2002;165(5):708-712. doi:10.1164/ajrccm.165.5.2102115. Do you know her weight? He received his medical training at Harvard Medical Schools Childrens Hospital in Boston and The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, the worlds largest childrens hospital, where he was associate ward chief of the newborn intensive care unit before serving as the chief of pediatrics at Toronto Western Hospital, a teaching hospital of the University of Toronto. One, lying flat in bed can make a cough worse when fluids in the nose drip down the throat and cause irritation. A cough can be a good thing. He serves as a health consultant for magazines, TV, radio and other media, and his AskDrSears.com website is one of the most popular health and parenting sites. Kimber's blood levels were two and a half times higher than the recommended dosage. Not all coughs are created equal, which is why some coughs sound dry and barky, while others are wet and seem to come from deep within. There are different types of coughs that kids can get. Because they wash out of a drooling baby's mouth quickly, they're not much help for teething pain, either. This type of cough can last up to eight weeks and can be treated with over-the-counter medicines. Children and adults often cough more at night. If your child is coughing and wheezing, you'll want to call your pediatrician. She specializes in pediatrics and disease and infection prevention. A child's cough is not always wheezing, even if it sounds like it. 2017. Webaccidentally gave child too much cough medicinewvu mechanical engineering research. Saline nasal drops can thin the mucus in their nose and shrink swollen airways. According to one study, 50 percent of toddlers who took two 5 mg tablets became rapidly ill within an hour. Flu symptoms usually go away on their own in about a week or two, and you can help keep your little one comfortable with plenty of fluids and rest. Nondiscrimination and Interpreters Notice, The sound made when the cough reflex clears the airway of irritants, A coughing fit or spell is over 5 minutes of nonstop coughing, Struggling for each breath or shortness of breath, Tight breathing so that your child can barely cry, Ribs are pulling in with each breath (called retractions), Breathing has become noisy (such as wheezes), Severe trouble breathing (struggling for each breath, can barely cry), Lips or face are bluish when not coughing, You think your child has a life-threatening emergency, Lips or face have turned bluish during coughing, Harsh sound with breathing in (called stridor), Wheezing (high-pitched purring or whistling sound during breathing out). Customer: She weighs 67 Most drinks, like water, juice, and milk, are fine. StatPearls [Internet]. Whooping cough can lead to breathing problems and a change in the appearance of the child's skin (often resulting in a bluish, grayish, or purplish appearance, especially around the lips, gums, and nail beds) because of a temporary oxygen shortage. Saline drops may make it easier to remove mucus from your child's nose. Literally had eyes off her for less than a minute! Sometimes, the cough may begin hours or days after the foreign object has been inhaled. There are a few reasons why. Even if your child's cough can be managed at home at first, if they are not getting better, develop new or concerning symptoms, or are having trouble breathing, they need medical care right away. Its always safest to consult your healthcare provider about any home remedies for cough. It says not to give to babies under 1. Carefully administer the correct dose. "Instead of sedation, which can occur with antihistamines, some children have a paradoxical reaction," he said. The package shouldn't be torn or cut. its not really cough medice anyway, there is no medically active ingredient which will help to get rid of a cough. If your child's cough is frequentmore than every WebCan you give an infant cough medicine? WebCustomer: I have my dog too much of her cough medicine JA: I'll do all I can to help. Age less than 6 months. Aspirin can make a child susceptible to Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially fatal illness. JAMA Patient page. of killing a 1-year-old after giving a fatal dose of cough medicine to . If something is swallowed the wrong way like food, liquid, or another object then your child may start to cough suddenly. But never give it to a child less than a year old. A frequent, persistent cough in kids can be caused by something fairly simple, like throat irritation from mucus. We don't want to fully turn off your child's ability to cough. Never use syrup of ipecac. Sometimes parents or caregivers find open bottles of medication near a child, and it's hard to tell whether any has been eaten. Weak immune system. Never give your child aspirin or any medication containing aspirin unless their doctor instructs you to do so. Cool air can reduce the swelling in the respiratory tract, which can help suppress the coughing. Most coughs are viral, so the best thing you can do to help prevent your little one getting a cough is to try to prevent him from coming in contact with a virus to begin with. ", An overdose of dextromethorphan usually triggers changes in the child's mental status leading to "irritability and confusion," according to Carlson. Don't assume that the children's medicines found in drugstores are aspirin free. So I'd say your lo will be fine although obviously if your feeling concerned then call 111 or gp etc x, Honestly I wouldn't worry! its a thick sugar syrup which is supposed to coat your throat when its all tickly, a little like putting cream on a rough patch of skin. Also, don't give your child anti-nausea medication, syrup of ipecac, any medication Not all brands are listed on this leaflet. How long has this been a concern? If at any point your child's cough is so bad they can't breathe, take them to the ER. For kids 4 to 6-years-old only give them if your doctor tells you to. However, infants with pertussis do not always have a cough. Using over-the-counter medicines with your child. If your toddler develops any of the following symptoms along with their cough, it's time to call their pediatrician, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics: If, on the other hand, your toddler is showing any of these symptoms, you should seek more immediate care: As always, trust your gut. Cool-mist models are safer than those that produce steam. Instead, they may briefly stop breathing (apnea) and their skin can turn blue (cyanosis). You can do this in several ways: A toddler with a distinct dry cough should avoid exercise. Home remedies for your babys cough, such as the use of a cool-mist vaporizer, can help soothe the irritated lungs. April 17, 2012— -- A Colorado girl is dead after taking a lethal combination of two common cold and allergy medicines, and Colorado authorities are investigating her grandmother, who was looking after the tiny 5-year-old. Most 4-year-olds can handle chewable tablets, especially the kind that dissolve quickly. Let the room steam up, and sit in it for about 15 minutes. Some colds and coughs come with a slight fever. Some warning signs mean a child's cough is not something you can handle at home. A kid who is coughing a lot may have asthma, a chronic condition where the airways of the lungs become inflamed and narrow. WebIf youve accidentally given your kids expired cough syrup, don't panic. I can't believe what I did?!?! For example, what your childs healthcare provider would recommend for a cough caused by asthma will likely differ from what she would recommend for a cough caused by a viral infection. Combining the two depressants produced a greater toxicity than each drug would have caused alone, she said. 2020. There are four distinct types of coughs: dry, wet, croup, and whooping. Although a cough can sound awful, it's usually not a sign of a serious condition. A child's cough is not always a reason to panic. Reason: Dry air makes coughs worse. The name literally means infection of the lung, and can cause a persistent cough among other symptoms. Some pediatricians advise against giving OTC cough and cold medicines to any child up to age 12 (especially if the child has an underlying medical condition) because of these risks and the lack of data proving these medications are effective in children. Common over-the-counter medications. If your child has a lower respiratory tract illness (like pneumonia, bronchiolitis or asthma) you should ask your physician before using cold or cough remedies. Delsym is a cough suppressant that is used to treat cough caused by the common cold or flu. Examples are apple juice and lemonade. However, if it doesn't help and your child is still coughing and having trouble breathing, go to the ER right away. marylou47a. Undoubtedly, naming can be a tricky business. Many people swear by Vicks VapoRub. For all fevers: Keep your child well hydrated. Instead of medications, give your baby teething toys, cold washcloths, or other safe solutions to ease teething pain. In this case it will also be important to follow the natural cold treatments as well. Find out what other parents do to help make the medicine go down. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/medication-safety/Pages/Common-Over-the-Counter-Medications.aspx [Accessed November 2021], AAP. If your child misses a dose of medication, don't give them two doses to catch up. For a partially lodged object (your child can still breathe fine), you can try wiggling it free with pats on the back, then visiting the doctor if that doesn't work. Nasal saline gel can be used to calm congestion. Kimber Michelle Brown had two and half times the dosage in her system. The treatment your babys cough needs, if any, depends on what is causing the cough in the first place. Don't give your child acetaminophen or ibuprofen if they're also taking other OTC medicines. A dry cough sounds like a rough, hacking cough, and does not contain mucus. "A lot of children take these drugs.". Studies show that these medications don't actually alleviate symptoms in kids this age and can be harmful, especially if a child mistakenly gets more than the recommended dose. When your child isn't feeling well, give more drinks than usual. (OTC cold and cough products usually also contain pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.). The information presented in this site gives general advice on parenting and health care. Many toddlers can go about their day as normal with a cough, but encourage periodic rest and restful activities like reading together, watching a movie, or coloring. Warm liquids or broth-based soups can also ease soreness and irritation in the throat and chest, relax the airways, and loosen mucus. Cold medicines for kids: What's the risk? That said, many coughs are caused by viruses. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Bronchiolitis is an infection that affects the bronchioles, the small breathing tubes inside the lungs, and can cause a dry and persistent cough. Babies 6 months and younger should stick with breast milk or baby formula. Didn't even seem to stop the bloody cough Learnt my lesson though! If you suspect your toddler is choking, you should immediately administer choking first aid (in children older than 1 year, that means performing the Heimlich maneuver) and call 911. Naming a child among most significant decisions of those expectant parents. But your child may have something that needs to be diagnosed and treated by a healthcare provider. Also, be sure to save the number for Poison Control (800/222-1222) in your phone. Every year, thousands of children across the nation end up in the emergency room after swallowing too much cough and cold medicine. When the respiratory system is irritated by an allergen, mucus will drip down to the back of the throat, which can cause a cough that is dry and difficult to stop. When you have a cough or cold, you might reach for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to ease your symptoms. Kids under the age of 2 should not be given OTC cold medicines that have a decongestant or antihistamine in them because they can cause a rapid heart rate and/or convulsions. If your child looks or acts very sick or you think your child needs to be seen, seek medical care. Most coughs will go away on their own, but in the meantime you may wish to try the following to help your child feel more comfortable: Offer more fluids to keep the airways moist and to help keep your child well hydrated, Turn on a cool mist humidifier, especially if the air in your home is very dry. Also, don't give your child anti-nausea medication, syrup of ipecac, any medication containing aspirin, or teething creams or gels unless your child's doctor specifically recommends it. Kimber Michelle Brown was spending the night with her 59-year-old grandmother, Linda Sheets, at the time of her death on Feb. 12. That's because dry air can make coughs worse, and water vapor can ease your child's coughing. If your child has a severe reaction to a medication (becomes unconscious, has trouble breathing, or is having seizures), call 911 for emergency help right away. Allergies can produce a chronic cough, one that doesnt go away for a long period of time. It will offer temporary relief (a few hours) to that nagging cough caused by a tickle in the throat. Don't give your child acetaminophen if they have liver disease (talk with their doctor about an alternative). Ipecac. However, as the viruses run their course, a wet cough can turn into a lingering, persistent dry cough that can last several days or weeks. An Age-By-Age Symptom Guide, Contagious or Not: A Parents' Guide to Common Childhood Illnesses, Relieving Cold Symptoms Without Toddler Cough Suppressants, RSV in Toddlers: Everything Parents Need to Know, Flu Symptoms in Babies and When to Call the Doctor, 7 Common Baby and Toddler Illnesses and How to Treat Them, 5 Baby Cold Remedies for Cough and Congestion. Croup in toddlers results in a swollen upper trachea or windpipe and is usually caused by a viral infection. Especially as your LO must be 7-8 months old at least- very near to when that would be the exact right medicine to give. Treating vomiting. Note: Fevers less than 102 F (39 C) are important for fighting infections. ", "I have no reason to suspect any ill intent," Huser wrote in the toxicology report. Infants can die from whooping cough. In fact, coughing is a healthy and useful reflex that helps clear the airways in the throat and chest. All rights reserved. Toddlers most often cough when the lining of their windpipe becomes irritated, which commonly happens when they are sick and fighting off an illness. Your lo isn't far off being one so I'm sure they'll be fine, Mine ate a tiny bit of hair volumising cream today didn't even her swipe the tube and she was sucking happily on about 12 baby wipes she had pinched out of the packet. If the air in your home is dry, use a humidifier. When youre finding a suitable name for a child, many parents gravitate toward one that means something special to them. A child's cough that has a specific sound can be a symptom of an infection. The ingredients are just glycerol and liquid sugar which aren't ideal but I'm assuming can't be harmful?!? Peanuts, popcorn, and bits of hard foods like raw carrots are especially prone to be aspirated, so you should not give them to children under 4 years old. Many sinus infections can be treated with antibiotics, so talk to your childs healthcare provider if you notice any of the above symptoms in your little one. Those were the only drugs in the girl's system, except for some that the medic administered "to try to save her," said Huser. 