However, dogs and dolphins can both use human pointing and eye-direction cues to locate objects in the distance. Current tests for intelligence indicate that dolphins do not possess the same cognitive abilities as humans and are thus not the "smarter" species. One study published in 2016 found that someBlack Sea bottlenose dolphin vocalizationswere "signals of a highly advanced spoken language. We can't ask a dolphin to sit an IQ test or maths exam, or challenge a whale to build an engine or design a building. That has made many people, including scientists, wonder: what are the differences between a dolphin brain vs human brain? How intelligent are whales and dolphins? Research by Marino published in 2001 showed that dolphins recognize themselves in the mirror. There, researchers noticed that Billie had started tail-walking, a skill only taught to captive, trained dolphins. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. So, why arent dolphins as smart as humans? Dolphins are highly social and have been proven to deeply care for and learn from one another. Dolphin play is a sign of social intelligence. "Sponge Carrying By Dolphins (Delphinidae, Tursiops Sp. The rat's psychology and emotional intelligence are similar to humans, and that's why they're often used for lab experiments. ): A Foraging Specialization Involving Tool Use? Rats, unlike dolphins, have "metacognition.". //