Sure, it was risky, what with finals looming around the corner. There was a knock on the door then. Just enjoy the party babe!. You know how people say it's a small world well t. blackyn. Did she feel the same way? She figured Reiner would explain and grew flustered just thinking about the humiliation of Jean knowing what Reiner knew. She finished chomping and swallowed before getting up. Here is where a scattered tale unfolds beneath the stars of Teyvat, when the world moves in accordance to how the elements flow and converge. Not only was he not dressed for the occasion, had no resum on hand, and bringing an uninvited guest? You say on your tippy-toes leaning towards his door. He even imagined some, and he just found them endearing instead. He was past denying it, but it was hard coming to terms with the fact that he might not even be a contender for her heart. He tossed and turned in his twin bed, wondering what she was up to at this moment. It was honestly a hard day for the hero training class today. A back up for My Tumblr account writing posts, (Chapter one has the rules and regulations for asks and what I will and won't do), SFW & NSFW Tumblr- It was kinda last minute. Y/N gestured to the papers and textbooks lining the small coffee table and blankets strewn every which way as she made her way to the kitchen to presumably give Jean some hot chocolate. You look back at her and furrow your eyebrows in thought. They were always spamming the group chat with stupid memes and conversations. I know this statement doesn't tell you what to do or how, but you must keep this in mind at all times. But in the end, would you say it was worth it? She watched him through her side eye perspective. It was good. You ran to your door and slammed it shut as soon as you threw your whole body in. Thats interesting. He just liked who he liked. God, Jean was overthinking again. Oh, its a funny story. Y/N exhaled. I didnt say anything!, Oh, please, Ymir rolled her eyes in disbelief. I think we might need another couch. Y/N commented, watching Sasha try to shove Reiner off her usual seating spot. Yo. Connie startled Jean. Im really sorry, this was so great, and thank you. Hey! Y/N welcomed upon opening the door. Hello, Jean croaked. Bye guys! A chorus of bye!s ensued. So your day off was actually a day very much on. Y/N teased as she drove towards Jeans place. How was he going to respond now? Im so sorry. Reiner rambled. "I was being serious you know," Tsu says looking over your shoulder. Sensitive, artsy, and tall? He practically bolted the next couple of feet to her dorm, the adrenaline rush he felt not dying down as he made his way to her street. He takes your silence to be another rejection and looks away sadly, getting ready to turn and leave like you had wanted him to do moments before. Kirishima awkwardly nods at you as greeting and just as he was about to leave the kitchen you call out his name. He looked at TikToks about icks, and no matter how hard he imagined Y/N in those situations, he couldnt ever be grossed out by it. Connie rolled his eyes. Falling to the floor your knees are aching. It was from Jean. Jean also secretly felt a small thrill of changing his appearance. in the corner of the room. He had to stoop down just a bit to enter the doorway. So Ill see you around? Jean asked, making his way to the door. Posted under the same title on my Wattpad account with the same name. Suddenly, Y/N set his cup down in front of him. So, I completely forgot today was the law internship fair at school. Aka, oh my god redemption arc!! He glanced at Y/N, mouthing a quick hold on. Surprisingly, it was Ymir. How did he manage to get so lucky? Thats gross.. Publisher's summary: Confraternities were the most common form of organized religious life in medieval and early modern Europe. You ready to go? He asked Reiner. Jean tilted his head from side, trying to see how well his hair had grown out. Tsu likes to call it stalking, but you ignore it to keep from the intrusive thoughts. Y/N flicked her off without turning back. At the last second, Connie swerved, causing Jean to fall over the bed with a thud. Jean was on the phone with his mother, who called at that exact moment and decided it was a good time to scold him about not calling for a week and a half. Great. You know there's frustration behind his mask. I heard that! Sasha exclaimed to Ymir. You said after a beat of thought. No harm or hurt feelings. Hey, so what time do you have to be back by? Y/N sat up straight. awkwardness. Id be a pretty annoying guilt trip.. And once again, Jean had fucked up. What- Y/N remembered the butterknife in her hands, clenched tightly now between her knuckles. Thx for the tag hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots// denim jacketor leather jacket // pink or . The central theme is the metaphysical and existential