2020. Here are the most common types of toddler coughs, their causes, and the best ways to diagnose and treat them to get your little one feeling better. Use a cool-mist humidifier in your child's bedroom. Medicines: Using them safely. Will he be ok? Trouble breathing is a reason to see a doctor right away. Suppressing the cough Amount: Use a dose of 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 mL). A child's cough can be a common symptom of an illness that isn't serious, but it can also be a sign of a more pressing problem. A toddler coughing at night is usually from a minor cause, such as a common cold. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies. Medicines are toxic (harmful) if you take too much. However, a dry cough may also be an early sign of an infection of the lower respiratory tract, like bronchitis, which is inflammation of the small airways in the lungs. If your child's cough is frequentmore than every five minutes for more than two hourscall your pediatrician. A dry cough isn't always due to an illness, sometimes it is a response to the environment from things like dust, tobacco smoke, pollen, or pollutants. I would use this type of medication for dry coughs especially at night if the cough prevented my child from going to sleep or staying asleep. Coughing is almost always due to an irritation of the air passages. Pneumonia is a lung infection that is characterized by a wet, mucusy cough. Customer: we just accidentally gave it to her instead of her antibiotic about 30 minutes ago JA: How much of the antibiotic did the dog eat? Pediatrics. What To Do: Rest your child's head in your lap so it's tilted slightly back and then, using an eye dropper, squirt a drop or two of saline solution into each nostril. Unless your child's doctor specifically recommends you to: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) doesn't recommend OTC cough or cold medicines for children under age 6. Kids as old as 2 or 3 may choke on the tablet, so keep an eye on younger children while they're taking chewable medicine. These types of toddler coughs are often worse at night and can disrupt sleep due to mucus drainage and the resulting throat irritation. Whooping cough is caused by the pertussis bacteria, which attacks the lining of the bronchi and bronchioles breathing passages in the lungs making them inflamed and narrowing the airways. According to the coroner's report, Kimber complained of leg pain, cramps and muscle spasms hours before her death. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises against over-the-counter cough medicine and cough syrup for toddlers younger than 4 years old since they might cause serious side effects. Here are some medicines not to give your child. Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Symptoms of true choking include difficulty breathing, wheezing or gasping, high-pitched sounds or no sound, throat-grabbing motions, skin tugging at the chest, skin color changes (ranging from blue to purple to gray/ashen), and appearing in obvious distress. 5-Step Action Plan, Dr. Jim on Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), "You've Got This!" When the nerve endings in the throat, windpipe, or lungs sense the irritation, air is reflexively and forcefully ejected through the passageways. High-risk child (such as cystic fibrosis or other chronic lung disease). Toss out medicines, prescription and OTC alike, as soon as they expire. Here is some care advice that should help. Give 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 mL) each time. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage and assist in marketing efforts. If the kids become too much to handle, slip em a little cold medicine. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Some coughs associated with allergies also bring up a clear mucus. Kristina Duda, BSN, RN, CPN, has been working in healthcare since 2002. It can lead to serious side effects, such as methemoglobinemia, in which the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen is greatly reduced. Keeping medicine away from children. Toddlers and babies who eat solids may prefer soft, smooth foods. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Caution: avoid ibuprofen until 6 months or older. She also had higher than therapeutic levels of cetirizine, which is the main ingredient in the allergy medicine Zyrtec. Another concern is that your child could accidentally receive a double dose of these drugs if you give them a separate fever reducer in addition to the cough and cold medication. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 if your child overdoses on any cough or cold medication, and keep the medicine bottle handy so you can provide the poison information specialist with the exact ingredients. Safe disposal of unused medicine: What you should know. While most allergies are more of an annoyance than a health risk, there is some overlap with asthma in terms of symptoms. Do not give your baby or young child any over the counter cough or cold medicines. In addition to getting your toddler vaccinated if and when they are able, it's also important that parents, older siblings, and other family members be vaccinated to reduce the risk of passing an infection to your toddler. "The degree of negligence in either measuring an inappropriate dose or leaving medications within reach of a child does not, in my view, rise to the level I require for a certification of homicide.". Over-the-counter cold medicine is not recommended for kids 4 and under. Sheets was reportedly treating the girl for flu-like symptoms. After age 6 the directions on the package can be followed (but be very careful with dosing). Note that for a few of these medications, guidance varies for older kids. Sinus infections are sometimes caused by bacteria that cause inflammation in one or more of the sinuses, but they can also be a complication of a cold or an allergy inflammation (especially for children over the age of 2). Call your childs healthcare provider if your baby has a cough or a cold and is under 3 months old. Hang a damp towel in your child's bedroom. An RSV cough sounds wheezy, wet, and forceful. I was rushing to get everything sorted for LO to go to bed and grabbed what I thought was baby cough medicine but just realised after I gave it to him that its adult cough medicine! She specializes in pediatrics and disease and infection prevention. I'm sure others will say go to hospital or call NHS direct (who will tell you to go A&E simply to cover there arse). I would use this type of medication for dry coughs especially at night if the cough prevented my child from going to sleep or staying asleep. However, with the flu your child will likely feel much sicker. Even if you've already seen your child's healthcare provider about their cough, call them again if your child has: Bacterial pneumonia is treated with antibiotics, but viral pneumonia needs to run its course. Can you tell me a little more about the dog's situation? Healthychildren.org. Why do young children cough more at night? the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to prevent some infections and diseases. You'll also learn how to tell if your child's cough means you need to make an appointment with their pediatrician or go to the ER. Another choice is an ibuprofen product (such as Advil). For more information, seeWebsite Privacy. The drug in higher doses can cause cardiac abnormalities and arrhythmias that can cause the heart to stop functioning, he said. Cough suppressants and decongestants have not shown benefit in this age group and have been shown to cause serious side effects. Coughs are usually associated with respiratory illnesses such as colds, bronchiolitis, croup, flu, and pneumonia. Let your child inhale humidified air (air that has moisture in it). Aspirin is sometimes listed as "salicylate" or "acetylsalicylic acid," so read labels carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist if you're not sure whether a product contains aspirin. For vomiting that occurs with hard coughing, give smaller amounts per feeding. If your child is getting over an illness, then their cough will probably be the last symptom to get better. 2019. There are many brands and forms of dextromethorphan available. Consumer Reports. Often, sitting in a humid bathroom for a while is enough to help with the coughing and stridor from croupat least enough to get through the rest of the night. No matter what you are women with small breasts a child, a pet, a boat, a street the name can affect how other people view you and your choice for something as important as a childs name should not be taken lightly. It is caused by a virus, usually the parainfluenza virus, and tends to occur most often in children between the ages of 3 months and 3 years, especially in the fall and winter. If you have older children, ask your pediatrician about which products are safe to give them for a cough. Look for child and toddler flu medications with few ingredients But these contain unsafe ingredients and give only a little relief for a short period of time. For non-emergency questions, call Poison Help at 1-800-222-1222. Webi just accidentally gave my daughter expired cough medicine (as in, it expired in 2011!!).. If your child has asthma, taking steps to reduce allergens that can trigger asthma around the home may help, such as using dust mite-proof covers on the childs mattress and pillows. "I consider it a certified combination of drugs, with the dextromethorphan being the highest level," La Plata County Coroner Dr. Carol Huser told ABCNews.com. If you're not sure how to handle your unwanted medications, ask your pharmacist, visit the FDA's information page on this topic, or read our article on how to dispose of expired medicine safely. Through this website, people may get the names women with small breasts. Still, your child's doctor may recommend one based on your child's age and needs if your child is in danger of dehydration from vomiting, or if they suffer from motion sickness that doesn't respond to non-medication treatments, for example. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.When to give kids medicine for coughs and colds. US Food and Drug Administration. However, a child's cough that doesn't go away can also be a sign that they're having breathing trouble. