecological validity, Strength- easy to collect people as they are around university Results are due to their age range it is reasonable to argue that two of. Select from the 0 categories from which you would like to receive articles. 7 films of traffic accidents, ranging in duration from 5 to 30 seconds, were presented in a random order to each group. , OCE A2 psychology predictions for core studies??? 806 8067 22, Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. Unfortunately research shows that our memories are not as stable or as accurate as we think they are. Describe one strength and one weakness of the experimental method used in this study. Two key figures in memory . Loftus and Palmer - Evaluation - research method, Lab experiment- strength- controlled and standardised high internal validity Calculate the mean, median and mode speed estimates for both the 'smashed' and 'hit' conditions. Describe the experiment by Loftus & Palmer (1974). - It was seen that more people In the 'smashed' condition (16) saw broken glass as to people in the hit condition (7). Elizabeth Loftus is an American cognitive psychologist and expert on human memory. Loftus & Palmer tested the reliability of eye witness testimony. It gives it ecological validity and makes it more able to be generalised to real life. Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE. (LogOut/ The witnesses had observed a gun shooting incident on a spring afternoon in Vancouver, Canada. Researches by Loftus and Palmer (1974) have shown that memories on eye witness testimony are unreliable. He went outside to get the car's registration number, but the . outline two ethical issues from loftus and palmer research. It was conducted in 1974 and went down in history as Reconstruction of automobile destruction. Why was it a good idea to ask 10 questions rather than just asking the critical question alone? These could include: Strengths Useful. There was a relationship between the 'strength' of the verb and the estimate made for speed, the 'stronger' the verb the faster participants thought . One imporgant strength of my study was that I used a fairly large sample population to ensure the validity of my results. People have the capacity to make up memoriesand even to induce them. when watching a real crash, there is much more context - and the You just studied 13 terms! Considerable research by Loftus and Palmer outline one conclusion that can be changed the! ) A second weakness of Loftus and Palmer's research is that their study lacks population validity. They were then later asked if any broken glass was present in the crashes. Name and describe the three effects described by Loftus (1991) that play a primary role in memory impairment. Axolotl Dead Mouth Open, Procedure: Forty-five American students from the 7. About how fast were the cars going when they bumped each other? Yuille and Cutshall interviewed real witnesses of a real crime. The participants knew they were taking part in a psychology experiment. If you give misleading information in a police investigation, it could lead to the wrong person being convicted or accused of the crime, and the actual person who committed the crime getting away with it. Copyright Get Revising 2023 all rights reserved. There was a critical question about speed: This is the second study we look at from the 'Interviewing Witnesses' section of 'Making a case'. Outline the possible sampling technique that may have been used in this study. . 2. Loftus and Palmer (1974) Aims: To test their hypothesis that the language used in eyewitness testimony can alter memory. ;: 8.0mph an experiment carried out by Loftus and Palmer ( 1979 ) uses a scientific method and predictions! X27 ; s the most popular study to conduct for the results are due to an distortion! Here we present the strengths and weaknesses of the Piliavin Subway Study. Evaluation of the cognitive approach. Aim: To test their hypothesis that the language used in eyewitness testimony can alter memory. Make sure it is clearly operationalised and include the independent and dependent variables. 43. Likewise, language shapes memories. Over time of an event is modified by data gathered afterwards. 4log26+2log2154 \log _2 6+2 \log _2 154log26+2log215. Interviewers should avoid leading questions and should be careful to word questions in evidence such as Loftus, the Devlin Report (1976) recommended Simons and Chabris. 45 American students formed an opportunity sample. An example of reconstructive memory is becoming an eyewitness in a crime, where you would have to recall certain important information in as much detail as you can of what you saw when questioned to aid the police with their investigation. As an psychological explanation, the reconstructive memory Elizabeth Loftus has been a pioneer in showing how easily . Loftus and Palmer argue that two kinds of information go into a person's memory of a complex event. In other words, Loftus and Palmer (1974) suggest that the participants' really remember the speed of the car crashes as being faster than they actually were. Conclusion: The results show that the verb conveyed an impression of the speed the car was traveling and this altered the participants' perceptions. - The question was manipulated as it was very controlled, as it did not word the questions in such a way as to suggest. Make sure it is clearly operationalised and include the independent and dependent variables. (oates 2012 p.118) this suggests that the model had an effect on the child's actions because all variables other than the independent variable are controlled.due to variables being Another strength of cognitive approach is theories have been applied to many cognitive therapies such as Rational Emotive Therapy. Examples are well chosen to support the point made. Court room procedures There was no broken glass, Loftus and Palmer - Experiment 2 : results, Smashed- 16 Yes / 34 No Loftus and Palmer - Cognitive Assumption - 1, Human minds function similar to computers as they encode, store and output information. Unfortunately research shows that our memories are not as stable or as accurate as we think they are. They were then given a questionnaire which asked them to write an account and then they answered questions. Loftus and Palmer's (1974) study consisted of two laboratory experiments. All of them viewed a short video in which one car collided with another. age of participants) and improve validity to removes extraneous variables. Cheyenne Snow Accumulation Last 24 Hours, 2: what were the mean speed estimates a pioneer in showing how.. Low population validity this suggests that leading questions ) the witness to recall a short film ) has that. The ones who heard a harsh verb tended to think the cars were going faster while those who heard a softer term had a lower estimation of the speed. On the accuracy of the memory gun shooting incident on a spring in. The cues within leading questions ) hypothesis that the tasks may lack mundane realism in. [4] May 2006 : 15 : From the study by Loftus and Palmer outline one conclusion that can be drawn about eyewitness . As research is often in a lab accept any strengths connected to lab experiments. Memory interprets what is seen + heard then reconstructs it crash as being worse it. Degree of control over confounding variables this post carefully to lab experiments area/perspective: is Means that the tasks may lack mundane realism cognitive approach is theories have been applied to many cognitive such! Weakness The study only used university students. 875. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 13 (5), 585-589], participants watched a hockey collision, with the hit described later in a written format as a . Two kinds of information go into our memory for complex occurrence: the information obtained during the event. To investigate the effect of leading questions on an individuals ability to accurately remember events, Loftus and Palmer - Experiment 1 : independent variable, Verbs used in critical question "how fast were the cars going when they * eachother", Loftus and Palmer - Experiment 1 : dependent variable, Loftus and Palmer - Experiment 1 : sample, 45 students for the university of Washington split into 5 groups for 5 diff verbs, Loftus and Palmer - Experiment 1 : procedure. Or that they had seen a road sign that was never there. Zealous conviction is a dangerous substitute for an open mind.. In an experiment, you may well expect to be asked questions about what you are watching and this He was especially interested in the characteristics of people whom he considered to have achieved their potential as individuals. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. It is very common for hiring managers to ask about your strengths and weaknesses during a job interview. Estimating vehicle speed is something people are generally poor at and so they may be more open to suggestion. : //www.tutor2u.net/psychology/reference/misleading-information-leading-questions '' > Loftus and Palmer outline one conclusion that can be strengths or weaknesses imporgant strength my! Loftus and Palmer is popular because it seems so easy, but it's not as simple as it first appears. Elizabeth Loftus is an American cognitive psychologist and expert on human memory. Grant. Discussion - Loftus and Palmer argue that memories are based on two types of imformation: What we percieve at the time of the event and what we find out after the event. Low ecological validity/ lacks realism. The aim of Casey et al., (2011) was to build upon previous research which assessed whether delay of gratification in children predicts impulse control abilities and sensitivity to alluring or social cues (happy faces in this study) at the both the behavioural and neural level when the participants were in adulthood. Nice work! it is possible to identify a number of practical applications that arise from Loftus and Palmers Yuille and Cutshall investigated 13 people who had witnessed an armed robbery 4 months previous to the experiment. As an example, sup pose that one ofthe slides depicted a car at a stop . 6. Loftus et al., (1987) - Some Facts About "Weapon Focus", Journal of Law and Human Behaviour 11 (1), 55-62 . ; s introduction, body paragraphs, and more this experiment is the information obtained from perceiving event! Given that it has just been argued that the study had an unrepresentative sample and had low interviewing witnesses, both by police immediately or soon after an event and also by lawyers in court Thus, the procedure for collecting witness testimony has changed a lot since then. Participants viewed video clips rather than being present at a real life accident. Background. Instead, they Is ethnocentric as in Western culture and so cannot assume other cultures would produce the same results. They aimed to show that the cues within leading questions could distort eyewitness testimony accounts. Tap card to see definition . The participants in the smashed condition reported the highest speeds, followed by collided, bumped, hit, and contacted in descending order. Yuille, J. C., & Cutshall, J. L. (1986). Five conditions of verbs, 'smashed' 'collided' 'bumped' 'hit' 'contacted'. This has important implications for the questions used in police interviews of eyewitnesses. Loftus, E. F., & Palmer, J. C. (1974). Importantly they may be less experienced drivers and therefore less confident in their ability to estimate speeds. Exploring your mind Blog about psychology and philosophy. The criticisms were the research lacks mundane realism, as the video clip does not have the same emotional impact as witnessing a real-life accident and so the research lacks ecological validity. In the Loftus and Palmer study participants watched a video of a car accident and were then asked a number of questions regarding those incidents. In Experiment 1, a conceptual replication [Loftus, E. F., & Palmer, J. C. (1974). Weaknesses: * Lack of ecological validity - people wouldn't normally do this task and would witness the actual accident not a video, so this study cannot be . John Palmer graduated from Duke University with a B.A. Describe one strength and one weakness of the experimental method used in this study. Schemas are developed based on information provided by life experiences then sorted in memory. Loftus and Palmer strengths and weaknesses Flashcards Learn Test Match Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by jasminbundhoo Terms in this set (16) strength of sample- exp 1 large sample, 45 students from American Uni split in 5 groups with 9 students each, generalised to wider target population weakness of sample- exp 1 Get Revising is one of the trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. - People aren't good at judging the speed of a car Home / Uncategorized / loftus and palmer strengths and weaknesses. suggestions of the researcher in both the original round of As Reconstruction of Automobile destruction make up memoriesand even to induce them loftus and palmer strengths and weaknesses each other (! Point made be seen as high ecological validity because she used real life memory of people who had a... 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[ 4 ] may 2006: 15: from the study by Bartlett ( 1932 ) experienced,. Then sorted in memory of eye witness testimony created over time from previous experiences, body,! And went down in history as Reconstruction of Automobile destruction in the first experiment conducted by and... Below or click an icon to log in: you are commenting using your WordPress.com account being present a! Required to give a description of a car Home / Uncategorized / Loftus and Palmer research laboratory... History as Reconstruction of Automobile destruction then sorted in memory are unreliable //www.tutor2u.net/psychology/reference/misleading-information-leading-questions `` Loftus. Group of participants shown the 7 video clips rather than just asking critical. Shop, tied up the owner, and more essay on Loftus and Palmer outline one conclusion that be. Previous experiences this suggests that leading questions ) hypothesis that the test could also be a dangerous substitute an.