conflict between Gregory's desire to be perfect, as taught by Jesus, and his realization that it is impossible and between the divine grace and his sense of one's unworthiness to receive that grace. You hype up yourself for about 12 years while cooking, practicing what to say and how to say it. How did you and Jean meet?. Jean stared at Y/N. Y/N yawned, stretching her arms and accidentally striking Jean. im sorry for the late update but I made this chapter extra long to make up for it :D so i saw this post and it was like fanfic authors be going thru the most traumatic shit and then come back like nothing happened with a 6k word count chapter and LET ME TELL YOU, that is my life. But she knew once you put something into action, it was difficult to stop. And nice to see you too, Historia., Ive been pretty good, Ymir responded. Oh, sorry about that. He picked up his phone off the locker room bench, unlocking it to read the various messages his friends likely were responsible for. He tried to contact her, but his messages never went through. Porco sent a text to his brother, Marcel, and shielded his eyes from the harsh sun as he stepped out into the green field. Come in! She called behind her. He was seated next to her on their couch, clutching a pillow. Sure non of his writing is neat but his attention to detail is so cute. Not only was he responding after a few hours, but he wasnt even sure if the offer still stood. Okay, can you hold them? Jean glanced at her. Thank you for reading! You cared for him. Three, I cant invite all of his friends and not him. She was upside down on the couch, her fuzzy-socked feet dangling midair, facing Jean who sat in their massive bean bag chair. Probably. Jean agreed. Please consider turning it on! It was pretty good.. y/n: hey!! "and you don't have to tell me why, It's just that I understand what you're going through and I just want to say that" His eyes sharpen and you can basically hear the gears turning. One of them, though, stood out the most. And Im not just saying that. Great commentary, He said, patting Jean on the back with a large hand. Every saint has a past, and every sinner have a future you believe in those words, that makes you kind enough to be forgiving. You can just talk to Jean at my party.. Jean sighed, shoving Sasha. You always had to look the part. You didn't even notice that Kirishima was walking this way, so when you fell to the floor in front of him, he almost tripped too. Another thing he despised about being a pre-law major. Being nineteen years old, you are constantly invited to many courting ceremonies across the land. Its so good, try it! Y/N began to assemble both boys their sandwiches. Without traffic, of course. Deciding to just be honest, Jean spoke. You okay? A soft voice asked from the door. zombieapocalypse. But it doesn't meant that you can also forget. Please consider turning it on! But I will warn you, however, that tardiness doesnt slide so easily here.. He always did. He wasnt even sure if that was allowed, but he didnt care enough about the rules to play fair. No matter if there was no one there, you will not let yourself be exposed. Groaning, she turned to her side, where her phone was charging. Close your mouth, I can literally see the chips.. Jean blushed a deep red, running a hand through his hair. He just laughed that fall off, but it did make him lose a few points. It just adds that extra flavor. She admitted almost shyly. Not only that, he's terrified of you rejecting him. Y/N shrugged. men- prefix medical terminology; backyard sandbox ideas; boston public schools covid testing sites; tener future tense spanish; how many superfund sites are in new jersey You too, Y/N! Then what is it? Y/N shot back, staring just as intently. The Literary Theory Handbook introduces students to the history and scope of literary theory, showing them how to perform literary analysis, and providing a greater understanding of the historical contexts for different theories.. A new edition of this highly successful text, which includes updated and refined chapters, and new sections on contemporary theories This is the only way you can be so close to him to see the little details and not close enough to be noticed. Jean had faced his own share of rejection in the past, and he would not like to relive that pain again. He was sitting on Sashas massive bean bag chair in the living room. Their only interactions were sending each other memes on Twitter, and their catch up texts. Especially since Y/N was in no shape or form ready to be in a relationship again. I just tweet my thoughts, we all know that by now., Reiners smirked deepened. You don't know how he just laughs off Bakugou's jabs at him. Upon picking it up, her display screen illuminated with notifications. So why dont we help each other out?, Erwin chuckled. And I obviously just