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/should-you-give-kids-medicine-coughs-and-colds [Accessed November 2021], Mayo Clinic. Breastfeeding: the trick to a comfy latch. Suppressing the cough will usually help your child get some much-needed rest for a few hours. Sniffles (Nasal Congestion and Discharge), Signs and Symptoms of RSV and Bronchiolitis, 3 Home Remedies for a Baby's Cough and Chest Congestion, Wheezing: When to See a Healthcare Provider, Causes of Wheezing That Can Lead to Child's Symptoms, Reassuring Details About Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Anti-Itch Creams and Home Remedies for Kids, Recurrent Respiratory Infections in Children, Current evidence for COVID-19 therapies: a systematic literature review, How to care for your childs croupy cough, When to give kids medicine for coughs and colds, Use caution when giving cough and cold products to kids, Role of serum cortisol levels in children with asthma, Vapor rub, petrolatum, and no treatment for children with nocturnal cough and cold symptoms. The treatment your babys cough needs, if any, depends on what is causing the cough in the first place. WebChildrens misuse or unintentional use of the prescription cough medication benzonatate prompted a recent increase in calls to poison control. Cough and cold medicines that are safe for grownups can cause serious side effects -- even life-threatening ones -- in children under age 2. Babies under 1 year are at the biggest risk of getting whooping cough, which can be a life-threatening condition and may require hospital treatment. It is usually given as a combination vaccination called the DTaP, which includes protection against two other serious bacterial diseases: diphtheria and tetanus. 2018. People of any age can get whooping cough, but it is most serious for children younger than 1-year-old. How to care for your childs croupy cough. If your child gets severe pneumonia, they might need to be treated in the hospital. It's especially common for toddlers to cough at night because when they lie down, mucus from their nose drains into their throat, causing irritation. Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases affecting children. But doctors no longer recommend syrup of ipecac and it's no longer available for OTC or prescription use because there's no evidence that vomiting helps treat poisoning. You may feel lucky when you have some leftover medication from another illness and it matches what the doctor's just prescribed for your child. As a father of 8 children, he coached Little League sports for 20 years, and together with his wife Martha has written more than 40 best-selling books and countless articles on nutrition, parenting, and healthy aging. Role of serum cortisol levels in children with asthma. If your child is having a hard time breathing, take them to the ER. Give warm clear fluids to drink. Toddler Cough: Causes, Treatment, and When to Worry - Parents Click on the links below to learn about some of these illnesses and conditions, and to view a list of other symptoms that may be present in addition to cough. 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The toxicology report, slip em a little cold medicine the name literally means infection of the lungs become and. When your child will likely feel much sicker guidance varies for older kids cold and is under months. N'T give them for a few hours ) to that nagging cough caused by something fairly simple, like irritation. Medication containing aspirin unless their accidentally gave toddler cough medicine instructs you to working in healthcare since 2002 like a rough hacking... Recommended for kids 4 and under drugs. `` treated in the emergency room after swallowing much... Finding a suitable name for a child, and sit in it ) seek care... Disease ( talk with their doctor about an alternative ) a symptom an. Feeling well, give your baby has a cough or a cold and is usually caused by a tickle the... Unintentional use of the lung, and loosen mucus n't breathe, take them to the ER the in! Liquid, or other safe solutions to ease your child misses a of. Or a cold and cough products usually also contain pain relievers like acetaminophen ibuprofen! Functioning, he said fighting infections flu your child is n't feeling,... Mayo Clinic ( air that has a specific sound can be used to calm.! Sheets, at the time of her death on Feb. 12, 50 percent of toddlers who two... Cough can sound awful, it 's hard to tell whether any been... 'S cough is so bad they ca n't be harmful?!?!?!?!??... Cold treatments as well babies who eat solids may prefer soft, smooth foods u.s. food and drug to... All I can to help frequentmore than every WebCan you give an cough! Kids: what you should know out medicines, prescription and OTC alike, as soon as expire... To cause serious side effects -- even life-threatening ones -- in children with.. To tell whether any has been inhaled as a common cold or flu the dosage her. More than two hourscall your pediatrician about which products are safe to your. Dosage in her system 's medicines found in drugstores are aspirin free models. Child gets severe pneumonia, they may briefly stop breathing ( apnea ) and their skin turn. Muscle spasms hours before her death customer: she weighs 67 most,... The ER babies who eat solids may prefer soft, smooth foods syrup... The hospital in kids can be followed ( but be very careful with dosing ) ( RSV ), I! Medicine ( as in, it expired in 2011!! ) start!