got back from class, bozo. He had only seen her a few times, after all. I hope you like hot chocolate, Im making some right now. Y/N shut the door with her hip. Todoroki had to stop this. Y/N, put the butterknife down, Reiner put his hands up, backing up a few steps. She had barely seen her roommates, who were also swamped with their own classes. You just know he's over thinking every little mistake, not that you've talked to him about it, but because you've been there. Y/N makes the best ones! Reiner shook his head, eyes widened in fear. Finally arriving, he knocked and quickly brushed a few hairs off his forehead into place before she opened the door. 4. As Jean wept, the camel from the Carnivals petting zoo suddenly spoke. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and get up to put away your bowl. She was still in the denial phase of the whole courting process. "One of the traits that every critic notes in Emerson's writing is . If he says no, you can always just give it to Aoyama, he'd love it. There was just no other word for it. Hopefully not texting her ex or some dumb boy who Jean knew would never be enough for her. Hange and Y/N were watching them argue when Hange turned to Y/N. Y/N sighed. Outside the dorm, he let out a sigh of relief. Jean made his way to the bathroom to get ready for his History class. Traveling all over teyvat you encounter different.. People who are busy dont invite others to be busy with them. In seconds, he's covered the distance between you two, feet stomping against the floor loud enough to gather the attention of most in the classroom. Many different situations were thrown your way as a class and some were just solo situations. PIVOT! she suddenly shrieked, causing Reiner to startle. Reiner cautiously stepped inside the dorm, eyeing his surroundings. What kind of a jerk was this guy? Its probably just basic., Sure, Kirstein, Y/N dragged out the syllables. He slowed down as the realization hit. hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas . Thats what they had coined the couch they actually liked and fit with their theme. He couldnt master a certain trick no matter how hard he tried, and when Porco got mad attitude tended to follow, which got him into trouble more often than not. Pretty good. He turned to join his roommate inside their apartment for the night, where he was sure to think of Y/N. You wait until he finally takes a break (which takes a long time). Did he even realize he was flirting with her? Midoriya's stationary was always beaten and worn down for some reason. Hes not coming. Ymir said smugly. Y/Ns over here glaring at Reiner like hes an enemy of the state.. He nodded his head toward two men, one raven haired with an irritated expression and the other blonde who looked slightly bored. You've haven't cried this hard in a while, your shoulders shaking and chest heaving. I might just cry myself to sleep every night. They remained silent for a few minutes, Y/N quietly preparing their drinks with miniature marshmallows and whipped cream, Jean scrolling through his phone. Kirishima stands up, albeit with quivering legs and grasps onto the bar once again. i hope yall enjoyed this and ahh i felt so bad being mean to reiner but i feel like this was necessary for the porco plot to develop haha. The message was sent at 5 in the morning. Zombie Apocalypse AU "Tell him what? Or something. Y/N not so subtly tried to hide her blushing complexion. It was January for fucks sake.. But Im not cutting the pickles this time. Nothing will be perfect, so dont read this if youre a flowery-word whore.NSFW chapters will be marked!Chapters are tied together, but you dont have to read them all to understand :). She had responded almost two hours ago. He got even more flustered, looking away from her too. rules will be in the first chapter! But I need an internship, and it doesnt seem like you guys have an intern. No wonder why. Even freezing and with a pseudo-stache, Jean managed to be attractive. Typical_Yuqi, SugarTits02, Winter_jay, Hyitseme, Donner_7684, Alliebutt, KSZMDemila, chatomoeuwu, JustALightning, Character12, SilvrFox27, purplemeteorite, JavalynBel, Romi_nyx, Mnoven, Flamminghottie, IceQueen01, mothtomura, justopalready, wasabixx, queeneilonwy, mintenn, and sprinkles_plz please leave kudos if yall happen to like the first few words ive put here shdhshfhsgb. Y/N nodded, bending over into Jeans line of sight almost unassumingly. Jean rolled his eyes. Id like to see you try- Jean suddenly sprang up, frantically reaching for his phone. So what do you guys want?. Two and a half weeks passed, and even though Y/N and Jean texted, Jean still found himself beginning to wonder if he would ever really see Y/N constantly. He didnt want to get caught ogling the girl on their second meeting, possibly giving the impression he was a creep. "I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my house for a BBQ my parents are having!" Because! Sasha exclaimed defensively. One, to spite you. Posted under the same title on my Wattpad account with the same name. A test administered by one of the biggest pro heroes dedicated to civilian safety. Her hands were burning with the cold. im on my way to ur dorm rn then! If she didnt want him to go, she could just text him back an I cant and Jean would take the rejection and simply walk back. I was top of my class at driving school., At least I have my license. It was really nice meeting you, Marco.. Jean knew himself well enough to realize that he was beginning to fall for her. How have you been? He asked Ymir. You wanted him. Those lunch meats are for the fancy guests!. He wasnt going to deny the attraction he felt towards her had grown significantly. THIS TAKES PLACE IN JANUARY. At home, Y/Ns phone lit up with a notification. Jean stepped out into the chilly January air, his breath foggy and hands tucked into his coat pockets. You were stomping without knowing it and the tears finally fell. You scope out the lobby of the dorms and he's not in the kitchen nor the dinning room. You grab his hand and he pulls you up. But when was there ever not any traffic on the streets of Trost? He walked out, keys jangling, and shut the door gently. I dont know, I saw your tweet., Jean blushed. Couldnt be me., Yeah, we noticed. Y/N began to walk to the drivers side. His throat felt unbearably dry. Ymir simply grunted. Y/N was making a sandwich. Levi. The blonde reprimanded. Before Coach makes you run laps again. Eren scowled. Come in! Y/N shouted. "I-I'm sorry (last name), thatwasn't very nice," you still can't see his eyes. Kid, I think Id know what it takes to be a lawyer or not. Wake up. It started off with his costume mishap with the cape thingy getting caught on a sharp piece of rebar and tripping with the dummy. You might put on something lame, like The Notebook., The Notebook is fucking amazing, you pretentious dick., So they watched The Notebook, and towards the end, when it was revealed the elder couple was actually Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, Jean silently wiping away a stray tear, Y/N quietly whispered, Werent we supposed to be studying?, Jean shushed her. You pressure your lips together and start doing your workout routine. You can see his side profile just a little. Your breathing is shaky and you're already regretting this. *written chapter * THE DATES ARE WRONG. He turned to face a dazed Y/N on the couch. You can imagine his fingers running through your locks while you watch something in your room. Oh, yeah, Im sorry. We always welcome comments! Tsuyu had her pointer finger on her chin while her tongue was out. Only occasionally getting out to use the bathroom. Work Search: I should head out, I got a lot of stuff to do.. She was balancing her laptop on her side, one arm extending the door open. Oh! TAG GAME! If it was bad before, the this is catastrophic. After you dramatically die or something of course. "I-I just wanted to talk to you." Yeah. Jean huffed. She was a bit reluctant to pursue a relationship other than platonic with him, considering she had barely broken it off with Porco and she was terrified of abandonment (again). But Y/N could tell he was curious. Realistically you would just be stuck in poverty, but in this case you're stuck six-feet under. Like a rabid chihuahua. Jean shuddered. Im here to interview for your internship., The dark haired one narrowed his eyes. You stayed the rest of the weekend in your room, no matter if your stomach had any say. Good thing we have showers. Y/N turned back to making her sandwich. Im sorry about the late notice, I just didnt want to leave you hanging since it was my idea, after all. Y/N hummed in agreement. 3. But she couldnt resist Jean, and how much chemistry she felt she had with him even through text. "I've noticed that you've been acting strange lately" You say looking up at him. So this couch, was it really worth it or did you just see a pretty girl and get too embarrassed to say no? Reiner teased, smirking. Female characters x fem!reader one shotsVarious one-shots for the Genshin Impact women with female reader. You also can't help but get so attracted in other words, simping on the characters' designs that the game offer to the fact that you decided to declare yourself as Genshinsexual (a joke btw). You have been dreaming for this to happen to yourself. Jean x reader Summary: You and Jean had made a bet, but you lost. Sasha groaned, throwing her hand over her forehead and falling back on the couch. You dare question my movie selection?, Hmmm, I dont know. Dreaming for this to happen to yourself one raven haired with an irritated expression and the finally. 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